EMPEROR OF THE FADING SUNS - NOVA Nova Version 1.2 - This file last updated November 29, 1997 1. What is Nova? 2. Who produced Nova? 3. How do I obtain Nova? 4. How do I install Nova? 5. How does Nova differ from EFS v1.3? 6. What's new in this version of Nova? 1. What is Nova? Nova is a new, unofficial version of Segasoft/Holistic's computer game "Emperor of the Fading Suns". We believe that EFS is potentially a great game, which has been released without sufficient testing. As a result, it still contains many flaws. Nova is our attempt to fix as many of these flaws as we can, by creating new versions of the game's data files. Since we do not have access to the game's source code, we cannot possibly fix ALL of the flaws. Our main objective is to improve the balance of the game. In Nova, many of your old strategies will no longer work as well as before. We encourage you to try out units and options which you have previously rejected as ineffective. With Nova, you can expect a much more challenging game. Beginners beware! 2. Who produced Nova? Nova was produced by 5 fans of EFS, who have no connection whatsoever with Segasoft or Holistic:- *Richard Wein (richard.wein@virgin.net) *Jason Holbrook (corsair@ccia.com) *Mike Nadeau (mikeandkaren@ainop.com) *Dag Staalhandske (dag.staalhandske@swipnet.se) *Klaus Borek (kborek@netbrno.cz) 3. How do I obtain Nova? Nova is available free of charge to anyone who wants it. You can download it from the Nova web site. At this web site, you can also obtain the latest information on the progress of the Nova project. We consider this to be an experimental project, so don't be surprised if you find some problems with Nova. We would like to receive your comments on Nova, whether favorable or unfavorable (but hopefully constructive). 4. How do I install Nova? You download Nova in the form of a zip file called NOVA1_2.ZIP ("1_2" corresponds to the version number, 1.2). Use an Unzip program to unzip the contents to folder \EFS\DAT (assuming you originally installed EFS in folder \EFS). The Nova data files will overwrite some of your existing EFS data files, so you may want to make a backup copy of this folder before unzipping, in case you want to go back to playing the standard EFS game later. Of course, you can always reinstall EFS from scratch if necessary. You can also download some revised files for Bishop Holst's archive, in file ARCH1_0.ZIP. The contents of this file should be unzipped to \EFS\MANOWITZ. Nova is designed to be used with EFS version 1.3, the latest official patch, but it will probably work with other versions. IMPORTANT NOTE: Nova will not work with your existing saved game files, and standard EFS won't work with games saved from Nova. You can try it, but, if you run into serious problems, don't say we didn't warn you. We will try to make future versions of Nova compatible with this version, but we don't guarantee anything. 5. How does Nova differ from EFS v1.3? 5.1 Money We believe that firebirds were too plentiful. Money has now been made a scarcer commodity. In particular:- *the maximum tithe skim has been reduced to 20% of its previous value; *the basic tax rate has been reduced to 20% of its previous value (from 10% to 2%); *the prices of gems, monopols and singularities have been reduced, so less money can be made from selling these resources; *the size of loans from the League has been reduced. In setting the new value for the basic tax rate, we have assumed that players will usually choose the two traits which give +10 to city and unit loyalty (Noblesse Oblige and Rule of Law), since these traits are so valuable. We have therefore made these traits the defaults for all houses at the lower difficulty levels. If you want a REALLY challenging game, play at the Ridiculous difficulty level and keep the default traits. 5.2 Resource Production The resource throughputs for the processing cities have been changed, primarily to make electronics and chemicals easier to produce, but monopols and singularities more difficult:- *Electronics: 20 energy + 10 trace = 20 electronics *Chemicals: 20 energy + 10 trace = 20 chemicals *Biochems: 10 energy + 5 chemicals + 10 exotica = 10 biochems *Wetware: 10 energy + 5 electronics + 5 biochems = 10 wetware *C-steel: 10 energy + 5 chemicals + 5 trace = 10 c-steel *Fusorium: 20 energy + 10 electronics = 10 monopols *Cyclotron: 10 energy + 10 monopols + 10 gems = 1 singularity 5.3 Resource Prices The base prices for resources at Agoras have been changed, to bring them into line with the actual costs of production:- *Food/energy/metal: 10 *Trace/exotica: 20 *Chemicals/electronics: 30 *Biochems: 85 *Ceramsteel: 75 *Wetware: 135 *Monopols: 90 *Gems: 150 *Singularities: 3000 These are the prices at which you SELL to the Agora. 