[UGO][Image][Spoiler] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien Legacy (TM) FAQ Availability: posted intermittently to comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic al.doc = Word 6.0 for Windows al.txt = text -------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. VERSION NUMBER, AUTHOR, MAINTAINER 1.2. PLEASE NOTE! 1.3. THANKS TO ... 2. NON-SPOILER SECTION 2.1. PLOTLINE 2.2. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2.2.1. IS THERE A PATCH? 2.2.2. I SOMETIMES GET WEIRD ERRORS. 2.2.3. ONE ADVISOR SAYS ONE THING, ANOTHER SAYS SOMETHING ELSE. WHO DO I LISTEN TO? 2.2.4. I'VE SEARCHED EVERYWHERE FOR CLUES, AND I'M NOT FINDING ANY MORE. 2.2.5. WHY DO I GET SILLY OR NON-HELPFUL MESSAGES DISPLAYED IN PDA:LOG? 2.2.6. IS THERE A GOOD REASON TO PROBE EVERY PLANET? 2.3. POINTERS AND NEAT TRICKS 2.3.1. BUG! (OR IS IT A FEATURE?) 2.3.2. BUG! (BUT USEFUL!) 2.3.3. DO I REALLY NEED TO BUILD LOTS OF RESEARCH FACILITIES? 2.3.4. STRATEGY, ANYONE? 2.3.5. HOW TO GET LOTS OF VEHICLES. 2.3.6. ADVISORS HOW DO I SEND AN ADVISOR SOMEWHERE? HOW DO I KNOW WHEN TO SEND AN ADVISOR SOMEWHERE? [ANY] ADVISOR TOLD ME [ANYTHING]. WHAT DO I DO NOW? 2.3.7. GRUMBLE, GROWL WHY WON'T THEY LET ME SORT THE COLONIES IN THE COLONY MANAGER? I SURE WOULD LIKE A WAY TO QUICKLY ``FILL UP'' VEHICLES' CARGO HOLDS. 3. SPOILER SECTION (SPOILERS DELETED FROM THE TABLE OF CONTENTS!) 3.1. PLOTLINE 3.2. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 3.3. POINTERS AND NEAT TRICKS -------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction 1.1. Version Number, Author, Maintainer Version Number: 95.02.03 (First release) Previous release: 95.02.02 Any Changes? Yes. First release: 95.02.03 Author/Maintainer: Michael Andersson 1.2. Please note! This is a work in progress. I want your input. If you feel I have left something out, tell me. If I have misspelled something, tell me. If you have a question you think should be included, tell me. If I have made a flagrant mistake, tell me. In other words, tell me anything you can think of to make this a better document. My email is . I will NOT cover material that is already covered in the game's manual. Really! The manual is only 92 pages long, including the Index and Table of Contents--SO READ IT! There even is a small troubleshooting section, and I do not want to duplicate what has already been done. If there is a question that is frequently asked, and the answer is in the manual, I will put ``RTFM'' as an answer. Maybe if I feel nice, I'll put a page number. I will not tell you how to play the game. RTFM. And if people send me email asking stupid questions, I will either tell them to RTFM or RTFfaq. Other than that, I'm a real nice and helpful kinda guy. Also, I have tried to be extremely careful about spoilers. The ``Non-Spoiler'' section has nothing, not even plotline elements that come out later in the game. The ``Spoilers'' section is a free-for-all- -any information could show up anywhere. 1.3. Thanks to ... Michael Lewchuk , for his initial questions, subsequent help and e-conversations, and especially his detailed analysis of various installations' effectiveness. Thomas Ruschak , for his plotline summary. Lab Master , for assimilating much of the start-up information and volunteering me for this job. Ron Williams (also at until 95.02.28), Kristin Mennie, Beaulieu Sebastien, Stuart L. Flicker, and Mike Peele . [People I was unable to contact or who requested such have had their email addresses omitted.] -------------------------------------------------- 2. Non-Spoiler Section 2.1. Plotline You are the captain of an interstellar seedship, the Calypso, sent out to colonize the Beta Caeli star system. Why? Because the Alpha Centaurians are attacking Earth, you're humanity's last hope, yadda, yadda, yadda, and it makes the game possible. Your mission is a follow-up to a previous ship, sent to arrive at Beta Caeli 21 years before you, but which seems to have completely disappeared. You and your advisors are in charge of setting up and maintaining vibrant, growing, and productive colonies around the new star system. During the game, you'll need to find clues as to what happened to the Tantalus, find things that help you develop new technologies, and just generally deal with