ADULT PARTY LINES ------------------- by DEF KLF for HAL ... If you still have the opportunity to phone free to USA ... Here is a little list of very interesting phone numbers... [1-900-976-5978 : ALL ADULT ACTION [1-900-45-GIRLS : LIVE ONE ON ONE [1-900-64-NORTH : NIGHT DREAMS [1-900-420-GINA : CALL GINA [1-900-820-4LUV and 1-900-420-DAWN [1-900-740-1740 : GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS [1-800-477-GIGI : DREAM TALK [1-800-955-LISA : ADULT CONVERSATION [1-900-646-4666 : KISSING TIPS FROM RIO [1-900-820-2828 : WOMEN'S SECRETS [1-900-386-6100 : LONELY GIRLS You needn't any credit cards for most of these numbers.