The 4th Super Robot Wars Scramble Mini-FAQ Version 2.0 Here's the explanation or translation of most of the command in the game, as requested by someone. I didn't write a complete FAQ because 1) I need time 2) I am not Japanese, so I need to know all the names and stuff. 3) Nobody seems to have this game.... This FAQ should work with the 4SRW for SFC, but the regular instructions are for the PS version, and the SFC version will be in (), so be careful! (I write the regular instructions for the PS version because that's the version I have! But don't worry, I played and beat the SFC version too, so the instructions will be correct.) If you feel or know that something is wrong in here, just E-mail me what's wrong and I will fix it. If you have any comment or criticism is welcomed. If you really want a full blown FAQ, just tell me and try to help me by translating some of the robots and pilots name and stuff.... Table of Content: 1) Command or menu lists. 2) Ability screen explanation. 3) Complete "Magic" list and brief description 4) Very brief Character's guide 5) All the crossroads and details on some hard-to-get robots and pilots 6) "Miracle" trick, hidden characters and some hints 7) Closing comments 1) Command or menu lists. When you first started up your game, after the CG intro, you are presented with 4 choices. Start This will start the game at very beginning Load This will start the game between stages. There are several (or two if SFC version) spaces for you to save the games in. Continue This will start the game during the stage you saved. Option Go to the option screen. Option screen (from the main menu) Sound pick from Stereo or Mono. Sound Test listen to the various BGM from the game Karoke Mode Watch and listen to the various Music video of several anime series. Demo mode Watch the transformation/combination video from the game. Only those you have seen (during the game) will be presented. Delete Delete one of the saves from storage. Format Clear all the saves from storage. Deluxe Character Encyclopedia a brief character description on every character that appears in game. Illustrated Robot Encyclopedia a brief robot description on every robot (almost) that appears in the game.In order for it to be shown, you have to 1) have the robot appears on the map during the game and 2) save either during the stage or afterward. The percentage show the percent of robots you have seen. After you start from beginning, you have a choice of editing "your" character in the game. If you decided to edit, keep in mind that only the birthday and bloodtype counts toward the "magics" that your character will have. Each sign and bloodtype will result in different sets of "magics" and some specific combination of bloodtype and birthday will yield special magic." You can edit the name, sex, face, personality, birthday/Bloodtype, and pilot type. Personalities: (Starting from top left going across to the right) 1) Hot Blooded with a strong sense of Justice 2) Logical but has and affinity for the opposite sex 3) A Little Weird 4) Cool and nihilistic Note: Personalities don't really change much in the game other then your characters dialogue (i.e. the way he or she talks and responds to other characters. But if you don't know how to read Japanese , then it doesn't really matter) Choose Pilot Type: Robot types determine which Final Robot Your Character will pilot eventually. The robot you start with will also be different third weapon and minor HP, EN, etc. differences. Real Robot pilot: will give you a mobile suit. It has a nice long range weapon. You will start with "Cutting" special ability and gain Newtype about level 20. The robot you start with will have less HP, EN, but will have a long range weapon. Super Robot Pilot: will give you a huge transformable Robot with almost no manuverblity but powerful Ki/moral attacks. You will start with "Cutting" and Potential special ability. The robot you start with will have more HP, EN and have a pretty powerful close range weapon. Map Screen On the map screen, when you press the cancel botton on empty (without robot) squares, you can see the dodging and aiming enhancement on the robot if a robot is there. When you press accept botton on empty squares, the main map screen will appear. Turn end end your current turn and switch to enemy's turn. Team list List your robots on map according to either level or HP (use R to change). The bar in left indicate either EN or HP, with default being EN. Use L to change from EN to HP. By selecting from the list, your cursor will now point to the corresponding robot. the E next to the bar indicate that the robot has already used up all his movements point. Whole Map Display the whole map with each robots being represented by a square according to if they're enemy or friends. "Magic" List all the "Magic" that your pilots can use. The red ones are those that you don't have the MP for. With your cursor over the "Magic", you will get an explanation of what it does (except for one) on top. By selecting it, you will be presented with the list of pilots that can use it and the pilot's remaining SP. Selecting off that will lead you to his/her robot directly. Command Change the commands issue during enemy's turn. The first option is to change all pilot's command at once. Each pilot is represented on menu except Non Player Characters(NPC). First choice is user decide, second is as long as you won't be killed, you will attack back. Third choice is always dodge or block (this decision is based on mobility) when your enemy is higher in levels,otherwise attack. The last option is always block or dodge. Option Objective The objective of completing this stage. Usually is the defeat of all enemy on screen or the destruction of the boss. Save Save during this stage. You only get one spot. That means that even if you save seperately on stage 2 and 3, you will be brought back to the last save. If you let the cursor on robot and press cancel, you will be shown the enemy's HP, EN, Pilot's and robot's name, and moves remaining. The moves remaining is shown will a W. Each W represent a movement point. If you haven't use "Detection" or fight that robot yet, the HP, EN and moves won't be shown. If you press accept, a normal menu will appear if that robot have moves remaining or the ability screen will appear. Normal Menu ( since this menu's order and content is different on some robots, you have to test for which one is which) Move move your robot. Attack Ability go to ability screen Magic use magic Ground/ Air/ underground/ underwater to land/air/underground/underwater Transform To transform. Only a few robot can transform. you will be presented with list of option or just transform if there is only one option. Separate To separate. Only a few robots can separate. Robots like GP03, Re-GZ cannot be combined after separation. Combine To combine. Only a few robots can combine. For two robot combination, just move one over another. For more than two, move them right next to each other. Item If you have items, use it here. Launch Battleship only. launch robots from battleship. Only shown if there's robot on ship. Convince Certain pilots can convince enemy pilot to join them. You have to know the storyline of the original show in order to guess who can convice who. Remember that not all of them will join you right there, some will join you later or even needed to be convinced twice. After you beat the stage and intermission, you will be presented with the rest menu. Save Save current progress. Combine/ Transform To combine or transform robots. Upgrade Upgrade the robots on HP, EN, armor, mobility and max output. You can only upgrade eight times on each stat and each addition upgrade cause is doubled. The list is sorted according to HP. Upgrade Weapons to upgrade the weapons of robots. Can only upgrade 8 times. Some weapons cost more to upgrade than others. Each upgraded weapons increase damage by 200. Special items to put special items on robot to be either use in stage or enhance performance. These can be found in the map or after certain stages. Inspect Check out the robot or pilot's ability. Robot is the first choice while pilot the second. If you press accept during the robot's ability screen, you will go to its weapon's screen. Robots are sorted according to HP, while pilots are sorted according to level. change to change 1)pilot or 2)faries. First pick your pilot then pick the robot you want him/her to pilot. Pilots can only goes to the robots in the series they are under. For example, Amuro can only pilot Real Robots. Note: Your starting robot can only be piloted by either your character or your lover or co-star. Sell to sell unwanted robots. Not all robots can be sold. Next go on to next stage. 2) Ability screen explanation The ability has three parts if you choose this option during map. The first one is robot, second is pilot, and last is weapons. Here's the explanation of ability screen for: Robot Upper-middle right items equiped lower left Robot's stat information. Area The places the robot can go (except water, which is never shown unless the robot is made for wate combat) # of S The number of squares that the robot can travel during a move. When on ground, hills and etc. cost additional squares. Mobiltiy The robot's mobility. Armor The robot's armor. Max Stat The max stat for robot. bottom center the left one is telling whether the robot have a shield. the right one is telling the size of robot. Smaller robot has dodging advantage. bottom-upper center special ability of robots. Like Transform, combine, separate. After-image special features of Aura Battlers, F91 and the three different Geta 2 that decrease enemy's hit percentage by half if pilot's morale is 130 or up. beam barrier There are four types of beam barrier. 