Table of Contents |
What's New in version 2.1 |
Networking ADL |
New Features
- added print list feature
- new easier to use date selector
- added mousewheel support
- added ability to change column field by clicking on header of column
- added sort choice of ascending or descending
- added ability of individual selection of files within the list screen. This gives the
user the ability to select a group of specific files to extract or delete.
- fixed bug which flipped to last record and back when deleting a record. This would take
some time if the last record was a large image and the previewer was open.
- changed login screen so that hourglass isn't showing as this confused some people to
think that they couldn't do anything as long as an hourglass pointer was present.
Originally this was done on purpose because of the fact that you didn't need the mouse to
log in. Use the up/down arrows to choose login type(browser, editor, etc..), type in the
password and hit the enter key.
- upped the unregistered storage limit from 100 to 1000 files.
- fixed bug which crashed when users hit cancel when opening a secure library.
ADL is a library database, that, unlike most databases which store just information, ADL stores actual files. ADL can store ANY file that your computer can read(documents, images, sounds, & even movies!). ADL stores all of its files into one encrypted library file that can be password protected to 3 different levels(Browsers, Editors, & Administrators). Once password protected, an ADL library is virtually "Hacker Proof" because ADL uses the same encryption technology that the US government uses! Security features aside, ADL is still just a great library program for today's digital media formats. Here are some possible uses for ADL:
Suggested uses for ADL
Cataloging and Storing Digital Media (Videos, Audios, and Images)
Creating a secure library of sharable documents on a network
Protecting documents from being changed (or viewed) by others
Password Securing a group of files for transport (over the internet or by disk)
Storing adult material away from children (or the wife, or the boss)
ADL Library Specifications:
Maximum library size: 1GB per Library File
Maximum number of files in library: 32,768 files per Library File
Maximum number of library files: NONE (dependent only on hard drive space)
Maximum network connections per Library File: 255 simultaneous users
Maximum characters per field: Title, Author, & Keywords (255 characters
each) / Notes(64K)
Unregistered Limitations: -You can't add beyond 100 files per library,
but you can open a library of any size!
- Libraries can't be shared on network (Exclusive mode stuck on)
File Types Supported in Quick Search:
Videos | Audios | Images |
M1V | AIFF | GIF |
MPE | MP3 | JPE |
QT | WAV | WMF |
not supported by built-in previewer
recommended extension
Hardware Requirements:
-Pentium or faster PC running Windows 95/98/2000
-16MB RAM (32MB or more recommended)
-10MB Hard Drive Space (You'll need more as you build large library files)
-Sound Card (if you want to store and play sounds or sound enabled documents)
-Microsoft Active MovieĀ«. Older versions of Windows 95 may not have Active Movie
installed. Active Movie can be downloaded from our web site. It is a FREE
download. If you're running Windows 95(OSR2), Windows 98, or later, you do not need
Active Movie as it is part of the operating system.
-Web Browser Software for viewing this help file (obviously you have it.)
Getting Started
The fastest way to get started with ADL is to "play" with the
various buttons and understand what each one does. ADL has built in "Tips"
help. Tips appear when you move the mouse pointer over an item for a second or two.
The tips help will give you a brief description of what the item does or what is
supposed to be placed in it.
When you start ADL for the first time, it creates a blank library named
"Main Library". This is the library that will load automatically each time
that ADL is started. The default startup library can be changed in the "ADL
local settings" located under the Tools menu.
To begin building a library, you need to pick some files that you want
to add to the library, whether they be pictures, sounds, documents, or whatever. To
add a single file, click on the button. ADL will simply prompt you for the location
of the file with the standard Windows 95 file dialog box. To insert multiple files
into the library, click the
button. The ADL multiple file
window enables you to choose a folder on your hard drive and select multiple files from
that folder. To select multiple files, hold down the control key while clicking on
the chosen files. The right hand side of the window enables you to apply the same
author, keywords, and notes to all the files chosen. The title, by default is given
the original name of the file(minus the extension). Remember, ADL actually stores
the files, so, once you've successfully added files to the library, you can delete the
originals. Once you've added some files, you can begin to play with the library and
practice searching, sorting, securing, and extracting files from your library. The
quickest way to extract a file is to double click it from the list which is on the left
hand side of the screen, or you can choose the file from the list by clicking it or using
the arrow keys to navigate to it, and click the
on the upper RIGHT hand side of the screen.
When ADL extracts files this way, they are temporarily extracted from the library and
stored in the extract folder. When you close ADL, it automatically clears the
contents of the extract folder so you needn't worry about them taking up hard drive space,
or falling into the wrong hands. To extract a file from the library to a location of
your choice, click the
Library Planning
The first step in planning an ADL library is it's size and scope.
If you are running on a large network and will be storing more than 30,000 files,
then you need to consider breaking up the whole into separate library files of 30,000 or
less files. Serious planning will help make a well organized library. For very
large libraries, it's very important to have good notes and keywords assigned to files so
that people will be able to conduct accurate searches later on and get the file(s) that
they're looking for.
