Fairly Difficult Mission (Zodiac Software) A solution follows to Zodiac's five part adventure, parts 3 and 5 play through without any sort of player input so you only neeed to know how to get through parts 1,2 and 4............. Here's the solution. PART 1 You start in your bedroom EXAM RUBBISH, (you find a stamped addressed envelope) GET ENVELOPE, OPEN WARDROBE, (you discover some stilleto-heeled shoes and a teddy bear) GET ALL, GO WARDROBE, GET PAPER, GO OUT, LOAD GAME, (you are met by `Zytrwzx', who takes you to the waiting room of King Derek of Fantasmia) EXAM MAGAZINES, (you find a copy of `Look Out' magazine) GET MAGAZINE, WAIT, (for a number of turns, until you are asked in to see Derek, who will give you and adventure to review, complete it by typing) GET KEY, UNLOCK CHEST, (Derek now asks for your opinion so..) SAY TO DEREK "AWFUL", (Derek sends you on a mission to defeat the evil witch Ruth, and you find yourself stuck in a maze) WAIT, (until an elf called `Mike' appears and) GIVE ENVELOPE, (Mike gives you a papmphlet in return) EXAM PAMPHLET, (it explains the way out of the maze, so follow it's instructions by going) N, U, E, SE, (you are met by the oracle `Gervase' who gives you a bald headed wig then dies), EXAM GERVASE, (you find a medallion which you automatically take and wear), NE, and GO PORTAL to finish part one ......... PART 2 You begin in an exit tunnel N, (your path is blocked by a guard and his henchmen) GIVE PAPER, (the guard lets you through) NW, EXAM COWS, (they are blocking your way north and are flesh eating) E, E, E, NE, N, (you meet a band of teddy bears who give you a jam sandwich in exchange for the teddy bear you picked up in part one) NE, NW, (you are now in cliche-land) CLIMB TREE, GET BANANAS, D, N, (an old woman drops a jar of honey) GET HONEY, NE, (a bear blocks your way) GIVE HONEY, (the bear goes) NE, DIG, (a bone is discovered) GET BONE, SW, N, GIVE BONE, (to rabid dog) W, GIVE BANANAS, (to gorrilla) GET MONEY, E, S, SE, E, SW, S, W, SW, W, W, SW, (you are now outside a literature stall) BUY BOOK, (it's a rune book) NE, E, E, E, NE, N, NE, SE, DROP BOOKS, (the tower door magically opens) GO TOWER, U, U, U, U, U, U, (you meet XZRN the aprrentice magician, who leaves a scroll, an LP, and a fire extinguisher behind, before vanising) GET ALL, D, D, D, D, D, D, S, NW, N, EXAM WELL, (you see a handle) TURN HANDLE, (Norris the fat joke telling gnome appears and proceeds to follow you around) S, SW, S, W, SW, W, W, (the flesh eating cows will now eat Norris and stop blocking your way north) N, SWIM, (to the island), GO CAVE, (you meet an annoyed dragon guarding a treasue chest) PUSH KNOB, (on the fire extinguisher - you can now access the treasue chest) OPEN CHEST, (you find a mirror) GET MIRROR, E, SWIM, S, S, DIG, GET KEY, N, E, E, E, NE, N, NE, and NE again to complete part 2 ............. PART 4 You start on a winding track SAY TO MAN "HELLO", (for a quick clue) NE, N, W, (you are now outside some toilets guarded by a large green creature) GIVE SANDWICH, (the creature leaves) ENTER GENTLEMANS, EXAM URINAL, (you find a soggy fag) GET FAG, SE, NE, (the game temporarily `breaks') N, N, N, W, (you see a tramp) GIVE FAG, (the tramp gives you a bottle of water in return, then dies) E, S, ENTER NEWSAGENT, SAY TO FRED "HELLO", (he'll give you some anectdotal information about Ruth) NW, WAIT, (repeatedly until the message `There was a bloodcurdling screm from somewhere .....' has appeared on screen three or four times) ENTER NEWSAGENT, (Fred should now be dead), EXAM FRED, (you find a library ticket) GET TICKET, NW, S, S, SW, S, SW, (you should find a dead old man) EXAM MAN, (you find a long, dirty overcoat) GET OVERCOAT, WEAR OVERCOAT, NE, N, NE, N, N, E, WEAR WIG, (you now look fairly like Fred the newsagent and can use his library card) ENTER LIBRARY, EXAM BOOKSHELVES, (you find a paperback) READ PAPERBACK, W, ENTER CINEMA, E, (some deadly lasers block your way east, but at this stage in the game you actually need to die, so go) E, (you die and enter the afterworld, where `Phil' hands you a sword) N, NE, (you are now outside a shack guarded by an orc) GIVE MAGAZINE, (the magazine sends the Orc to sleep) and ENTER SHACK to complete the game ................. Typed (and solved) by Ian (phian@btinternet.com) Originally displayed within the `Spectrum Adventurer' web pages at:- (http://home.virtual-pc.com/isblpx/index.html)