whatever unexpected things any old seedship captain might have to deal with. Tom Ruschak puts it this way: ``What you got here is a combination Sim- City/Starflight type game. This comes as no shock, since it was done by Joe Ybarra, who wrote Starflight 1 & 2. If you played & enjoyed either of those game, buy this one now. ``OK, a basic synopsis: you're the 2nd colony ship entering an unexplored new system. The nasty aliens have destroyed Earth, so you need to get this right, or there'll be no more human race. Unfortunately, you arrive some time after the other colony ship, and when you get there, you don't see a 'Welcome' mat.. ``You need to establish colonies (which run with a very simple sort of Sim-city sim), try and find out what happened to the other colonists by exploring, and research new and interesting things to help you to do these two things. Along the way, [spoilers deleted] and generally wander around the planetary system. BTW, just watching the planets & satellites go around the sun in the observatory is fun, and you actually need to plan trips for closest approach, a nice touch. ``Anyway, I won it in about 50 hours of game play. I paid $48 or so, and I feel I got maybe $65 in fun from it, so it was a good deal for me.'' And Michael Lewchuk responded to Tom's description with: ``You must research tech to stay one step ahead of total disaster. There are many and various ways to end the game, most of them unpleasant. Researching ways to avoid disaster is very beneficial. Researching them before you come upon the disaster is even more beneficial. ``You build colonies out of 4 types of buildings: habitats, power plants, factories, and laboratories, plus a few special buildings later on once you've researched them. You explore the planets and make discoveries as to the fate of a previous colonization attempt. You basically try to survive long enough to win the game. You have two goals: survival (if you die, that's bad) and points (based on how many colonists, materials, colonies, buildings, and spacecraft you have). You will face several challenges. The interface is a menu-driven system to select what you want to do, and a tile- based graphics screen for colony building, and a 3D (well, 2D, since you maintain a constant height above the ground) flight mode for exploration of surfaces of planets, moons, and asteroids. You will need to explore various planetary surfaces for clues to the fate of the old expedition and for interesting scientific curiosities which can increase the likelihood of you surviving. ``Add to this, 5 different advisors, each of them wanting you to run things the way they want them run. :) Will you be invited to the engineer's condo on Ares when he retires, or will you end up being [spoilers deleted]? Your actions determine your fate.'' 2.2. Questions and Answers 2.2.1. Is there a patch? YES! It is available online at Sierra's BBS, on Compuserve and AOL (I think). If you can't get it there, try here: It's just a patch, not the whole game, so don't think you're getting away with anything (translation: without the game, it does you no good). 2.2.2. I sometimes get weird errors. There seem to be several ways to get them. Mine usually happened when the save-file became corrupted (while on a floppy on the way home from work—yes, I play in both places). Certain points in the plotline seem to also trigger this type of error. Somebody else said they got this error by pressing the [esc] key too much, or at inopportune moments. So don't press the [esc] key so much. :-) Try upgrading to version 1.01. They say that it is supposed to take care of many of the errors/problems. I don't know, I didn't have that many problems to begin with. 2.2.3. One Advisor says one thing, another says something else. Who do I listen to? Do everything your advisors advise. If they disagree, ignore (or postpone following up on) the military advisor. 2.2.4. I've searched everywhere for clues, and I'm not finding any more. That's because your advisors and the other humans are not perfect. Some of them don't initially see everything, and some of them withhold information. Eventually, you'll get a message to the effect of ``Oh, we overlooked this before, but check it out now.'' And have you really searched everywhere, including the outer planets/moons? There are some interesting things out there! 