THE SPECTRUM GAME DATABASE DARKSTAR PUBLISHER Design Design AUTHOR programmed by Simon (Psi) Brattell, Neil (Mott) Mottershead and Gwaham, all from Design Design. YEAR 1985 DESCRIPTION CONTROLS INSTRUCTIONS Please see the inlay card text. CHEATS One high score table consisted of the lyrics to a song. This song gave away the password to an encrypted program also supplied with Dark Star. The song was "Everyone's A Nervous Wreck", from the Supertramp album "Breakfast In America". The password "Everyone's A Nervous Wreck" had to be typed exactly - even the apostrophe. It was released to the general world through CRASH magazine, who DesDes quite liked, unlike Computer & Video Games, who DesDes despised. As you will see from reading Spectacle! SEQUELS/PREQUELS The sequel to Dark Star was called Forbidden Planet. INLAY CARD TEXT If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't move - shoot it anyway. If it's sqaure - fly through it. SCORES RECEIVED URL GENERAL FACTS NOTES Design Design are/were one of the weirdest Software houses. If their games had one fault, it was that they were just too damn slick. Dark Star is a prime example. The programming involved was so slick and fast, the graphics would slide past you before you;d even realsed what was going on. It did have the wildest front end however, keys could be pressed that weren't supposed to be pressed, to get hidden options, and woe betide anybody who tried to print the high scores without a printer attached... The High scores were always a good read - there were generally three/four different high scores randomly chosen when the game loaded. Should you get on a Dark Starhigh score table, try typing any of the following: Design Design software Invasion of the body snatchas Rommels Revenge Computer and Video Games (and many more!)