1) Beam coating good for against beam weapons with less than 1200 damage. 2) I - Field good for against beam weapons with less than 2000 damage. 3) Aura barrier good for 3000 or less. 4) Beam barrier unknown. HP recover Percent of HP recovery after every turn. bottom right The robot's grade at each terrain. Air, land, water and space. A dash means it cannot go there. From A - D. With A being the best and D being the worst. This grade will be changed if the pilot's grade is different at each terrain. Pilot's screen Top left Character's name and below it, the robot series that pilot can use. Top right level and moral. The higher the morale, the more damage the robot can inflect and stand. Some weapons require a certain level of morale. +1 after every attack connected on enemy or enemy connected on robot. +5 every enemy killed. +1 every team member kills an enemy. -1 every team member killed by enemy. -5 after boarding battleship. -10 after resupply either by "magic" or robot. Middle left The amount of MP currently and max. Bottom left The "Magic" the pilot can use. Each pilot has a max of six. Bottom middle Experience needed to advance to next level. Bottom-middle right Number of enemy killed. Right bottom The pilot's grade at each terrain. Middle Pilot's ability top left Close range attack. Pilot's rating at close range attack. 100 means normal. bottom left Long range attack. middle up Dodging ability. The mobility of the robot and the pilot's rating is presented here. The rate of robot's dodge depending on robot's size, pilot's dodging ability, mobility and max. The max is the max number that the robot can achieve. For example, even if Amuro has 180 dodge and robot has 50 mobility, but if the robot has only 220 max, that's the level that the dodge rate will based on. The over max stat will be shown in red. middle down Aiming ability. Almost same as above except it's on percentage of hitting your enemy. top right Sense(?). Usually higher numbers means higher dodging ability. When 130 or higher and max is 130 or higher, pilot can move twice. bottom right Skill level. The higher the number, the higher chance of a critical hit (double damage). Also used in with "mercy" magic. Also the higher the skill, the less likely this pilot will suffer a critical hit. Center The pilot's special ability. Not all pilots have special abilites. Newtype (all Japanese characters) Amuro, Char, and other pilots from the Gundam Series (except for Kou) fit in this catgory. Their Piloting skills are exceptional and they have the ability to use Newtype weapons such as Funnels and Fin Funnels. They were also able to move twice quicker, as all Newtypes can move twice ranged from level 33 to level 38 at the latest. Enhanced Human (4 Chinese character or Kanji) Like Four Murasame. An Artificial Newtype. Same abilities as newtypes.Enhanced Humans are normal Human beings that have been Genetically altered so the human will have newtype abilities even though that human is not a newtype. Shield blocking (with 2 Kanji at back) the number behind it indicate the rate that shield (if any) be used to reduce damage by half. Cutting(?) (with 1 Kanji at front) the number behind it indicate the rate that sword be used (if any) to cut solid projectile like missiles, funnels, incom, or clash sword. Receive no damage after attack. Aura Senshi (3 kanji) Pilots like Shou in Aura Battler series. Ability to use the Aura and Hyper Aura cut. Potential (2 kanji) Founded in almost every Super Robot pilot. Double the rate of critical hit if only 1/8 HP left. Weapons screen. top left page number/max page middle left Weapon's name. B means beam type weapon. MAP means can hit several enemy at once. (all the kills won't increase morale). P Can be used after movement. (after movement, only close combat weapons can be used if next to enemy unless it's P weapons.) middle middle Attack power middle-right Range. All weapons with only 1 range is close range weapons. middle right +/- hit rate. Some weapons has a higher hit rate than others. Range from -30 to +35. bottom three rows weapon's usage. first row left: ammo remaining. right the grade of weapons on each terrain. second row left: morale requirement. right: EN consumption. last row left: special ability requirement. right: +/- critical hit rate. Range from -10 to +30. 