ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE MAGAZINE ------------------------------ Published and Copyright (c)1992, Atari Corporation 1972-1992 - 20 Years Of Service 1196 Borregas Avenue Sunnyvale, California 94088 AEO STAFF ~ Editor In-Chief......................................Ron Kovacs ~ Contributing Editor...................................Ed Krimen ~ Contributing Editor..............................Ron Berinstein ~ Contributing Writer...................................Bob Smith ~ Contributing Writer.................................Stan Lowell GUEST COMMENTATORS - WRITERS ~ Contributing Writer..................................Jon Clarke ~ The Guardian Newspaper..............................John Minson ~ Atari Explorer Archives.........................John Jainschigg EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD ~ President, Atari Corporation........................Sam Tramiel ~ VP Software Development.........................Leonard Tramiel ~ Developer Relations Manager........................Bill Rehbock ~ Director, Marketing Services.........................Don Thomas ~ Director of Communications...........................Bob Brodie ~ Corporate Director, International Music Markets....James Grunke ~ Atari Explorer Magazine............................Mike Lindsay Z*NET STAFF ~ Ron Kovacs ~ John Nagy ~ Jon Clarke ~ Stan Lowell ~ Bob Smith ~ Lisa Ruff ~ Mike Davis ~ Ed Krimen ~ Bill Whiteman ~ Dr. Paul Keith ~ Ron Berinstein ======================================================================= September 5, 1992 Volume 1, Number 13 Issue #13 ======================================================================= | | | TABLE OF CONTENTS | | | ------------------------------- ||| The Editors Desk.........................Ron Kovacs Atari Explorer Requests and more...... ||| The Z*Net Newswire.................................. Atari and Industry News Update ||| Power To The Processor...................John Minson Reprint from the UK paper "The Guardian" ||| Atari ST In An IBM Case...................Jon Clarke Hardware project.... ||| GEnie Flow Control.........................Ed Krimen HOT Messages in the GEnie ST RT ||| Z*Net New Product Announcements..................... Press Releases on NEW products for your Atari! ||| Internet/UseNet Flow Control...............Ed Krimen Falcon Specs Part II, DSP Details.... ||| AtariWatch 1992 Calendar............................ Latest Shows and Events Update | | | THE EDITORS DESK | | | By Ron Kovacs | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- The latest issue of Atari Explorer Magazine has been released and is in distribution as we speak. For more information on Atari Explorer the hard copy magazine, see the subscription information at the bottom of this edition. ATTENTION USER GROUPS We're looking for the best ideas out there. There are plenty of ideas and innovations floating around in the userbase. Many more ideas than we at Atari Explorer Online can keep track of. So we need your help. Atari Explorer Online is about to begin a regular series of reprints of the best articles that we can find in user group newsletters. This would include: news, general chit-chat, hardware how-to's, innovations, programming tips, humor. We'll consider anything and everything in your newsletter except editorials - we won't do that on the grounds that Atari may be accused of trying to 'color' user group editorials. And frankly, no one wants to. What will we gain from this? More variety in our editorial package. What will user groups gain from this? Recognition for their group (we'll run a bio of each group we spotlight) and for the author of the piece. In the end though, the readers gain both - more variety in each issue and an awareness of what user groups can do. If your group publishes a monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or (heck) even a yearly newsletter and you do not already have us on your mailing list; put us on it now. Send it to: Ron Kovacs, AEO Newsletters, Post Office Box 59, Middlesex, New Jersey 08846-0059. WHAT IS Z*NET DOING NOW There have been a number of discussions taking place on a variety of services, bulletin boards and two specific letters via the postal service, that ask about Z*Net. Z*Net is NOT dead. Z*Net produces columns for Atari Explorer Online, continues producing the Z*Net Newswire for numerous Atari publications, still produces Z*Magazine, (Issue #210 was released earlier this week), Z*Net PC Online Magazine and a new publication set for launch later this year. There are a number of people directly involved with the material you see published here and in our other products. Feel free to leave us email via GEnie at Z-NET, on CompuServe at 75300,1642 and via AtariNet at: 51:1/13.0, FNET at 593, and direct to Atari Corporation's Director of Communications Bob Brodie at GEnie: Bob-Brodie, AtariNet 51:1/10, FNET 319 or 706. John Nagy, the editor of the popular Atari Magazine AtariUser, is also on staff developing stories for the newswire and our other publications. So, remember, the publication has changed and only Z*Net has ended it's regular release of Z*Net Online. Atari Explorer Online will continue developing into the best online magazine available for the Atari User. No flames guaranteed! Atari