Icon Eyes Version 2.1 Copyright 1991-94, Stephen Rakonza Icon Eyes needs no documentation except for this: Make sure all of the files reside in the same directory. Select ICONEYES.EXE from the "Run..." menu item in Program Manager, or Double-click on ICONEYES.EXE from File Manager. In order to see Icon Eyes while Program Manager is Maximized, an "Always On Top" option has been added to the "Choose Eyes..." dialog box. The following is a list of files, along with a description of each. README.TXT //This file. ICONEYES.EXE //The executable file to launch Icon Eyes. ICON0.DLL //Supplimental eyes. ICON1.DLL //More eyes. ICONEYES.INI //Initialization file for Icon Eyes. REG_EYES.TXT //Registration form and information. DISTRIBU.TXT //A note to shareware distributors. REGISTER.EXE //This program will write NAME and SERIAL //NUMBER information into ICONEYES.INI.