$THE@INTERVIEW YOUR INTERVIEWS WILL PUT IN AMAZINE 5! SO BE QUICK AND SEND'EM IN..SEE ADDRESS AT THE BOTTOM.. By: M.M.M / HEMOROIDS NOTE: Please fill this out and send to us as quickly as possible.. HMD: Tell us your name and shoe-number please. YOU: HMD: And you're a member of ? YOU: HMD: What sort of toothpaste do you use ? YOU: HMD: Your favorit group starting on the letters 'HEMOROID?' ? YOU: HMD: Favorit lamer starting on the letters 'ICE COLD SP?'? YOU: HMD: Why are you actually answering these questions ? YOU: HMD: Why did you answer the question about that,why are you actually answering these questions ? YOU: HMD: Favorit drink ? YOU: HMD: Ert thu ASNI ? (simply answer 'Yes' or 'No') YOU: HMD: Favorit Magazine? YOU: HMD: Do you have any ideas how to make this mag better ? YOU: HMD: Fave music Group ? YOU: HMD: Fave swimming athlete ? YOU: HMD: Do you like green wallpaper ? YOU: HMD: Your music taste please. YOU: HMD: So it tastes good ? YOU: HMD: Did you like these questions ? YOU: CREDITS FOR THIS ARTICLE CODE AND DESIGN - M.M.M DIRECTOR - M.M.M PRODUCER - M.M.M MUSIC - M.M.M GRAPHICS - M.M.M * Answer these question please and send them to us at this address: * * * HEMOROIDS - M.M.M (the cool one) * P.O BOX 9296 * 101 REYKJAVIK * ICELAND * * also please delete the text marked with '*'... * * Yours Sincerely * * M.M.M of HEMOROIDS '93