THE SPECTRUM GAMES DATABASE UNDERWURLDE PUBLISHER Ultimate Play The Game (ACG) AUTHORS Chris and Tim Stamper YEAR OF RELEASE December 1984 CATEGORY Arcade Adventure INSTRUCTIONS Underwurlde is a fast, action packed arcade adventure platform game. The game is set deep underground in the Underwurlde. Creatures attack from every angle and rather than kill you they merely bounce you around. This make make the game sound easy, but oh no! The enemies bounce you off cliffs, off ropes and into deep chasms, dropping to your doom. The object of the game is to guide Sabreman out of the Underwurlde and back onto the surface. This is easier said than done. The game features 256 screens and also large monsters blocking your way. These need to be destroyed by a particular weapon before you can continue on your journey. CONTROLS UNDERWURLDE CONTROLLING YOUR ADVENTURER KEYBOARD CONTROLS LEFT Your Adventurer will move left using the Q key. RIGHT Your Adventurer will move right using the W key. UP Your Adventurer will move up and jump using the R key. DOWN Your Adenturer will move down using the E key. FIRE Your Adventurer will use his weapon when the T key is pressed. DROP FROM ROPE Your Adventurer will drop from the rope when the CAPS SHIFT, Z, X, C or V key is pressed. PICK UP/DROP your Adventurer can pick up or drop a weapon using the B, N, M SYMBOL SHIFT and SPACE keys. PAUSE The whole game can be paused by using the ENTER key. JOYSTICK CONTROLS Your Adventurer can be fully controlled by using the KEMPSTON INTERFACE, CURSOR CONTROLLED INTERFACE, or the SINCLAIR INTERFACE II and joystick, by replacing the LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN and FIRE commands. INLAY CARD TEXT THE BLACK VOID Long dark paths have I travelled, through caverns and hidden labyrinths, my path grown darker... Deathly chill as I approach the "Well of Evil"... guarding the UNDERWURLDE. I approach, fix my rope, and with a firm leap, swing down into the depths of THE BLACK VOID. The air rushes past as I decend down into the dark dank hollow, disturbing the dust, a debris of long-since fought battles and struggles. WINGED HARPIES AND GARGOYLES Silent fossilised creatures stir, emerging from centuries of hibernation, awakened by my echoing gropes and thuds. Their dormant evil, hungry from ages past sparks itself into life. Suddenly the whole cavern erupts into a scurrying slithering sadowy grave of beating wings and desperate gnashing jaws. Winged Harpies soar and swoop down with beakswide and talons spread. Hungry monsters and reptiles desperate not to lose their first meal in eons, batter and punish me until I can take no more, waiting for me to fail. SIRENS OF THE UNDERWURLDE All about are strange sparkling plants "Sirens of the Underwurlde", waving their poisnous gnashing deadly tendrils, beckoning me on toward them, their stifling odours a prelude to their vision of hideous ugliness. To touch their sticky putrid foliage would mean certain death. BEWARE ALL YOU NEED IS THERE TO TAKE LOCATE THE WEAPONS, THEN TO MAKE A JOURNEY ON IF YOU WOULD DARE TO FIND THE DEVIL IN HIS LAIR THE LONG DARK PALACE, SEEK YOU WILL THE GEMS YOUR POCKETS WILL NOT FILL THO' ENERGY THEY'LL MAKE YOU FAST AND GARGOYLES THEN YOU WILL GET PAST UP AND DOWN, THE JOURNEY'S SLOW SO DOWN IS FIRST THE WAY TO GO. The old travellers words still singing in my head. UNDERWURLDE VOLCANOS In the distance the low rumbling of UNDERWURLDE volcanoes can be heard. Huge plumes of poisonous sulphurous devilish gases roll along the cavern roofs. As the enourmous bubbles of inert plasma ascend the natural chimney stack causeways, eroded and forged from centuries of ancient fires and flames. My journey has only just begun. I must travel on through this deadly labyrinth of the UNDERWURLDE to find the ULTIMATE place of darkness, in which lies the way to my escape. UNDERWURLDE FEATURES -------------------- Sabreman Chest Of Drawers Volcanic Bubbles Caves Rocks Castle Poisonous Plants Guardians Eagles Falling Stalactites Bows Gremlins Arrows Multi-Lives Catapult Superb Graphics Daggers Statues Torches Extra Lives Fireballs Explosions Magic Gems Weapon Select Button Volcanic Craters Realistic Jumps Rope Swings Continuous Pause Ledges Amazing Animation Jumps Keyboard/Joystick Select Ducks Bookshelves Pictures Pick Up/Drop Tables SEQUELS/PREQUELS Underwurlde is the sequal to Sabrewulf. Once Sabreman reaches the cave in Sabrewulf he finds himself in the Underwurlde. There are 3 exits out of the Underwurlde. One takes the player to Knightlore, the other to Pentagram, and the third was supposed to take you to Mire Mare, but as most Spec-Chums know. this was never released. SCORES/REVIEWS Crash, Issue: 12, Page: 17, Percentage: 92% CHEATS Infinite lives 59376,0 Stay cyan 38043,0 45019,201 59591,0 GENERAL FACTS Underwurlde, and Knightlore, released at the same time, were the first Ultimate games to feature the fast but hard to run, hyperload. This was introduced to speed up loading times and reduce software piracy. Underwurlde was featured in a Crash "Map the Game" competition. The prize for the best map was a fantastic pickaxe and shovel trophey. NOTES