HIP HOP & PIRACY ]------------------ [ by DEF KLF of MAD VISION Just a few words before the article when I speak about Rap groups I don't talk about famous rap bands but all those unknow bands that appear in all our cities and that consist of young people. Hip Hop and Piracy is not the same thing.It's more than that... That's the same idea... But one is white & middle class, the other is proletarian and coloured. Coding/Cracking scenes can be wild and collective like the Rap scene is... ] 1 - NOTION OF GROUP and A NEED FOR ]INDIVIDUAL RECOGNITION. In a society, which is known to be individualist,the B.BOYS and the demo makers have created the GROUP. A collective struturation based upon distribution of the fonctions within the band. A computer band has different members with differents tasks... There are some coders,graphists,swappers ... and a Possee can have dancers,taggers rappers... The knowledge of each members is optimised , in order to be better than rivals. If there's no leader in the band there is always a "locomotive" in order to motivate the band. Nevertheless guests can come in the band to do a job. And conversely all the band is not necesary taking part in a project,even if they are still in contact. (Mail,phone,modems...) ] 2 - THE NAMES ... If the names of the members of a band can often be found in a scroller, rappers often spell their names in their songs and a tagger writes everywhere his pseudonym. If it is easy to understand why the taggers and the crackers choose nicknames. It can be strange that Rappers or demo coders don't use their real names. The names used are often inspired from movies,cartoons.... ] LUKE SKYWALKER ,TERMINATOR X, MAD MAX, ]EAZY E,THE BLADE RUNNERS,ZIGGY STARDUST ]THE LORD,GARFIELD,DEE NASTY... [ With a pseudonym a new life begins.We [are independants from our family , our [origins,the laws... ] 3 - THE GROUP & HIS SPHERE Once again , demos & hip hop have the same objectives.The band (by the way of his members ) must be associated to an artistic feat. We try to impress our underworld with virtuosity as Dj , with his madness to tag impossible place, with the maximum use of a 68000. What is looked for, is to be acknowledged by his little scene. Nevertheless the group is not a desert island;wars exist between bands, but it gives a kind of credibility to the reality of the scene. But the enemies are nammed and very seldom fought. The computer group nammed them "lamers" and the hip hop movement "suckers". There are 2 ways of communication between the bands , the 1st one is the "real contact" : Coding party, concert, sound system. And the second is the greetings, wich can be found on some songs,sleeve,scrollers... To find his name in a greetings list, show you are involved in the movement, and that you are respected. It's a bit also like associating his own work to the nammed persons.It looks like a name sampling (!?). However each movement has its specificities. The computer bands have an european scene and are in contact with many bands. But frontiers between band disapeared, and German,swedish or French demos are the same and we all are trying to speak english. Whereas the rap movement is very different according to their original country, languages,ethnies,political ideas... ] 4 - FEAR OF EMPTY Fear of future ? Refuse of reality. If we (young people) don't hate the empty we like very much the full.Rappers let the radio playing all day long, Taggers fill all the surfaces up. ( the walls but also his bedroom,exercice books...) A good rap may be very noisy like public enemy; there's no space for any other sound. Moreover a rap record is most of the time filled up with remixes stories,greets... The packers do menus without any free sectors, and the coders use 100 percent of the capcity of their microprocesor. ] 5 - A NEW DESIGN [ If many people don't like to listen to [rap, it isn't because 90 per 100 of the [rap records aren't interesting but [because it can be judged like other [music. It must be appreciated with his [own criterions. That's the same thing [with demos. Most people find demos very boring and can't enjoy them because they don't know what is hard to do. The texts/lyrics are also important in the two movements. And both have their jargon: The crackers use "GFX", "ZAK", "LAMERS", "WRAP"... The rappers "YO", "DOPE","SUCKER"... ] 6 - REBELS WITHOUT A PAUSE [ As there are cool/soft rappers,& nice [demo coders , the scenes also have [crackers & radical rappers. Afrocentrism; "Fight the power";"Don't believe the hype" are some of the motos of harcore rap bands. Piracy has also his radical boys, thus in Germany (CCC), USA and in Holland hackers ask for the right to look at some protected datas on some top secret boards , or revolt against the so- high-prices of softwares. ] If you are a member of a "rap-band", ]if you tag, or if you simply have an ]opinion about my article, please write ]us. Express us why you are in a group ]( even on ST ). Are you conscious to ]keep in the background from our ]society , your family...? Are you ]conscious to take part in something ]you can't share with most people ? (.........) I really hope that my poor english can be read and understood... [ DEF KLF 1992 - MAD VISION