RETARDED CREATURES AND CAVERNS - THE SOLUTION Examine Castle, Examine Towers, Examine Stonework x2, Get Stone, Examine Door, Examine Lintel, Wipe Lichen x2, Scrape Boots, Read Inscription, Read Name, Wedge Stone Under Tail, Climb In Pouch, Feel East, Get Chest, Climb Out Pouch, Examine Wall, Get torch, N, Bulbo, N, Wait until the Elf take to coin, Answer Magician or Fighter to question, Examine Wall, worn, unravel vest, tie string, to handle, Pull string, take torch, E, S, Get Torch, examine map, read instructions, N, E, Search Rubbish three times, Get Burger, take sword or wand, W, give burger, S, take stone, smash chest, take key, Answer "Nardo" to question, W, unlock chain, examine box, extend aerial, press button, E, press button, kick door, hold string, pull string, drop string, N, take coin, S, If the Elf takes your coin then just go North and get it again, otherwise, S, You've Done it! TIPS CHUNK OF STONE Examine the door to learn of the stonework and then examine the stonework to learn of the loose chunk of stone .... remove stone or take stone. LINTEL Examine the lintel above the door to learn of the lichen and then remove lichen or rub lintel or rub lichen to reveal the inscription. There is a 'random' element built in, so if the spiders attack just try again until you manage to remove the lichen. INSCRIPTION Read the inscription to learn how to open the door. The missing words are TAIL and ASS. Also read the name to learn who the head Stone-mason was. SCRAPER Examine the scraper to learn what it looks like and then lift the tail to open the door. It is necessary to keep the tail raised in order to keep the door open, so use the chunk of stone to wedge the tail up. DOOR Once the tail has been wedged into place the door will remain open, however you will not be allowed to enter the castle unless your boots are clean. Scrape boots on scraper to clean them but make sure you do this BEFORE you wedge the stone under the tail or else you will knock the stone into the moat. TENTACLE There are three ways to get past the tentacle though only one of them is the correct one .... a.. Say Algy b.. Say Bulbo c.. Say Friend ANTE-CHAMBER Once inside the castle you will need to search the chamber to locate the small handle set into the wall. Now examine the handle to learn of its use. WORN If you type in the word 'WORN' you will be told exactly what Algy is wearing at that particular moment in time. STRING Need a length of string, then try unravelling your vest HANDLE To open the secret door(s) in the ante-chamber you will need to pull the handle but be carefull if the Dragon is still present as noise annoys him. However if you stand well back when you do it, you should be okay. Therefore tie string to handle and then pull string. Fix length to handle. DARK PLACES If you find yourself in need of a torch just examine the wall on the outside of the castle ... there are two there at the start of the game. RUBBISH Examine the rubbish to learn what it is and then search it a number of times to reveal various items. DRAGON The only way to dispose of the Dragon is to enlist the help of some other person. However you can send him to sleep for a short while by feeding him with the burger. When he is asleep he will allow you to pass into the tunnel in the west wall but he will awake in about 25-30 moves time so plan your campaign well. POUCH Examine the pouch to learn about the writing and then read writing to learn of its use. Now look into the pouch to learn an interesting fact and then climb into pouch. Once inside the pouch you only have 6 moves to find what you are looking for before somebody comes along and steal the pouch, so feel east to locate the small chest and then take chest before climbing out of pouch. Make sure you are not carying more than ONE item when you are in the pouch or you will not be able to pick up the small chest. It is not necessary to be carring the pouch in order to climb into it and you will always emerge out of the pouck in the same location you climbed into it. CHEST Sadly the chest is locked, so you will need to smash it open. To do this you will need the chunk of stone, so return to the scraper and remove the stone and once you have it just smash chest. It will be reduced to dust, which blows away on the breeze and a brass key will be revealed. DOOR 2 After you smash open the chest, the door will drop shut so wait for a few moments and an Elf should eventually turn up. The answer to his question is the name you read on the lintel, so just say Nardo when he asks. EAGLE If you examine the Eagle when you first meet him you will learn of the ball and chain and of the small box, so examine the ball and chain to learn what keeps it in place and then simply unlock padlock with the brass key. The Eagle will now leave, giving you the box as it does. BOX If you examine the box you will learn about the button in the middle of it, but pressing the button will not do a lot at present, so examine the aerial to learn that you need to extent it. Now extend aerial andthen press button to meet a helpful stranger. When he leaves just press the button again and he should return in the company of an old friend. Now provided you have NOT damaged his precious boots, he will dispose of the Dragon for you. GOLD Once the Dragon has gone simply take the gold, or as much of it as you can carry and then pull the handle in the wall to open the secret door in the north wall .... why you may ask, well if you supplied the tentacle witht he correct answer then this is where you will find what he gave you ... after the ELF steals anything he always leaves it in the alcove through the door in the north wall. END In order to leave the castle after the Dragon has gone you need to open the door again, so simply kick door. Now provided you have the gold and the item that the tentacle first gave you just head south throuugh the door. NOTES Once te Dragon wakes again you will be unable to go through the tunnel in the west wall, so make sure you have the key BEFORE you feed him. Do NOT ... kick anything or try to steal the gold or else you boots will become damaged and Bulbo will bring the whole thing to a halt when he seems them, that is prior to him disposing of the Dragon.