UFOSAVED - UFO: Enemy Unknow. Savegame editor MODIFYING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Just type the new amount and click on Save. The greatest value is 2147483647. If in the game you exceed this amount, the number will become negative, so it's better to use a lower number like 2100000000, and then it will remain 47 millions, that is a good margin. EDITING BASES ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To build an structure you just have to select it in the right's buttons and click on the properly position in the base. If the structure is an hangar you have to click on the position that will be the hangar's upper- left corner. To dismantle one, you have to click on 'Dismantle' and then on the structure that you want to dismantle. The button 'End Construction' makes all structures to be automatically finished. An structure is under construction when there is a number over it. This number shows the number of game days that rest to end construction. It is possible to change the name of the base clicking on it and replacing it. You can modify the number of scientist a engineers on the base just adding or substracting with the + and - buttons. To save changes click on 'Save' or, if not, click on 'Cancel' to cancel without saving. If you place the mouse cursor over one of base's icons it will appear a description of it in the lower-left corner of the screen. MODIFYING SOLDIERS' SKILLS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ You can change any of soldiers' skills just clicking on the + and - buttons next to the skill value that you want to change. Remember that you can't change Morale's value. Clicking on 'This soldier greatest' soldier's skills will change to the number that is saved in the configuration file (see below). If you click on 'All soldier greatest' then all soldiers' will change. You can change the soldier's name just by clicking on it and typing the new one. To go to the next soldier click on '>' and to go to the previous click on '<'. To save changes click on 'Save' and to discard them click on 'Cancel'. The soldiers' greatest value is 255 but you should use one lower because when a soldier changes of rank their skills' value changes and it can exceed this value so it will turn to 0. UFOSAVED'S CONFIG FILE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Modifying this editor's configuration file you can select the "message file" to choose between some languages. In this version there are two: ESPA¥OL.MSG and ENGLISH.MSG. To choose one you have to open the file UFOSAVED.CFG and find the line FICHERO_MENSAJES. Modifying the quotes' contents you can choose another. The default file is ESPA¥OL.MSG. The line MAX_SOLDIER_VALUE has the value that will be set to soldier's properties when you click on 'This soldier greatest' or on 'All soldier greatest'. Changing this number it will be assigned another value. CONTROLLING THE EDITOR FROM THE KEYBOARD ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ You can use this editor from the keyboard if you have problems with the mouse. The arrows will control the mouse cursor through the screen. To do a click you'll have to press the Control key. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To contact with me write a letter to: V¡ctor Fern ndez Mart¡nez C/ Veintiuno, n§19 Urbanizaci¢n Montecolorado La Pobla de Vallbona C.P. 46185 (VALENCIA) SPAIN Or send me an e-mail to: victorfc@nexo.es Visit my Internet Website: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/6668 You can also download this editor from The Adrenaline Vault: ftp://ftp2.avault.com/cheats/ufosaved.zip NOTE ÄÄÄÄ THE AUTHOR DOESN'T MAKE RESPONSIBLE OF DAMAGE that this editor could make if it isn't used properly. THERE ISN'T any kind of WARRANTY. It is better to make a back up of saved games before using this editor. UFO: Enemy unknow. (C) Microprose, 1993 UFOSAVED. (C) V¡ctor Fern ndez Mart¡nez, 1997