2.2.5. Why do I get silly or non-helpful messages displayed in PDA:Log? Game programmers are silly. Delete them [the messages, not the programmers]. 2.2.6. Is there a good reason to probe every planet? I don't think so. 2.3. Pointers and neat Tricks 2.3.1. Bug! (Or is it a Feature?) For every single planetside sector you explore, the ``day'' counter advances by one. But nothing else happens--meaning that none of the time-dependent processes (building, mining, producing, voyaging) do anything, just that the counter advances by one. In other words, it is nearly useless to talk about ``what turn are you at.'' Instead, you'll get a better idea by asking ``Where in the plotline are you?'' 2.3.2. Bug! (But useful!) When dismantling colonies (there are various reasons you might want to do this), you will reach a point where you can leave several humans, and still dismantle their last remaining habitat (everything else should already have been dismantled). This leaves you with a colony with several (I've done up to 27) humans. Now, send a vehicle there, and pick them up--send them somewhere that you need them. Leave the colony, go to the Colony Manager, and look at the colony you just removed the humans from--more humans! Set up what I call a ``Human Mine'' (pipeline to some nearby colony). Be careful, though, you may end up with more humans than you know what to do with! 2.3.3. Do I really need to build lots of Research Facilities? Well, the jury's out on that one. I think so, but others think not (see 3.3.9). It is possible to get all the research points you need simply by exploring the surface--but the biggest drawback (IMO) is that it takes way to long. Basically, if you tend to do a lot of surface exploration (to get ore/energy), you will end up with a lot of research points, anyway. You do need to have some Research Facilities. 2.3.4. Strategy, anyone? Try to keep most of your installations at about the same level. If you don't, things get out of whack. As far as how many of what, since you're allowed 16 installations per colony, try 5 habitats, 5 factories, and 5 power stations. This lets you add one other installation of your choice. My favorite factory distribution consists of 2 mines and 3 robot factories, but your mileage may vary. To win a Grand Strategic Victory, you need to maximize your points: make lots of colonies. 2.3.5. How to get lots of vehicles. Thanks to Michael Lewchuk for telling me how to do this: When you build new factories, set them to ``vehicle'' construction. When they are done building, allow one more turn. Presto, (almost) instant vehicle. Now, change the factory to whatever you want it to do (2 mining, 3 robots is good, I think). If you keep doing this, you'll eventually run out of engines (the game only allows 148 vehicles). Igor Nosov suggests having a vehicle-producing factory, switching it off-line, and going back on-line at the next turn. He says that it does consume the necessary resources, but that the vehicle is produced in that one turn. I haven't confirmed this. 2.3.6. Advisors In the back of the manual, there are biographies for each of the Advisors. It was my biggest disappointment to discover that each position (not each person) has a script, and it makes no difference as to who does what. I figured that if they had gone to the trouble of putting biographies, one should have to weigh and balance each person's advice based on their experience, competence, and capabilities. But that's not what happened. How do I send an advisor somewhere? RTFM, p 39. How do I know when to send an advisor somewhere? RTFM, p 40. [Any] Advisor told me [anything]. What do I do now? RTFM, and check out your PDA:Log. 2.3.7. Grumble, growl Why won't they let me sort the colonies in the Colony Manager? Build the colonies in the order you want them to appear. (Even so, in my experience, the newer ones don't always get added at the bottom.) I sure would like a way to quickly ``fill up'' vehicles' cargo holds. Wouldn't we all? -------------------------------------------------- 3. Spoiler Section 3.1. Plotline During your travails, the flora and fauna on Gaea and Rhea go from being docile to being a royal pain in the rear. This is due to the fact that they're controlled by a yet-to-be-discovered H'Riak seedship hiding in the Beta Asteroids. Also, there are Empiants living in Cronus, and they don't like us, 'cause ``our thoughts hurt their heads.'' Then you get a rebel colony that you have to deal with, and finally you cooperate with the Empiants to build a new type of interstellar drive, ensuring humanity's forever expansion out into the stars, with the Empiants at our sides. But we never hear what happened to Earth. 