3) Complete "magic" list and brief description I am listing the "magic" in the order they appear in the "magic" list in the "magic" menu. It start from the top left and it goings down then to the right, until it reaches the bottom right. Note: "Miracle" does not have explanation in Japanese in the game since it is suppose to be a secret. HP1 Recover self HP by 1/3. HP2 Rcover self HP fully. Flash 100% dodge for one enemy attack. Speed Up +5 squares for current move. Hot Blood 100% critical hit for one attack. Always Hit 100% hit for one turn. Concent- rate +30% dodge and aim for one turn. Trust Recover one robot HP by 1/3. Pressure Stop one enemy that has a lower level from moving for one turn. Mercy If has HIGHER skill level than enemy, then the attack will leave the enemy with 10 HP if that attack is enough to kill the enemy. Useful for getting weak team member to level up. Motivate Increase self morale by 15. Lucky Double amount of experience and money for one chance (means one chance of pilot getting any experience. So if enemy attack you and you block, the lucky will still be there but if you attack and you miss, the lucky will be used up.) Resupply Completely recover one of your team's EN and ammo. Friend- ship Recover all team member HP by 1/2. Love Recover all team member HP fully. Anger Cause damage from 10 to 1000 on all enemy on map. Awaken increase movement points by one. (move one more time during your turn.) Rally Increase morale of all robots standing on top, left, right and bottom of the pilot that use "Rally" by 10. Move Again Let one team member that's on top, left, right or bottom of the pilot that uses it and that has already used up his/her movement points to move again. Resur- rection Let one dead team robot revived. Morale back to 100 and is choosed among dead team robot. Invisible Let one's robot be invisible to enemy so enemy cannot attack you but you still can attack enemy. Exhaust Exact opposite of Rally. Decrease morale by 10. Self- destruct To kill oneself. In process, inflict same amount of your HP on robots on top, left, right, and bottom of your robot. For example, if you have 4,000 HP and you use this "magic", all four surrounding robot will suffer 4,000 damage, no matter how thick their armor are. Detection To get information about the enemy without having to fight it first. Confusion (?) Cause all enemy on map at this moment to decrease their hitting percentage by half. Search To find one hidden item on map. Don't move(?) Cause all robots on its range to decrease their # of squares of their current move by half. Iron Wall Double self armor for one turn. Spirit Triple attack power for one attack. Miracle See trick section. 4) Very brief Character's guide This section is designed to help people with no Gundam or Heavy Metal, etc. knowledge to know the different pilots by name. Some people might know their name in languages other than Japanese or English, since shows like Gundam is shown in Hong Kong and other places, so people their don't know their name in English, so I write this part and now they will be able to tell apart Amuro from Char. Gundam Series (Do I need to explain???) Amuro Rey Pilot of Gundam, Nu (Greek letter that look like a V) Gundam This guy should need no introduction, since anybody that watches the show Gundam should know him by now. He is one of the quickest pilot to be able to move twice (level 33) and the quickest pilot to get "Spirit". This Newtype is the most balance of them all, but in this game he lack leadership and he is pretty indecisive since he still cannot choose between Chien and Beltorchika. Quattro Bajina Pilot of Type 100 (The gold color MS with the MAP weapon) This blond with the sunglasses is actually Char Aznable, so every Gundam fans should know him. He is pretty slow comparing him to Amuro, but he has the highest long range and skill stats among MS pilots. This newtype has leadership ability, that's why he might leave your team later. Camille Vidan Pilot of Zeta Gundam The blue haired main character from Zeta Gundam is back, and he is still as good as ever, although he don't have "Lucky", he stats are still very high and he is able to move twice at level 33. His romance with the Enhanced Human Four will ultimately be decided in this game... Judo Ashita Pilot of Double Zeta Gundam The always happy Newtype is back, and his attack power is still very high. He is also able to move twice at level 33. All of his friends won't be back as backup pilots, but Elpe Puru and Puru Two might make an appearance later on in the game... SeaBook Arno Pilot of Gundam F91 (The F is pronounce formula) This guy is probably the worst among Newtype Gundam pilots, as he can move twice at level 34 and his stats are pretty low, but with the power of F91, he is still one of your best pilots. His girlfriend Cecily Fairchild will make an appearance if you let somebody die... Kou Uraki Pilot of Gundam GP01Fb and GP03 Dendrobium This non-Newtype is probably the best among regular MS pilots. He may be shy around girls and dislike carrots, he still has a pretty high skill level and have "Spirit" and can move twice at level 41. If he could just have "Concentrate".... Anavel Gato