5.4 Disbanding Units The rate at which the production costs of a disbanded unit are refunded has been reduced from the previous very generous 75% to a more reasonable 50%. 5.5 Research Costs We see "drug" units (like the Chem Shock Legion) as a relatively low-tech alternative to "genetic" units. We have therefore reduced the research cost of Pharmaceuticals, Psychopharmacology, Combat Drugs and Grimsons Legion from 250 to 125, and made these technologies less likely to be proscribed, while increasing the cost of Genetic Manipulation, Viral DNA and Gen Warrior Legion from 250 to 400. We have also increased the cost of Fusion Beams (300), Fusion Rifles (400) and Meson Cannon (400), as the most powerful weapons should take longer to research. 5.6 Attack Damage Table One of our most bitter complaints was about the way that weak units could so easily defeat much stronger ones. For example, it was not uncommon for a Cruiser to be destroyed by a Bulk Hauler. One reason for this was the poor design of the Attack Damage Table (a kind of combat results table), which favored weak units. For example, at 2-1 odds, the average damage inflicted was only 8 points more than at 1-1. This has been corrected (at least partially). 5.7 Terrain Effects We felt that infantry units needed some more advantages. So we reduced the speed of tread units in river hexes and reduced the speed of hover units in forest and jungle. We also edited the "unitspot.dat" file to make infantry units harder to spot in certain terrains. But it's not clear if this has had any effect. The cost to enter a swamp hex has been increased from 2 to 3 for all units. 5.8 Names The names of many units and technologies have been changed, to create more consistency between the long unit names, short unit names and applied technology names. 5.9 New and Modified Units We feel that many units were previously imbalanced and not worth building, while others were too powerful. As a result, we have modified the costs and attributes of many of the units in the game. Our aim has been to ensure that all units are worth building in the right circumstances. Only the major changes are listed here. For full details of all units, refer to the revised Unit Chart, which should be available from the Nova web site. 5.10 Indirect attack All units with an indirect fire attack have had the accuracy of that attack reduced to 1, and the strength increased to compensate. This is so that it is impossible for them to hit Assassin units (which now have an agilty of 11). Previously, an Assassin could be blown away by artillery on his way to his victim's bed chamber! Certain units, such as Special Forces, which specialize in covert operations, have been given an indirect attack. This does not represent artillery fire but a "first strike" capability. (Special Forces recon the area, pinpoint weak spots, and prepare the site for an attack.) 5.11 Direct Attack Since mechanized units (tread, wheel, hover, crawler) are immune to close combat attack, those infantry units which had no direct attack were totally helpless against them. All infantry units have now been given a direct (in certain cases indirect) attack, even if it's only a weak one. We assume that, in the 50th century, there will be a few portable anti-tank weapons available, even to Militia. 5.12 AA Attack Similarly, almost all ground units now have an AA attack. However, these AA attacks have been weakened in most cases, to encourage the use of aircraft and AA guns, which were rarely built before. 5.13 Close Combat To reflect the poor performance of armor in close quarters, where infantry have the advantage, we have reduced the close combat attack of most armored units. 5.14 Air Unit Costs Building air units required an unreasonable amount of metal. For example, a Strategic Bomber used as much metal as a Destroyer. We have reduced the amount of metal in the cost, and increased the electronics. Since we've also made electronics easier to produce, we hope this will encourage players to build more air units. 