THE BOGGIT - SOLUTION - TYPED BY VAXALON - 1994 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ START Grandalf will enter and leave an exploding box of chocolates, so GET CHOCS and THROW CHOCS. CHEST OPEN CHEST, CLIMB CHEST, EXAMINE CHEST. Then EXAMINE DIARY and note numbers, as they include the combination to the front door lock. CLIMB OUT. FRONT DOOR EXAMINE DOOR, and to unlock it type 29285 (Frodo's Birthday). GRANDALF'S QUESTION The answer is NOTHING IN THE TOILET After all the celebrations you find yourself here, so go north then TALK THORNY and SAY FOLLOW ME. TROLLS Wait until they finish their chat routine then SAY LUX. Now you can GET KEY, CLIMB CAULDRON, GET SWORD, CLIMB OUT. ROCK DOOR Unlock it with the stone key, OPEN DOOR and ENTER. Here you find the rope disguised as a nylon washing line. Get this and go south to leave. SMELROND'S HALL As long as you earlier talked Grandalf into following you, just WAIT until he and Smelrond have exchanged greetings and then you should be given some luncheon, go GET LUNCH and EAT LUNCH. BEORN'S HOUSE To find this keep going east from the neon archway. Go IN to enter the cupboard and get the marmalade sandwich. OUT to leave, then head south until you find the security card. MOUNTAINS Go south from the tourists booth to find the credit card, and then north from here to find the cigarettes. GOBLINS' BACK DOOR To enter, SAY FOOL. CAVE To find this go east twice from the neon archway. then ENTER and WAIT until the crack opens and you're taken to the goblin's dungeon. GOBLIN'S DUNGEON DIG SAND, to find the trapdoor, and SMASH TRAPDOOR to find the cash and the torch. EXAMINE TORCH, to find the battery, then INSERT BATTERY into sword to provide some light. To escape from the dungeon, THROW ROPE until it catches on the window and PULL ROPE. GET ROPE and go south-west to find the large egg. E, n, se, e, to find the magic ring. N, se, s, to meet Goldbum. If you don't want to answer his riddle, KILL GOLDBUM and then go s, s, nw, e, and up through the back door. TREE BY BACK DOOR If you have the large egg, WAIT until the eagle comes along in order to escape from the goblins. NECROMANCER'S ASYLUM INSERT CARD (security card) to enter, then UNTIE DRAIN to find the small curious key. INSERT CARD again to leave. BEHOLDER ATTACK BEHOLDER when carrying cigarette. BLACK RIVER CLIMB BOAT and GIVE CREDIT (card) to the minion to receive your duty free. EXAMINE BOAT to discover the outboard motor, TIE ROPE (to engine) and then WAIT until boat crosses the river. Then CLIMB OUT and go east to the web. SPIDER'S WEB To pass the web just PULL WEB and go north-east to meet the spider. When it's had its say, GIVE SANDWICH to destroy it. PULL WEB before heading in whichever direction you want. MAGIC DOOR To open this EXAMINE DOOR while wearing magic ring. ELVENKING'S DUNGEON To get into here (which you must) you should wait around in the presence of the wood Elf, east from where you killed the Beholder. To get out again, WAIT until someone opens the pink door and go west. Go north to find the pink key, then south to the wine cellar. WINE CELLAR As long as you're wearing the ring, WAIT until the Butler drinks the wine then CLIMB BARREL. Then you WAIT some more until you feel the barrel run aground and CLIMB OUT and then go east to meet Lard. LARD AND FLAKE TOWN When you meet Lard, TALK LARD to learn what he wants in exchange for his bow and arrow. GIVE DUTY FREE then GIVE SMALL KEY and you can GET BOW, GET ARROW. W, n, u, and north to Dale valley to meet the dragon. DRAGON'S MOUNTAIN You can go in via the side door (ENTER), the front gate (by going north) or via the rope ladder (by going down). However, you can only meet the dragon once so to learn how to kill him go east and south-west from the front gate to find the small bird. READ NOTICE then GIVE CASH to be told where to shoot the dragon. THE DRAGON To kill the dragon you need to be carrying the bow and arrow to SHOOT TAIL. You can now get the treasure and the Barkenstone and make your way back to Fag End. THE SPACE CRUISER If you encounter this, give the aliens what they want, which is the Barkenstone. FAG END When you get back, CLIMB CHEST (provided it's still open) and DROP TREASURE to complete the game. BOGGIT BUG When escaping the goblins' dungeon, if you refer to the rope as a line, and instead of THROW ROPE you THROW LINE, this can cause the line to disappear. You need to have the line in order to start the boat to cross the river. To bypass this, type DELTA 4 while in part Two, and this takes you into the DELTA 4 offices. Typing BOGGIT returns you to the game, outside the dungeon and with the rope.