Pilot of Gundam GP02A Physalis and Neue Ziel The favorite villian from Gundam 0083 is back and he is as good as ever. The "Nightmare of Solomon" has the second highest skill and long range level among MS pilots. It will be a tough choice between Char and Gato, but with the prospect of getting the Atomic MAP weapon is too much to resists... Christina Mackenzie Pilot of Gundam NT-1 Alex This lovely looking test pilot (at least to Bernie) is back and she is still as useless as she was in the 3rd Super Robot Wars. But with the Gundam and some pretty useful "magic", Chris might not be as useless as you think.. Bernard Wiseman Pilot of Zaku That's right, this pilot uses a Zaku! This pilot is still pretty useless, but hey, Bernie comes with Chris, which means.... Roux Rouka Roux is Judo's girlfriend, and she will be a backup pilot depending on one of the crossroad. Her stats might be low, but at least she has "Lucky" and "Resupply", and afterall, she is still a Newtype... Katsu Pilot of G-Defensor Another pretty useless Newtype, but the MA he pilot is extremely useful and he is the only one that can convice Sara to join your team if you are on the Real Robot side.... Keyla Sue Pilot of Jegan Keyla is back, depending on crossroad, and she is still just average among MS pilots. Well, at least he is better than Hathaway... Hathaway Noah Pilot of Jegan Hathaway is back, just like Keyla, but at least he is a Newtype. Hope he has gotten over his obession over Quess... Four Murasame Pilot of Psycho Gundam The love interest of Camille is back. This Enhance Human don't have very high stat level, but she can move twice at level 35 and can be use as second class pilots... Rozamia Badam Pilot of Psycho Gundam Mark II This emotionally unstable Enhance Human is back. She has less useful "magic" as Four, but some of her stats are higher and she does get your team more experience, just hope she don't cause too much trouble for Camille... Elpe Puru and Puru Two Pilot of Quebeley Mark II These two asexually produced Enhance Human are back. Although their stats are not very high, but at least the Quebeley Mark II are quite useful. If only Judo can find them... Quess Pariah Pilot of Jagd Doga or Jegan This girl is a pretty powerful Newtype, and her MS is very good. But how can we find her? Maybe Amuro can help.... Heavy Metal Series (The series whose robots has P weapons, beam coating and beam weapons) Mylard Pilot of L Gaim, L Gaim Mark II The major character of the series has finally make it to the Super Robot Wars series, and he is extremely useful because of his extremely high long range attack, move twice at level 36, and useful robots. Not to mention the fact that two girls are always fighting over him. I wonder where his cousin, the girl that Mylard was suppose to marry, is...... Aura Battler Series (The series whose robots has after-image and Aura and Hyper Aura cuts) Shou Pilot of Dunbine The major character from the series is back from Super Robot Wars EX, and he is still extremely useful since he has a pretty good close range and long range stats, able to move twice at level 36, and some useful magic. If he could only have more SP ...... 5) All the crossroads and details on some hard-to-get robots and pilots There are quite a few crossroads in this game. Even if you played the two paths of your robot, you will still miss a few different stages and some robots and pilots, so this section will detail all the different crossroads and in the process, listing all the robots that you'll get in the different crossroad. In the end of each crossroad, I will add comments on whether you should pick this crossroad over the other one. I am excluding the differences in Super robot side and Real robot side because you should know them by now. 1) During second stage (or first stage for SFC version) If you finish this stage in double digit number of turns (or 8 if SFC version), you will be sent to a different sequence of stages than if you finish in single digit number of turns. In the single digit number of turns, you will be presented will less enemy to fight, and you will have one additional robot to appear on Encyclopedia. You will have Hathaway as extra pilot after stage 7. If you finish second stage in double digit number of turns, you will have Keyla instead as extra pilot. You have more enemies to fight and Christ and Bernie will join you during stage 7. Advice: For this crossroad, you should choose the double digit crossroad because it yield more experience and more robots, but it uses up more turns. 