THE SPECTRUM GAME DATABASE PYJAMARAMA PUBLISHER Mikrogen AUTHOR YEAR CATEGORY Arcade adventure CONTROLS INSTRUCTIONS CHEATS This is the complete solution. 1) Get the Bucket and fill it at the bathroom tap. 2) Get the Plant Pot and head to the room containing the fly-traps. 3) Swap the BP Can for the bucket of water. 4) Get the triangle key from Floor 3. 5) Go to Floor 1 and fill the BP Can at the petrol pump. 6) Get the pound coin and swap it for the penny. 7) Enter the now unlocked Toilet and get the hammer. 8) Swap the hammer for the fire extinguisher in the lift room. 9) Go to floor 3 and find the room containing the pile of tea chests. 10) Climb up the chests and exit through the window. 11) Continue past fire and quickly get the square key. 12) Enter the unlocked snooker room and get the laser gun. 13) With triangle key and laser gun, go to Floor 1. 14) Go past the pump room and take, then drop the battery. 15) With the Bp Can and the Full Laser Gun go to Floor 3. 16) Enter the rocket and leave the laser gun on the moon. 17) Get the Ignition Keys in the roof using the Driver's License You can get the helmet (sliding down the bannister) only if you are carrying the blasted ignition keys, that get swapped for the helmet... otherwise the game's unfinishable. 18) Returning to Earth, slide down the banister and get the helmet. 19) Swap the library ticket for the library book. 20) With the helmet and the book, get the scissors. 21) Switch HELP on, and go to the room with the balloon. 22) Get the box key and swap it for the magnet. 23) Re-fill the BP Can and return to the moon with the magnet. 24) Touch the magnetic lock and get the clock key. 25) Return to Wallys Bedroom, touch the clock and you have done it!! SEQUELS/PREQUELS There were several games in the Wally series. These were Automania, 3 Weeks in Paradise, Everyone's a Wally and Herberts Dummy Run. INLAY CARD TEXT SCORES RECEIVED URL GENERAL FACTS There are two different versions of Pyjamarama available. The main difference between them is the title music. The music on the *first* release is called "Popcorn", and quite commonly available as a tracker/mod. AFAIK there's no copyright restriction on the Popcorn music. The infinite lives hacks were different for the different versions, so there must have been something more than just the title music being changed. NOTES