Corporation will be hosting online conferences on GEnie and CompuServe in the week ahead with Bill Rehbock. Call your preferred online service today for more information and start times. Additional details of the Falcon are expected. However, if you just can't wait for where and when... Try CompuServe on September 8, 1992 and then GEnie on September 9, 1992. | | | Z*NET NEWSWIRE | | | Atari and Industry Update | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATARI SHOWS LOSS, CASH POSITION IMPROVES Atari Corporation announced quarterly financial reports last week showing a net loss of 39.7 million dollars. However, the $39.7 million loss includes a $34 million write-off against old inventory that has been carried on the balance sheet as an asset until now. That includes 2600, 7800, and 8-bit computer products that were liquidated overseas and in South America, causing an increase in on-hand cash even while reflecting a long-term loss on paper. The funds released by the sale and write-off of the old inventory will support current efforts to produce and promote the new Atari computers. According to Atari employees, there is at least $60 million available in cash at this time to launch the new line. For more comments on this story, read GEnie Flow Control in this edition of Atari Explorer Online. MIGRAPH INTRODUCES NEW PAGE SCANNER, NEW TOUCH-UP The leaders in imaging products for the Atari computers, Migraph, is introducing a new very affordable full-page scanner, as well as an upgraded Touch-Up software package. The new PS-400 WAND is essentially an 8.5" wide hand scanner, enabling collecting a full standard page as a single scan. The new scanner has twice the grayscale power of the Migraph hand scanner, recognizing up to 64 grayscales, and with Touch-Up software conversion, 256 grayscales can be reproduced. It offers four dither settings plus line-art and 100 to 400 DPI resolutions (selectable in 10 DPI increments via the new Touch-Up. The PS-400 WAND will retail directly from Migraph only for $449, half the price of most full page scanners. It will come with all hardware, interface, and power supply, as well as the new Touch-Up Version 1.8. Optionally, owners of the Migraph or Golden Image hand scanners can get the WAND and software upgrade without the interface for only $299. A powered sheet-feeder option for the WAND that can automatically handle 10 pages at a time is also available for $199 extra. It enables effortless and flawless straight and repeatable scans, ideal for use with Migraph's Optical Character Recognition software. Touch-Up Version 1.8 (up from 1.65) has much faster loading of files, improved (up to 256 shades) grayscale conversion, and STe Cache compatibility, as well as special features for WAND owners. Version 1.8 is available direct from Migraph as an upgrade for 1.6 and up owners for $20. Older versions can be upgrades for slightly more; contact Migraph. PC products from Migraph, including a $99 converter card with PC Touch-Up, will allow your ST scanner to do double-platform duty. Migraph, Inc., 32700 Pacific Highway S. #12, Federal Way, WA 98003, (800) 223-3729. FREE INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! From AtariUser Magazine: Take advantage of AtariUser! We're offering FREE classified advertising to individuals and clubs in every issue of AtariUser, the largest circulation monthly Atari magazine in the Western Hemisphere! Yes, you can have a 25 word personal buy/sell/trade classified ad in AtariUser just by putting it in writing and sending it to us. Your Atari club can do the same, or promote an upcoming event, for FREE. Have a small business or software company? A commercial classified ad is only $30 for 25 words ($1 per additional word), easily the cheapest way to reach 20,000 Atari users worldwide! Just put your ad in writing and send it to AtariUser/Quill Publishing, 113 West College Street, Covina, CA 91723. And while you're sending your ad, consider the best subscription deal going: only $15 a year, or $25 a year for first class delivery of AtariUser Magazine, the Atari magazine that has the fastest news, 12 months a year. Credit card orders are OK with full numbers and signature. Outside the USA, subscriptions are $30 in U.S. funds. AtariUser will be present and supporting the Glendale Atari Faire with free copies for all attending of the new September issue, featuring Andy Eddy's Second Annual Review of the Atari Press. A NEW ATARI CATALOG A new Atari software catalog will be introduced this winter. It will have a wide variety of new-released programs to choose from. The first issue will be distributed FREE to any Atari user. If you wish to receive this FREE issue, just leave your name and full address in my mail box, V.VALENTI on GEnie. There is still space available in this catalog for programs in the areas of Entertainment, Education, Business, and Utilities/Programming tools. If you have developed a program, and would like it to be included in this catalog. Leave your name, address, and phone number along with a brief description of your program; and we will contact you and send you a submission pack. COMNET SHOW SLATED FOR FEBRUARY World Expo Corporation has announced that ComNet, the industry's largest communications conference