Glide / 3DFX Install Instructions (from floppy driver 'a:') : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Under Windows '95 : Copy the file 'glide.dll' into the realimation\bin directory (where 'rmation.exe', 'rmation4.dll', 'rgd3dfx4.dll', etc ... reside) Copy the files 'sst1init.dll' and 'fxmemmap.vxd' from the Win95 directory to your Windows95\system directory ( eg c:\windows\system or c:\win95\system ). You will need to reboot your machine. Under Windows 'NT (3.51 and above) : Copy the file 'glide.dll' into the realimation\bin directory (where 'rmation.exe', 'rmation4.dll', 'rgd3dfx4.dll', etc ... reside) Copy the file 'sst1init.dll' from the WinNT directory to your WindowsNT\system32 directory (eg 'c:\windows\system32' or 'c:\winnt351\system32') Copy the files 'genport.sys' and 'mapmem.sys' from the WinNT directory to your WindowsNT\system32\drivers directory (eg 'c:\windows\system32\drivers' or 'c:\winnt351\system32\drivers) Install the glide drivers by opening a command promp window and changing into the 'winnt' directory and type the following regini mapmem.ini (and press return) then regini genport.ini (and press return) You will then need to re-boot your machine.