CUSTERD's QUEST Start in the Great Hall. E, S, D, W, Examine Trough (you find a useful key), Take key, E, E, Kick panel (try tapping it !), Tap panel (the panel gives way and you fall), Wait (about TEN times and you will be given a lamp), Light lamp (you can now see in the darkness), E, E, Take trasure, W, W, U, N, W, W, Unlock chest, Examine chest (you find the family fortune at the bottom!), Take coin, Take armour, Wear armour, E, E, S, D, N, E, Turn windlass (the procullis rises), W, N (the porcullis now falls and you cannot get back into the Castle ..... there are a lot of angry peasants here!), Throw coin (the peasants scramble in the mud after it, and you escape), Em Climb tree, Examine nest (you reveal a Crsyal orb), Take orb, D. W, N, N, N, W, W, W,W, Wait (until the troll gives you some mud), Take mud, E, E, E, E, N, In,Drink beer, U, E, Open door, In, Open wardrobe, In, S, S (you are now in Nurnia), Take box, N, N, Out, Out, W, D, Out, W, W, Open gate, W, Ring bell (Grandma opens the door and pulls you in, thinking that you are Little Red Riding Hood!), Open cupboard (you find an axe and the skeleton of the Big Bad Wolf!!), Take axe, N, Look under bed, Take cake, S, E, E, E, E, N, In, Take bottle, Out, S, S, S, W, W, W, W, N, Drink bottle (you shrink, and now you can only carry one item at any one time!), Take box, D (you enter the rabbit hole), N, E, N, E, NE (the White Rabbit takes the box of Turkish Delight and hands you a Gold Watch ..... as he eats the contents, he dies because the Snowqueen has poisoned them!), SW, W, S, W, S, U, Drop watch, Take cake, Eat cake (you return to your normal size). Take watch, Take armour, Wear armour, Take treasure, Take orb, Take axe, Take mud, S, E, E, E, E, N, N, N, N, N, N, N (the Troll demands a toll), Throw mud (he falls into the canyon), N, N, N (ignore the 'hungry' messages), N, N (the Dungeon Mister appears), A, E, U, Pull (a lot of rocks falls on you but bounce off your armour, and the door then opens), E, N (you see a Dragon who starts crying as he has no treasure!), Give trasure (he gives you a bomb), Wait (until the Dungeon Mister calls you back again). C - Take rod, Wave rod (a bridge appears), Cross bridge (the Time-Beast will not let you into the tower until you give him something), Give watch (he eats it and wanders off!!), In, U, U (you are now faced by an evil green door that won't open!), Throw bomb (you are now in the Lair of the Necromancer ...... he can't stand the orb of light and pretends to fall down), Throw axe (the axe hits the rope, and the chandelier falls, trapping the Necromancer!), Drop photo (he sees the photo and runs off into the sunset, gibbering madly, never to be seen again!), Wait (until the King appears). FINAL MESSAGE