July 8, 1943 : The bridges are complete and yesterday's objective must be completed. Take Melikhovo, every day the enemy gathers strength! Advance and seize Shlyakhovo if possible. - 0730 Hours - The Melikhovo Advance : Kampfgruppe von Oppeln (6th Panzer) has crossed the bridges over the Rasumnaja Creek and is advancing toward Kampfgruppe Unrein (7th Panzer), which is northeast of the 6th Panzer. A simple task today - seize Melikhovo!! Watch out for possible flanking maneuvers from Postnikoff (northern village) and Kalinina (southern village). The 7th Kompanie/ 11 Panzer Regiment is again leading the way. Its support is two full Kompanien ( 2cd and 3rd reduced from casualties ) from the II Battalion/ 4th Panzergrenadier Regiment. Also an armored engineering platoon from the 58th Panzer Engineering Battalion. Tactical note : The tanks are very valuable. If you lose more than 5 KIAs (40 perc. of the company) or more than 10 immobilized (76 perc. of the company) - you LOSE. Therefore, it is advisable to use them as fire suppression and send in the Panzergrenadier units once you have penetrated the anti tank trench. Also, you have engineering half-tracks - they can clear mines too.