3.2. Questions and Answers 3.2.1. My [Blank] Advisor wants to go do something at Gamma1. Do I have to create a colony there first? No, just send him or her (along with whatever help they need) on a Probe Mission. Then leave them there until they report finished. Note that when the Navigator wants to go, he or she will want some robots along--you have to somehow stop the robot-destroying signal from Gamma1 before sending the robots. See also the strategy section (3.3.3) 3.2.2. Is there more after the H'Riak Sporeship is destroyed? Yes, much more. 3.2.3. How do I deal with the hostile biota on Gaea and Rhea? Thanks to Guy William Bailey for the inspiration for this section. Blowing up pylons on Gaea/Rhea If you destroy the pylons on the either of the two planets, the biota threat is eliminated but Gamma1 will suddenly roar to life and start plummeting into the sun. You have 1000 turns until it hits the sun and another 80 turns after that before the sun goes supernova and you lose the game. Blowing up pylons on Gamma1 Identical results as above. Muffle the signals from Gamma1 Identical results as above. Create a plague to destroy the biota When your advisor suggests this, it seems like a good idea--of course, when they say that it might be harmful to your own people, they're right. The plague is effective for a little while, then it starts killing your own people--now you need to research a cure. THIS JUST IN! If you only set off two of the three Antigen Inhibitor bombs, the biota disappear but your people will not get the plague! This seems to be the best option. Any of the first three solutions above works fairly well, provided you have researched the necessary technologies-- especially the Inverse Fusion Reactor (although someone maintains that you find the IFR on Gamma1--I don't remember). Do absolutely nothing Your advisors will tell you that you can't start any new colonies on Gaea or Rhea until the biota are calmed, but they're wrong. You need to send over some vehicles with enough supplies to build a few habitats. Then send over some humans, then quickly build a force shield. Now you're set to build up the rest of the items you need to run a colony. Note that you WILL lose things in the construction process, especially humans. Also, once the shields are up, you will continue to lose things, but at a slower rate--you can try to keep the biota away from your colonies by spotting them from the Mercator Map. There is an unconfirmed report that the biota don't attack vehicles at Gaea_7 and Gaea_8. Anyone care to confirm? By using this method, you can build up lots of colonies/vehicles/supplies before you ever need to deal with Gamma1--but eventually you must! 3.2.4. Is it possible to wipe out the biota with vehicles? Maybe? It's possible to remove all the ``green blobs'' on the mercator map, but I don't think it's possible to remove the biota threat. 3.2.5. Do I need to colonize the asteroids? Depends. The Alphas are great sources of ore, except for Alpha1, which is easily over-mined. The Betas are much to easily over-mined to make colonies there worthwhile, IMHO. 3.3. Pointers and neat Tricks 3.3.1. The Chase When the colonists rebel, you will eventually be told to investigate Gaea:G30, which will lead you on a trail of clues, with the rebel governor taunting you along the way. Eventually, the clues lead to diverging paths, with some paths leading to dead ends; here's the proper path: Gaea:G30, Hermes:E4, Ares:I20, Hera:I21, Hades:D10, Hades:H12. I can't remember if they make their demands before or after you find them, but they demand that you build habitats at a new Hermes location. Build enough habitats for all of them (over 1000?). They start voyaging from Hades to Hermes, and eventually your Military Advisor will intercept a message from their leader saying that she's stuck in the bunker (her vehicle won't start). Then, take your nearest vehicle (I like SSHades, but Hades_1 works just as well), and bomb the living daylights out of the bunker (which is unprotected because you destroyed their armaments before they could finish building them, just like I told you to do, right?). Remember not to bomb the bunker until it says you're cleared to do so... well, all right, if you really must, go ahead, but read section 3.3.2 first. 