Calculation Solitaire 1.19 REGISTRATION FORM I wish to register my copy of Calculation Solitaire, enclosed please find a check for $6.00 U.S. dollars. For an additional $10.00 U.S. dollars you can have the Visual Basic source code for Calculation Solitaire sent to you. You will soon be receiving a code to disable the registration reminders. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name ________________________ | Phone Number _________________ Address _____________________ | FAX/Email ____________________ _____________________ | _____________________ | Zipcode/Postcode ____________ | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- Do you have any suggestions for improvement? ________________________________________________ Where did you find Calculation Solitaire? ____________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Make Check payable to: DARTCY Productions Send this completed form and your check to: DARTCY Productions PO BOX 714 Carmel, NY, 10512 USA