+------------------------------+ | | | ANARCHY IN THE POST | | | | SPY 3 of MAD VISION | | | +------------------------------+ First of all , I will tell you why , I have decided to write, such an article about the french post and , also about the post in other countries. First of all here are some examples of very good work by the french post : All the examples are, for parcels with about 10 disks . ]Posted the same day: [MAXXSTYLE to SPY3 (30km) - 5 days [MAXXSTYLE to RADIAL (1000km) - 7 days ]Posted the same day: [SPY3 to DEFKLF (1000km) - 5 days [SPY3 to SNAKE (1100km) - 1 day [SPY3 to HAL (UK) - 2 days [SPY3 to SEWERSOFT (AUSTRALIA) - 5 days [SPY3 to BAD BOYS (BELGIUM) - 2 days [SPY3 to TITANIUM (50km) - 2 days [SPY3 to REDZONE (SWEDEN) - 4 days [SPY3 to DRAGON (250km) - 2 days ]Posted the same day at the same place [MAXXOUT to DEFKLF (1 music tape) 2 days [MAXXOUT to DEFKLF (2 dks) Still waiting [for the disks... ]Other very odd post speed: [DEFKLF to HAL (GB) - 15 days [ZINE/TSB to SPY3 (20km) - 5 days This week , I've decided to make a test with a friend. The distance between him and me was about of 20km. On monday , I have sent 3 letters , with 5 disks each in the same postbox ,at the same hour . One day after (this is the normal delay for the Letters in all france), he only received 1 of the 3 letters ! And then, the day after, he received the 2 others letters. By the way , All those tests, have been performed, when the french post was not on strike (That's very rare !) . Then , after all those tests what can we say ? ]Before all , I must say that the normal ]delay is almost never respected most of ]the time . The normal delay in france , ]is of 1 day, or, sometimes 2 days, when ]you send , your letter in a mountainous ]zone . But , it's respected for about 4 ]letters out of 10 . Can I talk of the french post, without telling you something , about all the parcels or letter which never arrive ? This problem is also very hard to solve simply because , when you send a letter or a parcel , you put it in the letter box and that's all, you have no proof ! Then if a friend send you a parcel with 10 disks,and if you never have it , you can't go to the post office for a huge complaint , simply because you haven't a proof ! The solution is to send , all your letters and parcels in registrated mode , but that's very very expensive . This article is now over, by the way if you want to tell us something about the post in your country, send your letters to the amazine team ! ]By the way, all the letters and parcels ]where full of LEGAL stuff, ALL RIGHT ! [Little advice from Def KLF: [ Hey Spy 3, The best way to improve [letter-speed is to put some stamps on [the envelop. ( That is even better if [there ain't 5 or 6 scotch tapes on the [stamp. ) [ If you don't want to wait 5 or 6 disks [for your mail. Go to pick it up at the [nearest Police station. [ The last advice I want to give you, is [not to draw big dick,naked-girls, "fuck [the postmen", or other nice things on [the back of envelops. Thanks to that [your sending should be improved.