============================================================================= MAIL ORDER FORM ============================================================================= Name (Please Print) ________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________ City _________________________ State/Province __________ ZIP _______________ Country (if not USA) ____________________ Phone/Fax ________________________ [ ] SINARIA Episode 1 & 2................................ $15.00 (US Dollars) [ ] Register Episode 1 only.............................. $5.00 If you register the shareware version, or buy episode 1 and 2 you get the latest cool codes and hints! Get your copy today! SHIPPING CHARGES: [ ] USA:................................................. $2 [ ] All other countries:................................. $5 TOTALS: Amount enclosed:......................................... $____________ Mail to: John Pollard 9727 E. 11st. #105 Tulsa, OK 74128 Make check or money order payable to "John Pollard". Allow 4-5 weeks for delivery. We thank you for your order!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are a member of compuserve and have any questions or comments, please reply to: Joe Hillman: CIS: 75322,311 John Pollard: CIS: 74723,1626 If you are not a member of compuserve, then please send a letter to the address above. We would love to hear from you, so please write! Where did you get SINARIA Episode 1 (Shareware ver.) from? Downloaded from: [ ] Compuserve (CIS): Forum Name: ___________________________________ [ ] America Online (AOL) [ ] Genie: RoundTable (RT) Name: ___________________________________ [ ] Delphi: Special Interest Group (SIG) Name: ______________________ [ ] Internet FTP Site: Site Name: ___________________________________ [ ] Other BBS: Name: ________________________________________________ Other: [ ] A friend gave it to me [ ] None of the above [ ] Unknown