frmRabbit Rabbit Hunt Form15G Timer3 Timer2 Timer1 lblNote lblMiss lblShots lblHits Label3 By Spencer Uresk Label2 Rabbit Hunt !!! Line1 Label1 Shots Taken Label1 Misses Label1 imgRab filExit Special SpecAbout About specOrder Ordering other Products Form_Load form_Click Timer1_Timer redrawn wait6 filExit_Click Indexs frmRabbit specOrder_Click frmProdu frmProducts Timer2_Timerz rabbit Image1_Click Picture1_Click image1 imgRab VisibleI imgRab_Click OLE1_Updated Code# ole1V OLE1_Click dimTada RabbitForm, width height delayi positionv value imgRb image2? valus valuesY Timer3_Timer intil active sound MoveLeft MoveUpK lblHits Caption' lblShots_Click lblmiss total lblshots percent lblPercent lblFast_Click HScroll1_Change lblNote SpecAbout_Click frmWelcome frmWelcoJ filExit_Click form_Click You Missed! Form_Load initial total # of tries Initialize # of Hits Image1_Click You got Him!! Here comes Another One imgRab_Click You Hit Him! OLE1_Click OLE1_Updated Picture1_Click You got him Here comes another SpecAbout_Click specOrder_Click Timer3_Timer set random position for imgRab end.