Future releases and released Games on Falcon 030, done by Alpina/TPN. ISHAR: A special Falcon version is released. (Silmarils, France) TRANSARCTICA: A special Falcon version is released. (Silmarils, France) YUPPIE'S LAND: Arcade Game with fast scrolling. Like Sonic. Will be released in 93. (Eurosoft, France) VROOM 2: 4 Player on the same Screen. Much faster than ST version but the Gfx aren't improver very much. (Lankhor, France) SURIYA: Adventure Game. Will released in 93. (Lankhor, France) BLACK SECT: Adventure Game. Will released in 93. (Lankhor, France) SPACE JUNK: Adventure Game. Will released very soon. (Mirage/Imagitec, UK) RAIDEN: Arcade Game. Will released very soon. (Imagitec, UK) ROAD RIOT: Coin up Game. Will released in 93. (4 WD Images, UK) STEEL TALONS: Helicopter 3D simulation. Will released in 93. (Koveos, UK) CYBER ASSAULT: 3D Adventure Game. Will released in 93. (Koveos, UK) TORNADO FLIGHT SIMULATOR: 3D Flight simulator. Will released in 93. (Digital Integration, UK) STRIKER: European Soccer. Will released in 93. (Rage, UK) ECLIPSE: 3D Game with DSP effects. I saw a Demo version and it looks great! Will released in 93. (Eclipse, Germany) HUMANS: Falcon version of this Game. Will released in 93. (Imagitec, UK) DAUGHTERS OF SERPENTS: This Game will be released in 93. (Millenium, UK) ROME AD72: This Game will released in 93. (Millenium, UK) HARRIER AVS: Flight simulation. Will released in 93. (Domark, UK) CHAOS ENGINE: A special Falcon version of this great game coming in 93. (Bitmap Brothers, UK) PS: The German know this stuff already because the source is from "Eine neue Software-Generation" by Atari Germany. But this is written for all other in United Europe. Bye! and buy a Falcon!!!