Invasion of Hong Kong Campaign I Technical Unzip into \steel\scen dir. (This will overwrite your Philippines campaign). (To move the Phil. camp. copy camph*.* to another directory or rename it.) Then, copy ob*.* to c:\steel (Move your origional ob*.* files to another dir. to protect them.) That's it. The new campaign is where the old Phil. campaign was (It still says Phil. campaign, I couldn't change that.) II The New Files The New OB*.* files (Order of Battle) add two units to the British order-of-battle. You'll see them in scenario 2 of the campaign. Also, the Japanese have more unit types (SP artillery, mineclearing tanks, mobile AA, and BARGES!), and better offensive power. Defence, were the Japanese units really bite, was not changed. Other nationalities were not modified. (The Japanese 25mm is too powerful, using it doesn't make for a challenging game. Use it only if you want a rout.) III The Campaign Tree Campaign H, the Phil. campaign, has 7 scenarios. You will play 2 to 5 of these depending on how many major or minor victories you have. The scenario 'tree' looks like this (I'm pretty sure): Scenario A (MJ= major vic.) / \ (MI= minor vic.) / \ MJ / \ MI Scenario C Scenario B / \ / \ MI / \ MJ MJ / \ MI / \ / \ Scen. D Scen. E END OF CAMP. /\ / \ MI / \ MJ MI / \ MJ / \ / \ END OF CAMP. ? Scen G Scen. F / \ MI / \ MJ / \ END of CAMP (Scen F or END of CAMP. not sure) IV How it was done. Simple. Copy scenh files (scenhA.dat, scenhB.dat, ect...) to a scenario file (scen193.dat for example) then edit the scenario just like any other scenario. IMPORTANT don't buy any units for the side that you plan on playing (NOT EVEN THE A0 UNIT). This means that you can't even press the BUY button, because it will give you the A0 unit automatically and you can't get rid of it. If you do that you will have to start over. Also Player 1 is always the CAMPAIGN player. After you are done editing data, copy the scen*.dat files back to the camp*.dat files. V What can't be done (by me anyway) I couldn't change the nationality or starting year of the core units for the campaign. It seems to be written into the steel.exe file and not in the camp* files themselves. Anyone who likes this campaign let me know. ROGERBACON@GNN.COM P.S. There are 10 bunkers in the third scenario. Ignore them. I couldn't the graphic off the map. They're not really there and the game plays fine. The computer ignores them also.