3.3.2. Cool ways to die (Disastrous Losses) At the very beginning, don't create enough habitat space for the emergency-awakened colonists. (Lab Master) Bomb the rebels' bunker on Hades before it has been emptied. (Mike Andersson) Don't do anything when Gamma1 flies into Beta Caeli. (Lab Master) Anything else? 3.3.3. Strategy, anyone? Early in the game, you'll need 3 research stations on Calypso, 1 studying Biology, and 2 studying Physics. Michael Lewchuk suggests the following research strategy: (Early in game) Calypso--1 Biology, 1 Physics, 1 Math; Gaea Surface--1 Biology. (Later in game) orbiting Gaea--2 Biology, 2 Chemistry. He says, ``After this, I turned the labs on Gaea off, and produced mainly mathematics and electronics at the space stations and Calypso. Ever try to find math and electronics? It's hard compared to geology, physics, astronomy, chemistry, or biology! Anyway, after getting to the sporeship, I turned the labs on Gaea back on to produce even more math, electronics, and the odd physics.'' Don't destroy any of the pylons until you have your Inverse Fusion Reactor (or Big Bomb, as I like to call it). Destroying pylons sets Gamma1 in motion, and you need Big Bomb to destroy it. If you have the Inverse Fusion Reactor, and you still haven't located Gamma1 (i.e., you haven't set up your 3 electronics labs to triangulate), blow up all the pylons on Gaea or Rhea. Your advisors will find Gamma1 real quick! And you have 1000 turns to do your stuff on it. Would someone confirm to me whether or not the IFR is found on Gamma1, or can it be built before then? Much, much later in the game, you will need SSCronus. It will need 6 research stations, fully upgraded (level 6); 2 each researching Math, Biology, and Physics. It will also need to have on hand 3000 ore, 3000 energy, and 300 robots. Why? When you start cooperating the with the Empiants, they need these items to research the new interstellar drive. 3.3.4. Are the Biota Shield, Mass Driver, and Anti-Meteor Gun effective? According to M. Lewchuk, ``Build one. [Mass Driver] It's resource consumption is laughable.'' The Anti-Meteor Gun is only useful on Ares, when Gamma1 tries bombarding as it flies by on its way to Beta Caeli, although I suppose one could avoid that by blowing Gamma1 up before it gets close enough. I think that the Biota Shield are effective. You would certainly not be able to keep any colonies on Gaea and Rhea without them. True, you keep losing things, but they tend to be minor losses (except the vehicles), in my opinion. You can minimize (eliminate?) those losses by attacking the biota in the big-green- blob-sectors. From another source: The Mass Driver is not cost effective, but useful to supply ore to Siphoning Stations. See also section 3.3.9. 3.3.5. Is there a real use for missiles? One source suggests that several ships on Missile Missions, orbiting Cronus, keeps the Empiants confined. I have not confirmed this. 3.3.6. Is there a good reason to set up siphoning stations? If you need energy, they are really good sources of it, but they become really costly to maintain once the Empiants start attacking. Siphoning stations are much more cost effective once you've made peace with the Empiants. It would seem that not setting up any SStations (for any reason) above gas giant planets keeps the Empiant attacks at an ``irritant'' level rather than a ``war'' level. 3.3.7. The scientist says he wants to research the pylons, but he never goes out and does it. I believe that unless an advisor specifically requests to be sent somewhere, the investigation kind of automatically happens. 