$GIRLS@IN@SPAIN@ I don't know, what Spain means for you... For me it's the world of sea, nice girls and the so called fiestas. Let's see first, what tourists think about this beautiful country. In Spain the two most known things are the bulls and the flamenco dancers. In fact these things really exist, but not everybody like to kill bulls and not every girl dance flamenco. Luckily I had the oportunity to visit Spain several times, so I can tell you the reality about this southern part of Europe. The most important characteristic of the land is the "Spanish spirit". They really think in a different way, especially if you think about parties. You can be the biggest party-animal in your country, but if you go to Spain in Fiesta-time, you will be very surprised. They are able to make parties 6 days long without any brake! Unbelievable! They love to drink, too, but in this task we are the same good, I think. In Spain, especially in the south of the country there are a lot of discos, which are nonstop open during 3 days. The guy enters to the first at Friday 6 pm and he leaves for the other part of the disco at 11 pm. This part of the disco is closed at 3 am, but the other part opens at the same time. So there are people who party all the weekend in the disco! But what I promised to write about are the Spanish girls. First outlook: Most of them have beautiful face and very nice hair. Nice brown skin and charming eyes. But the most amazing in them is that they are very easy to talk with! In Spain you don't need to hasitate, just go straight on to the chick and start to talk to her. Nearly all of them will answer you, communicate with you. In discos the same thing happens and as there are real BIG discos you have enornous selection. The spanish females drink a lot of sangria (typical drink) or other alcoholic stuff, so they are usually smiling like hell and they are very friendly. Before you would start to pack your things I have to inform you about the other side of the coin. In Spain you can easily pick up a girl, but it's very hard to "make something" with her! If you are lucky, then you can kissing with her fo a while, but you wouldn't be allowed to do anything "serious" Okay, let's say directly: ]No fucking! I know it's very sad, but it's true like this. Even if they are totally drunk, they hesitate. Surely there are exeptions, if she falls in love dangerously or when the girl is a real fuck-machine... But it's not so general! Okay, let me write down the final conclusion: Go to Spain, have a big party with the local girls and make a lot of photos with the beauties. Then return home, show the photos to your friends, telling them your adventures and visit your girlfriend, telling her, how much you missed her... ben