PD COMPANIES,ARE YOU ON THEIR LIST ? ]-------------------------------------- by Orlando+DefKLF PD companies is appering everywhere, even respected computer-mags have begun to form libraries over PD stuff,so that the ordinary user has a chance to get his hands on good programs,for only the cost of delivering. In these libraries there is a lot of demos too,and that is just great,becozz the more your "product" is being spread the better.But nowadays people are get- ting greedier and if they have a chance to make a few money... and the computer scene is no exeption. I know there is a lot of PD companies selling demos,slide shows,or muzak disks & say all products are made to be copied freely by the user and you not have to pay 7 dollars for them. But that is just what is happening , people making a living on something we have made, and most of the time we don't even know our products are being sold.But are we going to let rotten PD companies make a lot of money on our hard work ? NO ! and a lot of groups have started to write a little note in the begining of their products saying: " THIS IS NOT TO BE SOLD,WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION" ,but is it enough ? I don't think so... Here is an exemple of those PD sellers: Pressimage ( they own in France : St magazine , Generation 4 & DP mag ) They sell demos 50 FF (=5 pounds ) ! + 15 FF (=1.5 pounds ) for shipping and handling ! It can be found in their list: Oh crickey wot a scorcher - Decade Life's a bitch - Syntax terror .... And those mother fuckers sell demos on ATARI ST,but also on AMIGA & PC !! [ What do you think of them,what can we [do agaisnt them ? Write us !