ORDERING INFORMATION Order Inner Space and our game stuff direct from Software Dynamics by phone, fax, email, regular mail, or our web site on the internet! See WAYS TO ORDER below for ordering info. For mail, fax, or email orders, fill out and send in the form below. Include your serial number from order dialog and email ID & we will email you a registration code immediately! PRICE LIST These prices apply only to ordering directly from SDi. Prices subject to change without prior notice. PRODUCT PRICE Operation: Inner Space $29.95 each (USD) (with full color manual, reference cards, etc.) Executive black T-shirt (L,XL) $12.95 each (USD) Executive black sweatshirt (S,M,L,XL) $16.95 each (USD) Inner Space coffee mug $9.95 each (USD) Inner Space Mousepad $8.95 each (USD) New Year's Pack (game+sweatshirt+mousepad) $44.95 (USD) ACT NOW FOR SUPER NEW YEAR'S DEAL!! Get 1996 started with a bang by ordering our New Year's Value Pack! The New Year's Pack includes the full Inner Space package (game, manual, etc), high quality Inner Space sweatshirt, and a full color Inner Space mousepad, all for only $44.95!! +shipping These items are more than $55 if purchased separately. If you'd prefer a T-shirt instead of a sweatshirt, knock $5 off the price. Offer expires Feb 28, 1996, so order today! ORDERED BY Name ____________________________ Company ______________________ Street Address __________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State/Prov ___________________ Zip/Postal Code _________________ Country ______________________ Email ID: _______________________ Fax phone # __________________ Serial # _____________ Voice phone # ________________ ITEM DESCRIPTION (& size) QUANTITY PRICE EACH TOTAL ________________________________|_________|____________|__________ ________________________________|_________|____________|__________ ________________________________|_________|____________|__________ ________________________________|_________|____________|__________ ________________________________|_________|____________|__________ SUBTOTAL |__________ Shipping & Handling (see below) |__________ Canadian Residents add 7% GST |__________ TOTAL PAYABLE |__________ PAYMENT Check ___ Money Order ___ Cash ___ MasterCard ___ VISA ___ Name as shown on credit card: ____________________________________ Card #: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Expiry: ____/_____ SHIPPING COST The shipping/handling fee is $4 USD for surface mail delivery of the first item to anywhere in the world. Items are sent surface mail unless you specify one of the more expensive, but faster shipping methods. SHIPPING WITHIN U.S. 1) Surface mail. $4 USD for 1st item. $2 for each additional item. 2) UPS 3-7 day delivery, depending on location (not avail Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico). $7 USD for the first item. Call for the rate on additional items. 3) Next day courier delivery. Call for the shipping rate. SHIPPING WITHIN CANADA 1) 1st Class mail. $4 USD for 1st item. $2 each additional item. 2) FedEx (next day to major cities). $10 USD for the first item. Call for the rate on additional items. SHIPPING TO ANYWHERE OUTSIDE THE U.S. AND CANADA 1) Surface mail. $4 USD for 1st item. $2 USD for each additional item. 2) Air mail. $8 USD for the first item. Call for the rate on additional items. 3) Courier delivery. Quite expensive, please call for the rate. Upon receiving orders, we send product(s) as quickly as possible. If sent by surface, allow 2-4 weeks for delivery within North America, 4-6 weeks if outside of North America. Make sure your mailing address is complete and legible. CHECKS, MONEY ORDERS, CURRENCY Checks must be payable in US dollars from a bank in the US. Money orders must be in US funds. We accept payment in any hard currency, but we strongly suggest that you use another form of payment since it is unsafe and prohibited to send cash in the mail in many countries. WAYS TO ORDER ------------- Please order from one of the following sources. THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS ARE FOR ORDERING ONLY. THE OPERATORS HAVE NO INFORMATION TO ANSWER TECH QUESTIONS. See TECH SUPPORT in readme.txt for info on obtaining technical assistance. 1) DIRECT FROM SDi If ordering by phone, email, or fax, you must use a valid credit card. Please have the game running and press 'R' in the intro to see the order dialog. If you place a phone order, we will immediately give you a code that lets you keep playing the game while you wait for the full package to arrive. VOICE ORDERS: 1-800-30SPACE or 403-240-0103 FAX: 403-240-0105 EMAIL: inspace@cadvision.com WEB SITE: http://www.cadvision.com/inspace COMPUSERVE ID: 71621,1163 2) COMPUTER EXPRESS. Call 1-800-228-7449 (voice line) to order Inner Space from Computer Express or visit them on the internet at http://www.cexpress.com. 3) SOFTWARE CREATIONS BBS. Software Creations has a huge BBS system, the first BBS on the World Wide Web, where you can download the Inner Space demo and order the full package. website: http://www.swcbbs.com, telnet BBS.SWCBBS.COM, Modem lines: 2400/9600/14.4 USR HST/Dual Standard Public Access 508-368-7036 2400/9600/14.4/28.8 USR V.Everything Public Access 508-368-6604 2400/9600/14.4 USR HST/Dual Standard Member Access 508-368-7139 2400/9600/14.4/28.8 USR V.Everything Member Access 508-368-3424 4) PUBLIC SOFTWARE LIBRARY (PsL). PsL can accept orders for Inner Space with Mastercard, Amex, VISA, or Discover cards. Call 800-2424-PsL or 713-524-6394 to place an order. Also fax 713-524-6398 or email 71355.470@compuserve.com. THE ABOVE NUMBERS ARE FOR CREDIT CARD ORDERS ONLY. Upon receipt of your order, PsL will notify us and we (SDi) will ship your order to you. Any questions regarding shipment of order, registration, product or technical details, volume discounts, or dealer pricing must be referred to SDi as detailed in TECH SUPPORT in README.TXT. 5) WINDOWSHARE (FRANCE) If you are in France or anywhere in French-speaking Europe, you may wish to order Inner Space through WindowShare. Contact WindowShare for the price of Inner Space in French Francs. WindowShare SARL 46-48 Route de Thionville Zone Maison Neuve 57140-WOIPPY France Fax (+33)87 32 37 75 Vox (+33)87 30 85 57 Minitel: 3615 WinShare or 3615 TelWare CompuServe: GO WShare 6) THROUGH COMPUSERVE. To order through CompuServe, GO SWREG and order #5202.