$EDITO So you finally got it ! As you surely know we (HEMOROIDS) are now editing this diskmag . Please excuse us for the so late rel- ease but we are very busy with our forthcoming productions so we had'nt so much time coding a new inter- face for this AMAZINE #4 ; we promise you it will be all right for the 5th edition ! Before telling anything, we must thank all persons who gave us their time, their skills. For the vote-sheets spreading : ] ARD/EAGLES ZEEDYA/DIAMOND DESIGN ]ANIMAL MINE MAD VISION HAVOC/GIANTS For the intro : ] ZAXX and NO MORE ] ANIMAL MINE We expect to have even more voters in the next issue ... The charts must be representative, we won't do it for ourselves but FOR YOU, FOR THE SCENE so vote for your favourite groups and guys . [AMAZINE's FUTURE There's many diskmags on the ST but the most important point for our diskmagazine as we think is the charts and the news and rumours topics. But of course we support you to give us articles ! Another important thingy : JUST STOP ALL THOSE CRAP ON THE FALCON YOU'RE SAYING ... IT'S NOT A NEW SCENE, IT'S JUST A NEW ATARI ! THERE'S NO TT-SCENE OR STE-SCENE ! THERE'S JUST AN ATARI-SCENE ! THERE'S NO REASON TO STOP ALL ACTIVI- TIES ON ST JUST FOR THE FALCON ! Even if the structure haven't change, crash yourself on the charts 'cause there's many changes ! Remark : You can't vote for HEMOROIDS in the AMAZINE but please vote for us in the other mags ! While reading in, you would see that the ATARI-SCENE is still alive and it will kick you out of your bed ! Signing off, THE KEWL GUYZ OF THE AMAZINE TEAM . Now enjoy the greetings list : ANIMAL MINE, ZX, ULM, ALBEDO 0.12 OVERLANDERS, OMEGA, ELECTRA, TBC PRISM, GIANTS, EQUINOX, NEW TREND PURE ENERGY , ELITENDO, ELECTRICITY SCUM OF THE EARTH, DELTA FORCE, SENTRY SYNERGY, AURA, RIPPED OFF, DBA, LEGACY NEWLINE, CYBERNETICS, ACF, NPG, STAX ADMIRABLES, HOTLINE, TRONIC PDL MAD VISION, DUNE, REDLITE, SYNDICATE SANITY, VMAX, NO RETURN, ST CONNEXION DIAMOND DESIGN, ACCS, IMPACT, NEXT SECTOR ONE, SECTION ONE, ETERNITY ADRENALINE, EAGLES, THE TERMINATORS MEGAFORCE, AGGRESSION, TSB, TFS, CYNIX TRSI, REPLICANTS, IMAGINA, SYNC, TCB KRUZ, CHRONICLE, KGB, TLB, RISK MISFITS SOFTWARE, 1984, THE MISFITS POMPEY PIRATES, DEVIANT DESIGNERS MEGABUSTERS . If you aren't in this list, just write us !