2) Before stage 7 or stage 6 (or 6 and 5, respectively for SFC version) Depending on the 1) path, you will choose this path before different stages. Before the stage, someone will ask you whether you have a girlfriend/boyfriend (lover?) or not, and if you ask yes, he/she will start as a Titan and you will have to fight a sea monster in stage 8. You will be allowed to edit her name. If you want him/her to join you, you have to convice him/her to join you in stage 23(or 22 in SFC) if you choose to go to space while in stage 24 (or 22 in SFC) if you decide to stay on earth. If you say no, a co-star of the opposite sex will be choosen for you and will join you as extra pilot after this stage. You will instead be helping combattler V in stage 8. Advice: Take your pick. Depend on whether or not you need the extra pilot right now. The second pick (no girl/boy-friend) uses up more turns. 3) After stage 10 (or stage 9 in SFC version) This crossroad asks you to whether to cross the Japanese ocean or Pacific ocean, with each one causes a different following stage. If you choose the Japanese ocean, you will get Katsu, but there's less items and experience. If you choose Pacific ocean, Roux will join you instead. Advice: Japanese ocean all the way because of the usefulness of G- Defensor (it can be combined with Gundam Mark II) and the ability to convice Sara to join you in stage 21(20) if in Real Robot side. But the other path yields more items and more experiences and uses up a little less turn (but Dancougar team cannot be used). 4) After stage 12 ( or stage 11 in SFC version) This crossroad asks you whether you want to help one of your team member to find his lover. If you don't go with him, you will fight a boss and in the process decide a crossroad in stage 35 or 36. Advice: Don't go with him. Since going with him uses up some turns and that part of the team don't have "Search" so you will be missing a lot of items, no to mention it also by default pick a worse crossroad for you later on. 5) During Stage 13 ( or stage 12 in SFC version) If you decided not to help find one of your team member's girlfriend, you are presented with two choices at this stage. If you manage to kill the boss within 8 turns, you will be in a different stage 35(34) than if you didn't kill the boss. Advice: Kill him. By killing him, you will be able to get the I-Field generator at stage 35(34) and more items. But the other path yields a better storyline. 6) During Stage 14 (or stage 14 in SFC version) This crossroad will decide which Aura Battler battleship you're going to get in stage 18(17). If Shou don't fight the woman in 3 rounds, she will then join you and you will get the battleship with no MAP weapons and two faries, along with the woman (she does have Aura Senshi skill at level 15). If you fight her, you will get a battleship with MAP weapons and two pilots along with two extra robots. Advice: Kill her. The battleship with MAP is more useful and one of the extra pilot can be used in stage 34(33) (the one which Four is in your team) to get an extra pilot and robot that has Rally. She is extremely useful near the end of game because you will have to split up in two teams and she is one of the only four member in one team that has Rally, so take your pick carefully. 7) After stage 18 (or stage 17 in SFC version) Before stage 19, you will be asked which way should you go to invade enemy's base. For the first choice, the map is longer, and the second choice is shorter. Advice: Second one all the way. The items and amount of enemies are the same, so why bother go the longer way! 8) After stage 23 (or stage 22 in SFC version) After the stage, Bright will ask you whether you want to go to space or stay on earth. If you go to space, you go along with Amuro, Fa, Kou, Keith, Dancougar team, Jumbo3 team, Raideen team and Heavy Metal members. If you stay on earth, you go with the rest of the team. The following four stages is different depending on which way you pick. Advice: Space is a must for Real Robot side because it's the only way to convice Mylard's cousin to join you by letting him attack her. However, on earth you can see the new Geta and your robot if you're on Super Robot side transform. P.S. After stage 30 (or 29 in SFC), if you're on the Super Robot side, your stage number will be increase by one because stage 30(29) has two parts but the game still counts as two stages. Make sure to minus 1 from the stage number from that on so the stage number will be the same as mine. 9) During Stage 32 and stage 33 (or 31 and 32 in SFC) In these two stages, you are presented with a tough choice. If you convice Four to join you, you will have a chance at convicing an additional AB pilot and less enemy to fight later on. If you killed her, you can get the EX-Superior Gundam (if you have Superior Gundam. Note: Remember, in SFC version, you have to have the Guntank and in Real Robot side to get Superior Gundam while in PS version, you only have to be in Real Robot side.) and a chance to convice Rozamia to join you at stage 34 and 38. In stage 38, you have to kill the Alpha Aziel (the hugh MA with funnels) first before using Camille to convice Rozamia to join you. After the stage, the doctor will ask you whether you want her to be one of your backup pilots. Advice: If you're in Super Robot side, convice Four because you will need the extra MS pilot and the extra AB pilot. If you're in Real Robot side, you might want the EX-S Gundam and more enemies to fight. 