5.15 Guards and Nobles Another major complaint has been the poor AI of the computer Houses, the Church and the League, who all leave their scepters poorly defended and vulnerable to capture. There's nothing we can do about the AI, but we have been able to strengthen the defense of these scepters in two ways:- *All Infantry Legions in the initial setup have been converted to Guard Legions. These are very powerful units, which cannot be moved from their starting positions and cannot be built. Regular Infantry Legions can be built as usual. Note: when an unwanted Guard Legion is disbanded, an Engineer unit is created to replace it. *Nobles have been given a very powerful indirect fire capability, equivalent to that of Pestulator Artillery. If you want a rationalization for this, you can consider that it represents "portable pestulators" which have been passed down through generations of the noble's family, even after the technology to make them was lost. To prevent unauthorized use, they are voice-activated and keyed to the noble's voice, so can only be used in the presence of the noble. As well as strengthening the defense of the House's scepters, this gives players more incentive to risk their nobles in combat, something which was not previously worthwhile. A side-effect of these changes is that some rebel cities (especially palaces) will be very hard to capture. We're not sure that this is a good thing, but it's a worthwhile price to pay for better defended scepters. 5.16 Undercover Units We use the name "undercover units" to refer to Spies, Saboteurs (new unit), Assassins and Doppelgangers. These units have the following features in common:- *They can attack on Byzantium II before an Emperor has been declared. *When attacking a stack containing a noble, their close comabt ability targets the noble, to the exclusion of other units, in effect giving them an assassination capability. *They have a very high agility, which makes them immune to indirect fire. They can only be hit by close combat and psychic attacks. These units are likely to be of most use in a multiplayer game, as players struggle to kill each other's nobles on Byzantium II. *Spy Move 6 Spot 12 Camo 8 Agility 11 Armor 20 PsyDef 50 Rank 9 Indirect 1/20 AA 3/10 Close 6/20 Resources: 80 Elec Time: 2 turns/fort Required unit: Officer Required tech: none Primary role: intelligence gathering. The spotting value of 12 gives it a spotting radius of 5 hexes. *Saboteur (new unit) Move 6 Spot 6 Camo 8 Agility 11 Armor 20 PsyDef 50 Rank 9 Indirect 1/80 AA 3/10 Close 6/20 Resources: 50 Elec 50 Chem Time: 2 turns/fort Required unit: Officer Required tech: none Primary role: attacking military units (especially on Byzantium II before an Emperor has been declared). *Assassin Move 6 Spot 6 Camo 8 Agility 11 Armor 20 PsyDef 50 Rank 9 Indirect 1/20 AA 3/10 Close 8/80 Resources: 30 Elec 30 Chem 30 Biochem Time: 2 turns/fort Required unit: Officer Required tech: Assassin (which now requires Pharmaceuticals instead of Prana-Bindu) Primary role: assassination of nobles. *Doppelganger Move 8 Spot 12 Camo 10 Agility 12 Armor 30 PsyDef 10 Rank 7 Indirect 3/80 AA 5/10 Close 10/80 Resources: 20 Elec 20 Chem 40 Biochem 30 Wetware Time: 2 turns/hospital Required unit: Officer Required tech: Doppelganger (which now requires Neurocellular Surgery in addition) Fulfills the roles of all 3 other units, with superior efficiency. In addition, it can act as a noble's double: any undercover unit attacking a stack which contains a Noble AND a Doppelganger will attack the Doppelganger in preference to the Noble. 5.17 Emplaced Guns Some garrison units were previously too powerful. Artillery, in particular, was regularly used as the main component of an attack force, diminishing the value of factory-built units. To remedy this, all wheeled guns (Artillery, Anti-Tank Guns and AA Guns) have been made into "emplaced" guns. In other words, they are unable to move, except as cargo. (For technical reasons, they still have a movement allowance of 4, but this can only be used for boarding a Naval Transport.) In addition, their armor rating has been reduced to 10, and Artillery's indirect attack has been reduced to 1/60. 5.18 Hover Units There was previously little difference between hover units and tread units, but the hover units were poorer value and rarely built. We have now enabled hover units to move on sea as well as on land, making them much more flexible, and permitting amphibious assaults on coastlines (previously impossible). To offset this enormous advantage, we have made hover units vulnerable to anti-aircraft fire. (This is stated to be the case in the manual, but was not true.) Scepters, Relics and Plague Bombs have been converted from hover units to tread, so they can't move on sea. Cargo pods have been converted from hover units to crawlers, and the movement costs for crawlers changed so they can only move one hex per turn off-road. (This doesn't affect PTS units which could only move one hex off-road anyway.) We did this to stop players using 1-point cargo pods for exploration and other non-cargo-like activities. 