Next you need to plan how to secure the library(s). Remember that
ADL has 3 levels of security (Browsers, Editors, and Administrators). Browsers can
view and search the library's titles and you have the option of letting them actually
extract files from the library. Browsers can NOT reinsert a file back into the
library if they've edited the file. Editors can add and edit files in the library
but you have the option to prevent them from deleting files from the library.
Administrators have full control over the library file including the ability to set the
passwords for the 3 levels of security. Keep in mind that each library file has its
own security settings and those settings are securely stored within the library itself,
so, if you forget or loose the administrators password, you are up a creek without a
paddle.(Only Latshaw Software can break through an ADL password protected library and we
charge big bucks to do it because it's a very tedious process, so please remember your
ADL was designed from the beginning with networking in mind. ADL can run in both client/server or 'peer to peer' environments. To set up ADL on a network, first install ADL on every computer that will have access to the library. Go to the "ADL Local Settings" under the tools menu and turn off exclusive mode on all machines(program must be registered on each machine to do so). Then do one of the following depending on the environment:
For Peer to Peer, choose which machine will host the library(s) and then go to each other station and set their "Default Startup Library" to point to the library on the host machine. That's it. Just make sure that the host machine is booted before trying to start the other stations each day.
For a client/server setup, copy or create a library file somewhere in a shared directory on the server, then go to each other station and set their "Default Startup Library" to point to the library on the server.
TIP: Even though the free unregistered version of ADL will not let you add to a library that has 100 or more records, it can view a library of any size, SO, if you register, you can give copies of ADL to all those people who would like to view the library files that you've created.
TIP: Don't delete the folder called "Extract" which is located in the ADL Program Folder, nor should you store any files in this folder because that is where ADL caches extracted files and it deletes the entire contents of the extract folder each time it exits.
TIP: If you set security settings, DON'T FORGET YOUR PASSWORD(S). Also, don't use spaces as your password.
TRICK: You can use ADL to make backups of directories, just remember to place the original folder name and path somewhere in the notes or keywords. It will remind you where to place the stuff back into its original location later on.
TIP: When adding files, use good keyword descriptions so that future searches will yield accurate results.
TIP: Even if a library gets very large, if the information is crucial to you, find a way to backup the library file(s). A 1GB or larger removable disk drive is perfect for backing up ADL Library files or even storing them.
TIP: ADL's internal previewer will show BMP, GIF, JPG, JPE, JPEG, ICO, or WMF images, but we suggest converting WMF or BMP files to GIF or JPG. Because GIF and JPG files use compression, they take up less library space and load quicker for viewing.
TIP: For large libraries, keep in mind that if you want to compact a library, you'll need the equivalent amount of free hard drive space because the library needs to duplicate itself in order to compact. The general rule of thumb is to keep at least 1GB of hard drive space available at all times.
TIP: You can store or backup ADL Library files to large removable disks but we don't suggest opening them while they are on those disks unless they perform like a hard drive.
TIP: If ADL ever tells you that a library file you just opened is "Read Only", it means you either opened a library file that is on a Read-Only form of media(CDROM, DVD, Etc...), or copied a library file from a Read-Only form of media. If you would like to make changes to this file, you must copy it to your hard drive and turn off the "read only" attribute. To change the attributes of a file, find the library file in Windows, click on it with the RIGHT mouse button and choose "Properties". You'll see at the bottom of the properties page where to set the attributes.
TIP: If you need to change the file date of a file, you can change it by clicking on the "File Date" label. If security settings are turned on, you must be logged in as editor or administrator.
Registering ADL unlocks the 100 record build limit that is imposed until you register. The only requirements to register(other than the registration fee, which can be found on the Registration Page), is that you have an Email address and access to the internet.
To pay by Credit Card:
Step 1: Go to the registration screen within the ADL program (located under the
help menu). Write down your computers ID Number* that
is displayed on the screen.
Step 2: Get on the internet, and go to the Latshaw Software Registration Page ( ) and fill in all of your information.
Step 3: In 24hrs (or less), check your Email. Once you've received your access code, you can go back to the registration screen and type it in. That's it...
To pay by Check or Money Order:
Step 1: Go to the registration screen within the ADL program (located under the
help menu). Write down your computers ID Number* that
is displayed on the screen.
Step 2: Get on the internet, and go to the Latshaw Software Registration Page ( ) and write down all of the information that the registration screen asks for and mail it along with your check to the address given on the Latshaw web site.
Step 3: Check your Email everyday. Once you've received your access code, you can go back to the registration screen and type it in. That's it....
*Note: Every computer has a different ID number, so be sure to use the ID of the computer you want to be registered.
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Main Web Site: (Downloads) Tech Support / Feedback: Online Registration: (Sales) Snail Mail: Check web site for current mailing address |