PUBLIC ENEMY: HAZY SHADE OF CRIMINAL from: GREATEST MISSES done by Alpina/TPN Reach uppity reach gotta reach Power to the people and the beats Some people accuse some people of crimes Some people get away wit'losin my rhyme They don't like where I'm comin' from So dey play dumb Dumb diggetty dumbb diggetty dumb But I'm tellin' you what they do Play a fool While the real thief cools in a pool He who got the finger on the war button Talkin' loud ain't sayin' nuttin' TV got 'em bigger than life All he needs is a knife Who's the criminal? To the blind def and dumb Hard to to see 'em comin' But dey come here dey come Don't ve dumb diggetty dumb Politikin' writin' bad checks Still dey gettin' wreck Goin' fo' a nigga neck Rollin' in a blue and white gang Ready to band biggeddy bang Hangin' round da hangin' rope Nope n-o-p-e I ain't bendin' for the soap Never understood why the 'hood Half of who's in da joint Now dey got me losin' my point Gotta have it goin' on Born criminal born Take a piece of America back But who had it first Hear the Indian curse Robbed and stole so many so much It ain't funny Now who got 'em face on money Politician passin' a bill paid in full C-note rockin' in a pocket How they livin' makin' sure they Lockin' us up I got a feelin' I'm... When it come to somethin' we say What dey don't like is a brother like me on da mike In fact to the gritty ain't none of us wack Noriega had back Jeffery Dahmer enter the room without cuffs How the hell do we set stuffed In da back of a cell On an isle Ain't it wild What's criminal? Only if I had one more time to kick The rhythm that keep rippin' down the door So the real criminals get exposed behind the clothes Doors 'n' the suits that make 'n' break da law Lookin' for my own 'cause I had enuff bull I can't understand it must be croocked Way they planned it Police supposed to keep the peace But I can't truss 'em So I keep my piece Loaded and Cocked 'Cause I don't miss the block I'm talkin' about the ones who don't get chained to the rock Those that get away wit' the dirt and the grime While we go away for the neighborhood crime Never liked what I saw in the law Indiana trees hangin' us instead of leaves We hangin' the rope Real criminals... PUBLIC ENEMY: GETT OFF MY BACK from: GREATEST MISSES done once again by Alpina/TPN The Monkey ain't no joke So you want to mess with the coke Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy The Monkey ain't no joke You better leave 'em alone He's home grown, he's the cyclone He's the moan groan, capone, the clone The broken bone, tone You've got to get off my back we got the real Flavor Flav Gettin' down with the sound And he's tellin' you to get off his back He's on your back gives you no slack Don't give me no flack, because I know Toe to toe, go to go He's on my back Get off my back Aslam a Lakem And that's the way we take 'em And if we got to frisk you down Then that's the way we shake 'em