____ / __ \ | / \_\ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ | | _ / _` | / / `_ `\/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ | \__/ / |_| | /| | | | |_| | |_| | __/ \____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__ |\___| _____ _____ __| | |__ __|__ __| \___/ | | | | | | | | _| |_ _| |_ |_____|_____| PLAGUE RAGES Carnage II On-Disk Technical Support Manual Copyright (c) 1999 Butchsoft Entertainment http://www.butchsoft.com This document gives detailed instructions on how to play Carnage II and contains important troubleshooting information. TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. THE STORY II. TECHNICAL INFO A. System Requirements B. A List of Included Files III. INSTALLING CARNAGE II A. Installation B. README.TXT IV. THE BASICS OF PLAY A. Goal of the Game B. Skill C. Episode D. Know your Enemies V. CONTROLS A. Mouse B. The Main Menu VI. THE GAME A. The Screen B Ending a Level C. Ending an Episode VII. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS VIII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I. THE STORY It's the year 2005. The world's stood face to face with total extermination because of appearing young people representing certain youth subcultures. It broke out at the turn of the centuries in Poland, when hords of street gangsters, boarders and hippies loomed up in the streets of some towns. These events didn't portend any great disaster, let alone the apocalypse. When the local authorities realized how serious the problem was, the situation was out of control. Unfortunately, it was too late. Always ready for action Duke Nukem said: "Mmmm. I'm goin' in" and wasn't seen any more. Even Marine, who had been highly praised for destroying the Crater Majoris, vanished without trace. Then, people had no hope of regaining control of these dangerous areas. The plague raged... During the UN summit meeting in Brussels, a new international organization has been established - The Defense and Quick Response Worldwide Department, which is being led by you. Equipped with the newest hardware consistent with the NATO standards, you have to fight against innumerable opponents. Everybody has great faith in you. You are almost certainly the only survivor. The world is in your hands, so you mustn't fail. Go ahead! II. TECHNICAL INFO A. System Requirements: - PC 386 at least - VGA graphics - mouse B. A List of Included Files CARNAGE2.EXE [ Executable ] CARNAGE2.ICO [ Icon file ] README.TXT [ This file ] GAME.DAT [ Data files ] PAK0.PAK PAK1.PAK PAK2.PAK BACKGR00.DAT BACKGR01.DAT BACKGR02.DAT III. INSTALLING CARNAGE II A. Installation You must install Carnage II before you can play it. If you have downloaded Carnage II via modem, simply go to the directory you've placed Carnage II in, and type 'INSTALL'. B. README.TXT After you install Carnage II, you go right into the README.TXT file, which is henceforth available in your Carnage II directory. This is a full listing of Carnage II's technical parameters. We strongly recommend that after you install Carnage II, you glance through README.TXT. IV. THE BASICS OF PLAY A. Goal of the Game Carnage II has one basic goal. The player's task is to exterminate human beings. B. Skill You can choose from five different difficulty levels: Kidstuff - The warm-up mode. Duck Shoot - The easy mode. Much time and lots of stuff. Test Your Confetti - The Default Setting. Normal difficulty. Play Havoc - For Experienced Players. Pissing Contest - For Experts Only. Little time and few bullets. Once you've made your selection, the game will load. C. Episode Episode I: Paris The capital of France declines as one of the first towns. Gangs of youths hanging about on street corners have had a liking for Champs Elysees. Episode II: New York The plague has quickly spread across the Atlantic, reaching the New York City. It particulary makes the local Brooklyn gangstas' life miserable. Episode III: Bielsko-Biala This is a place where everything has started. With the bittersweet stench of vengeance coursing through your veins, you step in the home killing field. D. Know your Enemies Carnage II critters are extremely tough, but you have the firepower to vent your grievances on them anyway. Good hunting. Street Gangsta - he's moving slowest. He's got stripes on his trousers and a baseball bat. Hippie - he's got long hair, a headband and bell-bottoms. You've got to remind him that Woodstock was over in 1969. Boarder - he's riding on a skateboard and is the quickest. V. CONTROLS A. Mouse You shoot at your enemies by clicking the left mouse button. It is possible to shoot a spurt of machine-gun fire but you get rid of your ammo much quicker. After finishing off all kids, getting rid of the time or if you have no ammo, the game is over. B. The Main Menu Tap the Escape key to pop up the Main Menu. While you are in the menu, the game is paused. Use the arrow keys to move the kalashnikov up and down the menu. Place machine-gun before the desired option, and tap the Enter key. NEW GAME Discards the game you're playing, and starts a new one. LOAD Brings up a list of saved games. Choose the desired slot and tap the Enter key. SAVE Brings up a list of saved games. Choose the desired slot and tap the Enter key. BACK TO GAME By entering this option, you will continue playing the previous game. QUIT Exits Carnage II at once. VI. THE GAME A. The Screen The large top part of the screen is the view area, in which you see your enemies. Immediately below is the Status Bar containing the following information: AMMO - shows the amount of ammo left. KILLS - shows the number of the killed. SCORE - shows the number of scored points. TIME - shows the remaining time. B. Ending a Level After killing all hordes of enemies, you finish a level. The number of foes to be killed is shown at the very beginning of each level. C. Ending an Episode Each episode consists of three levels. After finishing all episodes, the game is over - you are a winner. After finishing the third episode, playing the "Pissing Contest" skill level, you will see the movie! VII. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: How can I shoot at hippies? They aren't violent at all! A: I don't know, but they may be... Q: Why do I score diffrent number of points at different skill levels? A: It's obvious. It's much easier to aim and shoot, if you choose "Kidstuff". Q: Why can we see the final movie only after playing the most difficult skill level? A: Because of motivation... If you're better, you've got always some more. Q: Last year I visited New York and it wasn't such a dangerous town. A: You didn't visit Brooklyn. Q: I'm an obsessed skateboarder. I can't understand why I should shoot at my fellow boarders? A: Shoot at street gangsters and hippies. VIII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Butchsoft Entertainment would be wanting in courtesy if we did not express wholehearted thanks to 3D Realms and id Software for unconscious inspiration. Additionally, we would like to thank Napalm Death for having recorded 'Plague Rages', which inspired us while creating Carnage II. Our sincere thanks are also extended to all youth subcultures all over the world, whose behaviour and lifestyle drew our attention to the problem of unnecessary violence and hatred. Finally, on behalf of Butchsoft Entertainment, we would like to sincerely apologize to everyone who has felt touched or offended. Remember, we are not visionaries. Games reflect life.