Gauntlet 2 ---------- You need x128 v0.4+, WSpecEm, Z80 v3.04+ or Z80Em 1.2+ to use this, as the super level loader trap is used, and only those emulators support it (at the time of writing). You can convert this .SLT file to a snapshot and seperate level data files using SLT2DAT (supplied with x128 v0.4+, also with Z80Em 1.2+) or SPConv v1.11 (not known to be finished at time of writing). Gauntlet 2 runs right from the start, letting you choose controls, one/two players, colours and characters. It then loads up the game, and every so often says something like 'start the tape'. The only time you need to do anything is when it says something like 'rewind tape and press space'. When you press space, it'll load, etc. You will get 48K sound by default. Forcing it to be loaded in 128K mode will cause it to select 128K sound - unfortunately there seems to be a bug which means that it crashes just after loading the main game code (it does this on my +3 too). Anybody got a fix for it? (I think all the level data is there...!) ** Following paragraphs refer to the separate DAT files version ** Emulators other than Z80Em: For those emulators which use files named .DAT, the files can be in your normal snaps directory if you want, although it's probably best to keep this little mess of files in a directory of its own. However, if you also have Gauntlet in this format, there is a possibility of filename clash on MSDOS systems. If you save a 'game in progress' snapshot, it will load in fine as long as you prefix the snapshot name/path by the name/path of the data files. For example, if the gaunt*.dat files are in the current directory and the snapshot is called wibble.sna, you'd need to give "gaunt,wibble.sna" to xzx as the filename. If the paths to either change, you can just add the extra path elements in the appropriate places. eg. "~/speccy/gauntlet2/gaunt,../speccy/snaps/game3.sna". Info on how this works on Z80 is, presumably, in its documentation :-) Z80Em: For Z80Em 1.2+, you are advised to leave it in one file! If you must split it, then it will need to be in its own (application) directory, with the snapshot named "!Run" and the data files just numbered, eg. "0", "1", "23" etc. If you save a 'game in progress' snapshot, you must save it to the same directory - if you double-clicked on an application (eg. !Gauntlet2) you'll need to save it within that app. ** Technical details ** Data blocks 0 and 1 are additional bits of code loaded after the characters, colours and controls have been selected; the rest contain level data. The snapshot has been stripped of its original loader code. I also zero-initialised the memory before loading the intro section :-) -- Darren Salt, (Some of the above text was lifted from Russell Marks' description of the Gauntlet 1 SLT file.)