INTERVIEW WITH THE GUARDIAN ANGEL ]----------------------------------- by DEF KLF of MAD VISION ] KLF: The best way to begin is that you ]introduce yourself,who are you T.G.A. ? T.G.A.: My name in "normal" life is Henning Lau. I'm old enough to buy beer and smoke in public places (...) I'm still at school and live by my parents (that will change soon (yep)) I have a sister and no pets. My hobbies beside girls and parties are: Computer, Sports and Graffitti. In the Group I'm a swapper and a packer-man. I also make sometimes gfx & code a little bit in GFA-Basic... ] KLF: Can you explain us,why you joined ]the french band The Lightnings of ESC ? T.G.A.: I joined the french Lightnings because I decided to stop the Demo Compact Disks and only swapping Demos wasn't satisfing. Also I think the future of the ST-Demo-Scene is in France. I want to mention that I'm still a ( passive )-member of N.P.G. Perhaps the problem with N.P.G. is that all members live in different cities, and so the work-together isn't that good... ] KLF: Are the rest of NPG still working ]on their megademo ? T.G.A.: N.P.G. still want to release the Megademo this decade (hehehe) ] KLF: Few weeks ago , you told me in a ]letter,German ST scene was almost dead. ]Does it mean Amiga scene is very active ]in Germany , or that consols & Pc shits ]killed computer scenes ? T.G.A.: That was a mistake by myside. I found out in the last time that the german-ST-scene isn't as dead as I thought. The problem with the german crews is that they don't release so much stuff. ( or if they do it isn't spread). Well I don't know much about the Amiga-scene but I know quite a large number of Amiga-owner. ( But most of them are kiddies which go to the 'Cebit'...) Also the PC has a rise up. Consols aren't spread to well, because they are still expensive. ] KLF: Why all German cracking bands are ]dead or unactive ? Is it impossible to ]find hot news in any shops ? Or is the ]police too oppressive ? T.G.A.: Well a quite good question. I thought a long time about it and and in my opinion there are several reasons. The main one are the Police & the Anti-Piracy-Laws. It's ridiculous to risk so much for getting a little bit of fame. Also the old-school-crews like TEX are now making Games and it isn't very advisable to mess with them... Many Softwarefirms leave the ST because the selling-rate is fucked up. There is hot stuff in the shops but only two or three weeks after it was cracked in France or in the U.K. One point to mention is that you can't get rich with cracking, but with making games... ] KLF: Let's talk about happier things ]now. Is it a particular reason to named ]yourself The Guardian Angel ? T.G.A.: I tried to find the most stupid name and ... ' helleluja '... I succeeded. No, I choose the name in the time where everybody used to on his ]Nintendo ? T.G.A.: One time I tried to explain a girl what the computer-shit is all about... It's was the first and last time I tried to do that !! These people doesn't understand the reason why somebody could spend so much time on collecting Demos ( which you can't even play on ...) ] KLF: Here are various words , if you ]have things to say about ... ] ... Express yourself ! [SAUERKRAUT: Well it's the same as when [I ask you about 'FROG' [LAMERS: It's a problem of definition [what a Lamer is... [ELTSINE: Bahnhof ? ...Bratkatoffeln ?! [42 CREW: In my eyes one of the best [Crackers (quite a long time number 1 in [ on the otherside...) [NAZI SOFTWARES: If I get one of these ["productions" I will personally give [the address from the swapper and the [maker to the police, be sure of that. [ULM: ? What should I say about them... [great coding ?! [VECTRONIX: New Crackers, aren't they ? [GERMANY: On the one hand I like to live [here, but on the other hand it's a [fucked up place... [USA: No way! These big-headed guys even [made an movie out of the 'Desert-Storm' [They are prudish, mental-ill and want [to rule the world. [FRANCE: The nicest girls ! Also a great [place! [MODEMS: Too expensive... [GERMAN ALLIANCE: -no comment- [SNEAKERS: I love (and wear ) them ( but [they have a ugly smell !) [YOUR PARENTS: You need them till they [need you. [BEST C. PARTY: One of the Flatline- [Parties was nice. [YOU IN 10 YEARS: Dead ] KLF: Now, make your choice,and explain ]if necessary... [TERMINATOR 2 or BLADE RUNNERS: Terminator II because I have a Video- Copy. [TLB or OVERLANDERS: The Overlanders of the Union , because after all the success they aren't big- headed. ( NOTE from DEF KLF: You can't know them and say such a thing ! ) [PUBLIC ENEMY or NWA: Public Enemy because they have understand that the race-problem can only solved if both, black and white people, work together. N.W.A. are in the same way racists as the K.K.K. [DANCE MUSIC or ROCK: Both , depends in which mood I'm. [BIG MAC or PIZZA: Pizza (self explaining) [COCA or PEPSI: Coca Cola (self explaining) [1 night with your girlfriend OR a huge [copy party with all the elite european [st bands: A hard question. But I would prefer the girl. ] KLF: I hope you enjoyed answering my ]questions... Did you ? Okay , if there ]are questions you would like to ask ]yourself & answer,it's now or never... T.G.A.:Thanx for reading this.... Henning