Championship Spades (TM) for Windows Order Form TO: FROM: Custom Software Concepts, Inc. Name: ____________________________ 7990 Lakecrest Dr. Greenbelt, Maryland 20770-3306 Address: ____________________________ Voice 301-441-3229 City: ____________________________ FAX 301-441-3229 EMail State: ____________________________ ZIP Code: ____________________________ Today's date: ___________ (Country): ____________________________ Daytime FAX #: ____________________________ Phone #: _________________________ INDIVIDUAL USE * Diskette with program.................................. $20 ______ Shipping & Handling (Postal) US & Canada $1.00/item Outside US & Canada $2.00/item ______ TOTAL ENCLOSED US FUNDS US$ ______ Check ____ Money Order ____ American Express ____ Card Number _________________________________________ Expiration Date ______________ Card Holder's Signature REQUIRED _______________________________________ TERMS: American Express®, Check or Money Order drawn on a U.S.A. bank in U.S.A. funds. Please make remittance payable to Custom Software Concepts, Inc. EMail and FAX orders require payment through American Express®. Prices and terms subject to change without notice. Windows is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.