10) During Stage 33 (or 32 in SFC) Before this stage, Char will ask you whether you want to help out protecting General Brex Forra. Make sure to say yes (the first option) because I personally like to make my own decision instead of letting the computer doing it for me. During turn 3, the computer will ask you whether you want to escape to the right or the left. If you choose left (the second option), Brex will be killed and Char will leave your team. This will also decide which stage 40 you are going. Without Char, Cecily and her MS will join you, and you have a chance of convicing Gato to join you if he survive until stage end. With Char, if you protect the NPC until the end, you will get a Sazabi instead (Char's MS with funnel). Advice: This one is really up to you. I personally like to let Char go because GP02A has an Atomic weapon, and using it to finish the game is much easier for the PS version. Note: I am not sure if PS version is the same but in order to get the Atomic weapon in the SFC version, you have to convice Hamaan Khan with Judo later, which can only happens if you're on Real Robot side. 11) During Stage 39 (or 38 in SFC) This crossroad is pretty hard to get to. If you're on Super Robot side, just go on to the next because it's not possible to choose unless you are on Real Robot side. About turn 3 or 4, there will be some Heavy Metal enemies appears, and Mylard's cousin is among them. If you use Mylard to atttack her in stage 27(26), use him to convice her in stage 30(29), and use him again to convice her in this stage, she will join you. After you convice her, you can then convice the purple hair guy to join you with Mylard. By convicing him to join you, you will be going to a different stage 41(40). With him, you can then convice Puru and Puru Two to join you with Judo. Advice: Go with it if you're on Real Robot side. This way is much faster and easier than without him. Also one of the only ways to get Atomic weapon for GP02A. PS) During stage 40 (does not really apply to SFC version) During this stage, a girl will attack you and one of your team member (the one that can transform) will recognize her and say something must be wrong. If you convice her, then this stage will end after you kill the three bosses, and you will have an extra stage to fight with just him, her, and one other girl. In SFC version, convicing her will add the other two pilots that help you but didn't join you in stage 35. Note: If you does go to the extra stage, make sure to minus 1 to follow my stage numbering system. Advice: This stage is pretty useless but it does gave them some experiences and you don't have to fight three more battleship and enemies during stage 40 so it would be easier to protect the NPC. 12) During stage 41 (or 40 in SFC) This crossroad lead to another crossroad, but only accessible in Real Robot side. If you convice Puru and Puru Two (only need to convice one of them), after the stage is complete, they will ask you whether or not you want to go with them to get a little girl. By going with him, you have a chance of convicing Hamaan with Judo. In that stage, you have to use Judo to convice Hamaan before attacking any of the enemies. After that, kill as many as you want without killing Hamaan. With only four enemy remaining, Hamaan will retreat and you will get the Atomic weapon in stage 44(43). If you don't follow Judo and Puru, you will go to the moon and fight the Heavy Metal boss, but it is not very hard. If you don't convice Puru to join you at all or if you're on Super Robot side, you will be sent to the hardest stage 43(42) of the possible 3. Note: If you decide to follow Judo, your stage number will increase by 1, so make sure to minus 1 afterward to follow my stage numbering system. Advice: Follow them at all cost because it's much easier, not to mention able to use atomic weapon. But you might not want to follow them if you just want to cross all crossroads. 