$ORIGINALITY@OR@DIE ] by STRAPPER ---------------------------------------- ] Hi there ! Today I'll talk U about two ]things you just have to know if U wanna ]do decent d-mos nowadays . ] They are the DESIGN and the ] ORIGINALITY . Since the beginning of the ST-SCENE, d-mos were mainly made for a technical challenge between the groups and to show to other people what they can do. Since approximately one year, ST d-mos are coming up with some more design and groups have made a little effort in de- -sign and SOMETIMES in originality . Only sometimes, and I think it's a lack. Because groups do a too much lit- -tle effort compared to certain groups like MELON DEZIGN (Amiga) who mixes very well design, originality, code, graphics and music . They even won't miss the synchro between animations and music. In most of the cases, the music is made FOR the d-mo, it is like a GLUE: the d-mo would be bad if they do another kind of music for this. On ST, it's mainly like this: music and animations aren't "ENTITIES" and without this UNITY, d-mos won't have a piece of design. That was for the first point. For the second point, I'll talk U about the ] ORIGINALITY . I've seen many d-mos where many FX were taken from other d-mos and, in the most recent ones, from Amiga's d-mos. ] HEY DUDES ! ] AREN'T YOU ABLE TO -CREATE- YOUR OWN ] EFFECTS ?!? Just do like some Amiga groups : they have a guy who's called nor coder nor graphician, nor musician, nor swapper but just "IDEA-MAN" or "DESIGNER" who THINKS and FINDS -NEW- IDEAS FOR D-MOS and assembles 'em into a very nice design (in general !). After a passage by this kind of guy, a d-mo just could access, if the guy is good enough at this, to the rank of PURE ART (Yes !). ] BECAUSE IT'S BEAUTIFUL . ] BECAUSE IT HAVE AN UNITY . ] BECAUSE IT TRANSFERS TO U A FEELING, ] A STATE OF EMOTION THAT ALL OF YOUR ] TECHNICAL STUFF WOULD NEVER HAVE ! There's also a "road" between all the ideas and the code, gfx or music. It have an UNITY. I wrote this article not only as an observation of this poor side of ST d-mos, but also for finding more d-mos in the (near) future which would have more design and more ORIGINAL ideas . ] AND DONT FORGET That with the FALCON which is there that you won't have ONLY to do just a 3D-SCROLLER, a ROTATING-SCROLL or a STARFIELD with the first music your musician gaved U to prove that you're good enough. Because that's a great machine and U can do nearly what U want with . If we want that more people buy this fantastic machine, d-mos should be seen by OTHER PEOPLE THAN US (dmos-creators) and, if U have forgotten, I remember to U that this kind of people isn't interested AT ALL by ALL YOUR TECHNICAL STUFF, even if it's good enough FOR US, they have to be impres- sed by BEAUTIFUL AND DESIGNED THINGS . Don't forget this when your do d-mos! You'll now to consider these as a kind of INTERACTIVE PAINTINGS . ]SO PLEASE BEGIN -NOW- ]AND GIVE US, TO ALL ST-USERS BY NOW ]AND TO OTHER PEOPLE MORE AND MORE ]GOOD, ORIGINAL AND VERY BEAUTIFUL ] DEMOS ! ] Signing off, 05/11/93 ] STRAPPER