(solution in English for Bad Mojo) This crawlthrough only resolves the puzzles necessary to complete the game. There are numerous interesting video clips and clues interspersed throughout the game that you will want to find on your own. BASEMENT Go up to matchbook, then left to rusted water heater leg. Go up leg, right across pipe, then down other leg. Go up 3 screens and make a right at the rat's tail (crawl across the trapped rat's mouth for a biting experience). Push the cigarette butt so that the lit end faces the spider. Go down 2 screens and enter "Cockroach Corral". Climb across the dead roaches to exit the corral. (you will have to push a roach larva to build a bridge across the last roach). Go up workbench leg. Travel left across top of table until you reach the vacuum plug in the wall. Cross wire until vacuum comes on. To turn the vacuum off, go down one screen and then go left until you reach the end of the workbench. Climb down the workbench leg and go right at crossbar until you reach the drooping vacuum wires above the paint can. Climb down the wire until your weight forces it to hit paint and short the vacuum. Go back up table and crawl past plug until you reach vacuum hose. Follow hose to coil. Follow coil into garbage can and traverse until you reach paint table. Go down 1 screen, then climb across paint brush and through hole in table. Go down 1 screen and exit through other hole in bottom of table. Go down 1 screen, right 1 and then climb across paintstick to fusebox. Go to the right fusebox and meter.. The first meter is always set at "7". Crawl back and forth across the bottom 3 fuses until the meters read "7-6-5-8". The fuse box will then short out. This will not be important until late in the game. By doing it now, you are saving an extraordinary amount of backtracking. Go down mop handle. Cross basement floor to the left until you reach bed leg. Climb up bed leg and travel the length of the bed until you reach a TV dinner. Cross the dinner to the radio and enter the back of the radio. Climb up the silver cathode on the left and touch the wire at the top. Watch video. Climb to the top of the radio and bump the back of the pill bottle. Push the pill off the radio into the beer can. Watch video. Go to the floor under the bed until you see the cigar box. Exit across the lid of the box. BATHROOM Climb down to the bottom of the towel dispenser and enter. Push the switch above gear to release paper. Climb down paper. Go down 2 screens and left 1. Climb up unpainted wall above rathole. From sink, go left 1, up to broken mirror, enter where glass is missing. Go up 3 screens and enter used razor slot. Push screw into used razor jam. Exit back to rat hole. Watch video. Don't worry about lit cigarette until later. Enter rathole and exit to left. KITCHEN Follow pipes under cooler until you exit at the front of the cooler. Crawl down to floor and cross left across room to mop. Go up mop. Travel right across the counter top until you reach the stove. Go down between 2 pots. Push the bottle cap down. Go into the knobless hole. Push the pilot light closed. Leave. Go down. Go left, cross handle and go down on the left side. Go up under the little roach. Wait for roach to jump on back. Go back to the sink. Crawl on the end of the knife handle. Exit through garbage disposal. BAR Cross the baseball bat to the opposite side of bar. Go to the right. Ride the peanut shell. Walk on Bartender's Companion until Bad Mojo recipe appears. Cross bat to liquor bottles. Climb up bottles in this order: grenadine, curacau, brandy and vodka. YOUR ROOM Climb up desk to broken fan. Push wire until fan comes on and blows papers. Crawl across copy button on fax machine. Crawl down papers to remote control. Push cigarette butt so that it no longer blocks remote control light. Turn on remote control. Get on butterfly and fly across the room. Crawl all the way left to aquarium. Crawl down cord of heating pad. Watch video. Visit yourself on floor for fun. Exit through fan on top right of wall above the experiment table (this fan quit working when the fuse box was shorted). THE GOOD ENDING Go to bathroom. Push cigarette from urinal onto floor. Push cigarette into paper towels. Go back to your room and crawl to the amulet by your head.