13) After stage 44 (or stage 43 in SFC version) If you finish stage 44 with a total of 326 turns(?) or less (319 for SFC version), three new pilots will join you (some of your team member will leave) and you won't be given a choice to fight these guys in stage 45. If you finish with more than 326, during stage 45(44), the woman will ask you whether you want to fight them. By saying yes (first option) both times, you will fight them instead of the last boss. This option will result in a bad ending. The stage 45 with less than 326 turns is harder in PS version because the enemies are very spread out and you have to kill them all before the last boss will appear on the map. For SFC version, the boss will always be there so it's a piece of cake. Advice: Depending on your mood. In order to make it in less than 326 turns, it takes practice and lose some items and enemies in the process, not to mention it was a lot harder. Unless you have GP02A and its atomic weapon and some experience with this game, I strongly discourage choosing that. Note: By choosing to fight the guy with two girls instead of fighting the last boss, you will have two more robots appear in the Encyclopedia. 6) "Miracle" trick, hidden characters and some hints Miracle. This is the ultimate "magic". It increase morale by 30, 100% hit, flash, lucky, spirit(triple damage), speed up and complete HP recover for only 40 MP. Only the AB farie for Shou and your character can have this magic. For the AB farie, she has to reach level 56. For your character, you have to input a special birthday and bloodtype. Even "Spirit" require special birthday. The easiest to get is 9/2, O, which gives miracle at level 25, but you will have no "magic" before level 25 and when you do, some of your "magic" is pretty useless, but "Miracle" is all that matters. note: This only applies to PS version. In SFC version, you will have speed up, flash, concentrate, lucky, spirit and Miracle. You get spirit at around level 20 and miracle at level 24. There are two hidden characters (well, if you looked at Deluxe Character Encyclopedia, you should know them by now) in the game (maybe more in PS, but I didn't heard there's more). One is Quess and other is a farie for AB series. In order to get them, you have to get a certain pilot on certain square of a certain stage. note: Since these hidden characters doesn't effect storyline at all, make sure to get them, especially the AB farie AB farie stage 17, Shou has to be in square 40 down and 2 to the right from the upper left hand corner of map. She will present three choices for you after the stage: first and second choice yields a replacement for Dunbine, while the last one is leave Dunbine alone. The first and second choice AB don't have any long range weapons, but they have pretty high mobility, HP, EN and 10% HP recovery. The first one is a little more agile while the other has higher armor and HP. advice: Take the first one. Since it has higher mobility, you can let the weaker pilots use it and still manage to get to 255. Quess: Stage 30, Amuro has to be in square 6 down and 8 to the right from the upper left hand corner of the map. She will give you two choices after the stage: First one is Dera Joga(?) (The MS with funnel) and the second one is just Jeagon (GM). The choice is pretty obvious. note: This stage is only accessible if you follow the real robot side. Some hints: 1) If you lost a stage without saving at all, you will have to be back at that stage again, but all the experience and money will be intact, but the hidden items won't be there. If you are low in money and experience, you can use this to grab some money and experience, but it still counts toward the total turn counts. 2) Always, I mean always kill a battleship with "Lucky", even if it's piloted by a nobody because it yields lots of money. 3) There are two planes in the game that is mainly used for resupply, and you can choose from the few pilots. Both planes should be piloted by the girls because they have the most useful magic. For the one in Radieen, pick the girl with the lowest level because she has lucky, resupply and love, not to mention that she can move twice at level 38. As for the other plane, the girl has rally, which is extremely useful in later stages, but she has to be at level 32. 4) If you press the top buttons and select and start together, the game will be rebooted to the main menu. Useful if you don't want to press reset all the time, especially in PS version. 7) Closing comments Finally, I would like to thank Phillip L Yee( for helping me translate some of the names and stuff and for correcting some of my mistakes in the first version. I also need use thank the guys from the Gundam Project( since I use many of the name translation for the Gundam series from there. For those of you that only played the SFC version and really like the old anime shows, make sure to at least borrow the PS version because those original voice actors and actoresses really make a difference. Did you know that Inoue Kikuko, the voice actresses for Belldandy and Tendo Kasumi, is actually doing the voice of one character in the game! I know this FAQ really sucks, but this is my very first attempt at writing one, so bare with me. As I said before, E-mail me any comments or suggestions to me. See you (maybe) later! -Edmund Chiu