5.19 Stealth Units There is a major bug in the camouflage/spotting system. As a result, spotting only works correctly for space units. We haven't been able to work out exactly what's going on, but there is usually no difficulty spotting a ground, air, or naval unit, no matter how high its camouflage rating. This makes the Ranger and Stealth Tank units redundant, since camouflage is their only distinguishing feature. We have therefore removed these units from the game. There is no problem with the Stealth Ship. 5.20 Marauders As far as we can see, the Marauder unit's space combat ability has no effect, making this unit redundant too. It has also been removed from the game. 5.21 Genetic Units We have grouped the following four units into this category to distinguish them from other units. They rely primarily on biochems and Houses with a good supply of biochems should specialize in these units. *Genetic Warrior Legion Uses the old Ranger icon Agility 6 Armor 50 Air 3/10 Direct 5/20 Close 8/80 Resources: 35 Biochem 10 Food Time: 2 turns/lab Genetic Warriors represent the first crude step into genetics. Warriors are grown in a labatory vat. They are basically mindless giants who like to throw rocks and pound on things. High armor makes them formidable opponents. *Genetic Shock Legion (replaces old Shock Legion) Uses the old Marauder icon Move 4 Agility 4 Armor 80 Air 3/20 Direct 4/40 Close 5/60 Resources: 10 Metal 30 Biochem 5 Elec 10 C-steel Time: 2 turns/fort Required unit: Infantry Legion Required tech: Genetic Shock Legion (which requires Combat Drugs, Genetic Manipulation and Assault Legion) The old Shock Legion was too similiar to the Assault Legion and Heavy Infantry. This unit is designed to survive extreme situations (reflected by its high armor). Select Infantry Legions are "chosen" to undergo 2 turns of biochemical and genetic manipulation at a fort. It can operate alone, but is hampered by a slow movement rate. *DNA Assault Legion (new unit) Uses the old Shock Legion icon Move 6 Spot 4 Camo 3 Agility 5 Armor 60 Indirect 5/50 Air 3/30 Direct 4/50 Close 5/80 Resources: 10 Metal 10 Chem 30 Biochem 10 Elec 5 C-steel Time: 2 turns/fort Required unit: Special Forces unit Required tech: DNA Assault Legion (which requires Viral DNA and Assault Legion) The ultimate extension of genetic technology. The elite from the Special Forces are chosen to undergo DNA rematrixing to create a perfect biological weapon. Possessing strength and endurance far beyond the human limits, DNA soldiers carry a full complement of weaponry for any situation. They can stand toe-to-toe with the highest level Cyber units, as well as the Symbiots and Vau. *Xyll Warbeasts This unit, which was previously rather ineffective, has now been given an additional direct attack of 4/40, and its cost reduced to just 50 biochems. 5.22 Drug/Chemical Units *Patriots (new unit) Uses "Peasant" icon (previously unused icon) Move 4 Camo 1 Agility 2 Armor 30 Rank 1 Direct 1/5 Close 2/5 Resources: 10 Food 10 Chem Time: 1 turn/any city Required techs: Indoctrination and Pharmaceuticals What the hell is this?!?! Well, we couldn't let the Peasant icon go to waste. Basically, the fiery rhetoric of the Church combined with an ample supply of crude mind-control drugs in the water supply combines to make a segment of the population extremely passionate about House ideals. Unfortunately, these people are virtually all talk and no action, as evidenced by their low values for agility and camo. Still, their high armor value (safety in numbers) and their low rank can provide a "human shield" for other, more important, units. Select Patriots may be chosen to become... *Chemical Martyrs (new unit) Uses "Scientist" icon (previously unused icon) Move 4 Camo 1 Agility 2 Armor 5 Rank 6 Direct 5/100 Close 5/100 Resources: 10 Metal 40 Chem Time: 2 turns/any city Required unit: Patriots Required techs: Holy Warriors and Pharmaceuticals Patriots that show exceptional spirit are recruited by the House secret police to "validate" themselves in battle. Officially, they are independent fanatics who strap explosives to themselves and seek out the "enemy". The more enemy units they can take with them to the afterlife, the greater the glory. *Chem Shock Legion (Grimsons) Move 6 Spot 3 Camo 2 Agility 5 Air 3/20 Direct 3/40 Close 7/50 Resources: 10 Metal 50 Chem 10 Elec Time: 2 turns/hospital Required unit: Infantry Legion Grimsons are now more distinct from the old Shock Legion (now Genetic Shock Legion). Slightly quicker but less armored than Gen Shock. These are the most powerful infantry units then can be built without the higher-end resources. 