3.3.8. M. Lewchuk's detailed charts on everything Quoted directly out of his email message, no changes: Notice that most of the better buildings are generally slightly less efficient at producing stuff. In other words, having 20 class 1 buildings is generally better than having 10 class 2 buildings or 5 class 4 buildings. Also note that having 100 class 1 labs is roughly equivalent to having 50 class 6 labs for producing most tech, at a fraction of the resource cost. The exception is factories, which produce more ore at a relatively cheaper cost. Building Construction Cost Maintenance Cost Prod- Name OreEnr LifHum Rob Ore Enr Lif HumRob uces Misc* Habitat 1 2 1 1 0 5 2 3 1 3 2 5/10 100 Habitat 2 5 3 4 25 8 4 5 2 9 4 9/10 200 Habitat 3 12 7 12 50 12 7 10 3 16 7 12/9 300 Habitat 4 20 15 26 75 18 11 18 4 24 12 17/8 400 Habitat 5 32 32 42125 28 16 24 5 32 20 24/8 600 Habitat 6 42 64 80200 38 20 32 6 60 30 30/7 1000 Lab 1 5 3 3 12 5 10 6 4 8 4 TECH 0 Lab 2 7 6 6 25 9 18 10 7 18 7 TECH -1 Lab 3 13 10 10 50 16 25 14 12 32 12 TECH -2 Lab 4 20 16 24100 24 36 18 18 48 18 TECH -3 Lab 5 30 24 45150 32 40 24 22 64 30 TECH -4 Lab 6 45 33 70250 44 42 32 30 120 42 TECH -5 Power 1 6 9 10 16 7 1 1 3 6 3 6/12 Power 2 12 16 18 25 10 3 2 6 12 5 9/11 Power 3 20 25 28 40 14 6 3 10 24 8 14/10 Power 4 28 38 45 75 20 10 4 17 42 12 19/9 Power 5 45 56 64150 30 15 5 25 65 18 26/9 Power 6 88 98 110200 40 24 6 36 90 24 31/8 Factory 1 6 8 6 4 10 1 3 2 8 4 5/9 0 Factory 2 10 14 10 10 15 2 5 4 15 8 10/8 -3 Factory 3 16 20 18 25 20 4 10 6 25 12 20/8 -6 Factory 4 24 32 34 50 25 7 15 10 45 16 28/7 -7 Factory 5 40 50 66100 35 13 22 15 70 20 35/6 -8 Factory 6 80 92 130200 45 18 30 22 100 25 40/5 -9 Forcefield12 22 15 19 25 2 10 5 9 6 (Gaea/Rhea) Anti-Meteor Gun30 15 25 21 13 2 11 5 10 8 (Ares) Mass Driver25 35 30 21 15 50 65 61 44 67 (useless) Stabilizer250250 250 0 0 25 25 25 0 0 * Misc. is population capacity for Habitats, and production modifier for factories and labs, in number of turns required to produce 1 unit of goods. Item Turns Resources Fuel Cargo Robots 12 2 3 3 2 3 Ship 1 24 9 10 7 4 2 2000 30 Ship 2 3000 60 Ship 3 48 12 14 12 16 20 4000 100 Ship 4 64 13 15 15 24 42 5000 150 Ship 5 80 14 18 16 32 48 6000 200 Ship 6 90 17 21 18 40 66 7000 250 Number of ground colonies possible: Alpha, Beta, Gaea : 8 Rhea : 7 Ares : 5 Prometheus, Hermes: 3 Hera: 2 Hebe, Hades, Tethis: 1 Required space platforms: SS-Cronus, Calypso 3.3.9. L. Master's list of clue locations L. Master seems to think that all clues are at the same location every time, however, there's at least one message that disagrees. I'm too lazy right now to find out; somebody help? Here's his latest list: Alpha 2 A 3 clue: Beta 4 Alpha 3 A 2 clue: Hebe F11 Alpha 5 A 4 Red metal (absorbs energy) Alpha 7 D 7 Yellow metal alloy Ares H 2 clue: Prometheus B10 Ares K 9 clue: Gaea *19 Ares B 11 Petrovski Radio Ares F 19 clue: Rhea C42 Ares J 22 clue: Beta 7 Beta 4 D 0 clue: Hermes C0 Gaea D 0 clue: goto Gaea:I9 Gaea C 1 coax cable (& robots) Gaea E 7 gem for Eco-Scope Gaea I 9 W.Lemfort's work Gaea G 10 red crystal Gaea E 13 comm center (TANTALUS) Gaea G 13 clue: Rhea I27 Gaea D 15 24 robots Gaea F 30 1 vehicle, radio center Gaea I 33 Ramikin II Engine Gaea K 34 alien language decoder Gaeaequator 26 27 Hades F 3 mushroom crystals Hades H 17 crashed Empiant ship Hades G 20 green metal Hebe A 9 45 robots, admin bldg Hebe F 11 blue quartz Hera F 22 clue: Ares *19 Hermes ? 0 Hermes C 0 screen Hermes F 4 clue: goto Hebe F2 Hermes J 13 clue: Alpha5:A4 Hermes D 22 clue: Prometh *7 Prometheus I 0 isolinear chip Prometheus D 2 laser focusing crystals Prometheus C 2 clue: Ares B11 (Petrovski) Prometheus A 9 clue: Prometheus F 5 clue: Prometheus H 2 Prometheus I 7 yellow quartz Prometheus L 7 crashed ship—hullmetal Prometheus B 10 green metal Rhea C 20 rocks from Alpha3 Rhea I 27 control panel module Rhea J 31 ``Ore Magnet'' J Rhea C 42 alien obelisk translation Thetis C 3 robot brain Thetis G 8 clue: ??? G20 Thetis A 11 clue: Sporeship target Gamma1 A 0 pylon Gamma1 F 0 gun turrett Gamma1 G 0 pylon Gamma1 A 2 (engine improvement) Gamma1 C 2 pylon Gamma1 E 2 bifocaline improvement Gamma1 G 2 explosion/hole Gamma1 F 3 pylon Gamma1 D 4 missile strikes Gamma1 G 4 H'Riak secret Gamma1 F 4 pylon Gamma1 C 5 pylon Gamma1 G 6 dark room (power improvement) Gamma1 A 7 pylon Gamma1 B 7 Tantalus marker Gamma1 G 7 pylon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Spoiler Centre