A NECESSARY REVOLUTION ! by DEF KLF / EKO During the latest election campaign in France, the ecologist parties talked about "Sharing" the work. Old parties laughed a lot... " Those utopic ecolo- gists are priceless ! " they said. French wealth is rising constancy. Since 1981 its GDP ( Gross Domestic Product ( PIB for Frenchies)) increased of 35%. Quoted share on the Stock exchange rised of 400%. And we don't consume less than we did. So why is there so many unemployed people ? Because employers need less and less people to produce better and more thanx to new technologies. An example: In 1985 in Belgium, 39200 workers were used to produce 10,6 millions of tons of steel. In 1990, 21200 workers could produce 11,5 millions of tons. Conclusion: Production +10% Workers -50% Production and work haven't anymore a real link, so why should we be paid only for our work when employers have also money from machine work and pay taxes on men and not machines. Unemployment, early retirement, RMI, training paid by the government... cost every year about 380 billions in France. And every year taxes must be risen for the new unemployed. What is called "Share of Work" or "Work Revolution" doesn't mean that with 1 job, 2 people will work, but that every workers will work about 5 hours less a week, and that employers just pay the worked hours so it costs the same price for the company to have 100 people working 39 hours than 115 people working 34 hours. But you will told me that people won't accept to be paid less. That is right, because in that case we don't share work but unemployment. So the governement have to pay the 5 hours of work that people don't work with the money they used to give to unemployed. And so everybody is happy, we work less for the same pay, more people work, people don't feel paying taxes for lazy unemployed. Moreover as we can't consume more and more every year ( we can't have all 3 cars per family all around the world due to ecologic problems or to eat twice more what we eat in 93.). Whereas productivity has no reason to stop we can expect to work 20 hours a week or less in the next decades. And we will have to learn new ways to spend our time, to do voluntary work for charitable organization, to play with computers, or any activity for the community to live in a better world together. As you can see Ecologist Work Share is different from what we often hear on Radio, TV it doesn't mean flexitime chose by employers when there are work, or decrease the pay with the working time,nor precarious work. You still think ecologists are utopic, or if you want to ask me questions about things you don't understand or about things that as for you can't work, please write me, or to Amazine, because I really believe in this politic, I've read many articles and heard many people about this subject and I think I can answer you. DEF KLF/EKO's address can be found in the advertissement part.