5.23 Religious Units *Dervishes Armor 20 Psychic 9/100 Resources: 5 Gems only Time: 1 turn/church Dervishes are powerful foot units that appear later in the game. They require only one turn to be built. As part of a combined operation, their psychic attack can finish off any leftover enemy units, as well as being capable of working independently. *Fanatics Air 3/20 Direct 4/30 Close 5/70 Psychic 2/10 Resources: 5 Chem 5 Elec 1 Gem Time: 3 turns/church The Church sometimes trains certain members of its flock to serve and protect Church ideals (much like Inquisitors). Of course, any House leader can recognize the value of these Fanatic units for his own purposes. Such is the legend of these Fanatics that any who survive the weapons phase of combat can strike again at the very hearts and minds of the enemy... 5.24 Light Spacecraft All "light spacecraft" (Fighters and Torpedo Bombers) are now small enough to be destroyed by a single hit. They rarely return home damaged. *Space Fighter Agility 10 Armor 5 Direct Space 6/20 Space Fighters are designed specifically for combating the menace of Torpedo Bombers. They are less effective against capital ships. *Cyber Fighter Agility 12 Armor 5 Direct Space 8/20 Resources: 10 Wetware Time: 1 turn/hospital Required unit: Space Fighter Cyber pilots require 1 turn of surgery to implant wetware. Their inhuman agility and accuracy make them devastating against enemy Torpedo Bombers. *Space Torpedo Bomber Agility 8 Armor 5 Direct Space 1/100 Torpedo Bombers carry a single massive torpedo. They have the power to destroy capital ships, but are vulnerable to ranged space attack and Space Fighters. *Martyr Torpedo Bomber Agility 1 Armor 5 Direct Space 6/150 Resources: 5 gems Time: 1 turn/church Required unit: Space Torpedo Bomber Martyr bombers are chosen to sacrifice their lives for the glory of the Church (and the House, of course). Gems are required to transport the pilots' souls to the afterlife. 5.25 Naval Units *Submarine Move 6 Agility 19 Armor 15 Underwater 6/90 AA 0/0 Resources: 30 Metal 20 Elec Submarines used to be vulnerable to direct and indirect fire, as well as underwater fire, making them little different from surface ships (since their high camouflage rating is of little use). Submarines are now vulnerable only to underwater fire. We have achieved this by giving Submarines a VERY high agility, and giving only underwater weapons a high enough accuracy to hit them. Submarines can now only be hit by Destroyers, Anti-Submarine Gunships (a revision of the old Gunship) and Hunter-Killer Submarines (a new unit). (Submarines can no longer be carried as cargo.) *Hunter-Killer Submarine (new unit) Move 8 Agility 19 Armor 15 Underwater 19/10 AA 0/0 Resources: 30 Metal 40 Elec Required tech: Towed Array (costs 200 research points and requires Energy Physics). The main role of the Hunter-Killer Submarine is to attack enemy subs. It is also reasonably effective against surface naval units. *Anti-Submarine (ASW) Gunship (replaces old Gunship unit) Underwater 5/50 Air 3/20 Direct 3/20 Close 3/20 Resources: 10 Metal 25 Elec Required tech: Energy Physics This is now a specialist aircraft for anti-submarine warfare. It is also reasonably effective against surface naval units. *Naval Destroyer Underwater 5/40 Indirect 3/30 The main role of Destroyers is as escorts for Naval Transports, particularly when threatened by Submarines. However, they now also have a modest shore bombardment capability. 5.26 Partisans Most rebel units are, unfortunately, static. Since Partisan units are an exception, we decided to increase their strength, giving them an indirect attack of 1/40 (representing sabotage ability) and raising their armor to 20. 5.27 Crawlers In our opinion, crawler (PTS) units are giant machines, too big to be transported as cargo, so we have made them non-transportable. 5.28 Spy Plane (new unit) Move 20 Spot 8 Camo 4 Ag 7 Armor 30 Air 3/20 Direct 5/20 Close 5/20 Resources: 100 Elec 20 Csteel 20 Monopol Time: 3 turns Maintenance: 250 Fb/turn Required tech: Neumonic Camouflage (Neumonic Armor renamed) Appearing near the end game, Spy Planes are very useful for scouting new planets quickly. At this point in the game, the player probably has several planets fully colonized and is engaged in military action. Spy Planes are used to ease the tediousness of planetary exploration late in the game, although the possibility exists for military application. The resource and maintenance costs remain high enough so players will choose not to needlessly risk Spy Planes in combat duty. 5.29 Infantry/Heavy Infantry The standard Infantry Legion can now be built without any technology. The Heavy Infantry Legion now requires Heavy Infantry Legion technology (which didn't exist before). This technology requires Composite Armor and Monofilament. Heavy Infantry now only takes one turn to build, and does not require c-steel. 5.30 Cybercorp Indirect 6/30 Air 6/10 Direct 6/10 Close 10/80 Resources: 20 Wetware Time: 2 turns/hospital Required unit: Special Forces The best Special Forces are selected to undergo cyber-surgery to produce a truly fearsome unit. Can be used virtually anywhere. Indirect values here represent a devastating first-strike attack. 5.31 Required Units Some units require another unit as part of their construction cost. For example, a Special Forces unit is required as part of the cost of building a Cybercorp, and must be located in the hospital where construction is to take place. (This procedure existed for just a few units in standard EFS, but has been greatly extended in Nova.) We're not yet sure whether this is a good thing. On the one hand, it makes these units more distinctive. On the other hand, it adds to the amount of "micromanagement" in the game, but, as these units are not likely to be built in large numbers, we hope this will not be too much of a problem. There is one thing you need to watch out for. We say that the required unit for Cybercorp is Special Forces. In fact, the program will take any unit which has the same icon as Special Forces, including another Cybercorp. So, after you've built a Cybercorp, you must move it out of the hospital before building another one, or you may find yourself consuming one Cybercorp to produce another one! 6. What's new in this version of Nova? Nova Version 1.2 It looks like version 1.1 didn't completely fix the Symbiot crash problem. This time I think we've really got it fixed. No need for details. It's a bit technical. Suffice to say, it was a careless error on my (Richard Wein) part. There are no other changes in 1.2. Nova Version 1.1 Nova 1.1 differs very little from Nova 1.0. The main reason for this new version is to correct a problem which was causing the game to slow down and sometimes crash during the Symbiot move. It seems that giving static units (Guards, Artillery, Anti-Tank Guns and AA Guns) a movement allowance of zero was confusing the AI. To fix this, we have given all such units a movement allowance of 4. The other changes are mostly minor adjustments, some of which should have been in version 1.0 but were accidentally omitted. * Made Guards a "wheel" unit, and changed movement rating of all "wheel" units from zero to 4. They still can't move, but they can now be loaded onto Naval Transports. Note: since guards are no longer a foot unit, they can now be hit by direct fire and ranged space fire. * Increased the armor of Pestulator Artillery from 25 to 35. * Returned the armor and agility of the Assault Gun to their original values (60 and 3) and increased its indirect attack to 1/90. * Reduced the armor of SP Artillery and SP Anti-Air from 25 to 20. Also reduced the indirect attack of SP Artillery from 1/90 to 1/80. * Reduced the agility of the ASW Gunship from 9 to 6 * Gave the Xyll Warbeast, which previously had no direct fire, a direct fire of 4/40 and reduced its cost to just 50 biochems. This makes the unit a lot more attractive. (An attractive Xyll?!) * Made Engineers a "required unit" for Guards. You still can't build Guards, but, if you disband them, you gain an Engineer! * Reduced the movement point costs for tread units in tree and mountain hexes to their original values. There is a peculiar bug which means that a mixed stack of foot and tread units is unable to enter some hexes. Increasing the movement point costs meant that this bug was being encountered more often. So we've undone that change. * Converted Scepters, Relics and Plague Bombs from hover units to tread, so they can't move on sea. * Converted Cargo pods from hover units to crawlers, and changed the movement costs for crawlers so they can only move one hex per turn off-road. (This doesn't affect PTS units which could only move one hex off-road anyway.) We did this to stop players using 1-point cargo pods for exploration and other non-cargo-like activities. Nova is not associated with or authorized by Segasoft Inc or Holistic Design Inc. Emperor of the Fading Suns, Fading Suns, and the Fading Suns Universe and its distinct characters, logos, and marks are trademarks of Holistic Design, Inc. SegaSoft and the SegaSoft logo are trademarks of SegaSoft Inc. (c) 1997 Holistic Design, Inc. All rights reserved.