and exposition, will celebrate its 15th anniversary show February 1-4, 1993 at the Washington Convention Center, Ramada Renaissance/Techworld, and The Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington D.C. The 1993 show focuses on the theme "Enterprise Networks in Transition: New Applications and Corporate Profitability" where attendees can look to conference sessions, hands-on workshops, tutorials and the Executive Symposium to explore the changes in the use of computers and networks in the age of information technology. ComNet '93 is expected to attract over 32,000 users and vendors of public networking, network computing, multi-vendor connectivity and LAN, WAN, and internetworking products and services. For information on attending ComNet'93, call Matt Mandino at World Expo Corporation at (800) 225-4698 or (508) 879-6700. For exhibit information, please call Hajar Associates Inc. at 617-769-8950. NEW VDT FILTER Ergotech of Corona has developed and is now shipping PC SoftLens, an optical filter. Easily fitted on all VDTs or computer monitors, the patented filter is designed to sharpen and clarify display characters, making the text easier for the eyes to focus on and read. PC SoftLens is designed to enhance the computer image. Characters on the computer screen consist of a series of little dots called "pixels." Each pixel is surrounded by a halo of light that makes the character appear fuzzy or unfocused. The filter eliminates the "glow" around the characters, allowing the eyes to focus comfortably. The filters are available in four colors to maximize the contrast between text and background: a magenta filter for a monochrome green display, a blue filter for an amber display, a light gray filter for color, and a gray filter for black and white screens. The optical filters fit any VDT up to 14-inch diagonal (two-page and larger sizes are available). Suggested retail price is $34.95. The optical filters are unbreakable, easy-to-clean and resist scratching. Ergotech, 330 S. Maple St., Suite F, Corona, Calif., 91720; 800-729-1345 or 714-279-1345. MAXTOR SERVICE PLAN ANNOUNCED Maxtor has announced its new No Quibble Service plan. No Quibble Service embraces Maxtor's "easy-to-do-business-with" corporate philosophy and offers service and exchange procedures that dramatically speed through-put and minimize paperwork on repairs and returns. No Quibble Service gives Maxtor customers two options when returning drives for repair or exchange: "Advance Replacement" and "NO RMA." For fastest possible turnarounds, the company ships "Advance Replacement" drives to end user, OEM and distribution customers within 48 hours after phone notification that a drive has failed. No Quibble Service is available now for all North American customers. Service to European customers will become available later this year, with service to Far East customers available by the first quarter of calendar 1993. For additional customer information, call 800-2-MAXTOR. HAYES AND ZENITH SETTLE SUIT Hayes and Zenith announced an amicable out-of-court settlement of the patent infringement litigation between the two-companies involving the Hayes '302 Escape Sequence Patent. They also announced that Zenith intends to procure, for future sales, only modem products which use the patented Hayes escape sequence technology. Additionally, Zenith will display the Hayes '302 Escape Sequence Patent icon certification mark on all its Hayes-licensed modem products, signifying that they employ the Hayes patented Escape Sequence With Guard Time mechanism. MICROSOFT DENIES UNDOCUMENTATION InfoWorld published an article on Microsoft's use of "undocumented" APIs (Applications Programming Interfaces) in its applications for the Microsoft Windows operating system, raising the issue of whether or not this constituted an unfair advantage over its competitors. There are undocumented APIs in every major operating system in the world, and applications developers routinely make use of them. Most major applications for Windows, including those being shipped today by Microsoft's principal competitors, make use of undocumented APIs in Windows. Documented APIs are those the operating system publisher expects to support over the long term; developers use these APIs to assure maximum compatibility with future releases of the operating system. Undocumented APIs are ones the system publisher does not expect to support, because they involve trivial or obsolete functions; or they duplicate documented functions; or they are reserved for internal use by the operating system and are subject to change. Because of the complexity of the issue, Microsoft has prepared a lengthy Question and Answer that is available to the press. The company is also preparing a detailed Technical Note that will describe all uses of all undocumented calls in its applications. This will be available to the press and developers by next week. GLENDALE ATARIFEST UPDATE The show will be held Saturday and Sunday, September 12-13, 1992 at the Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1041 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale, CA. Hours are 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sunday. General Admission is $6.00 per person with a two day pass costing only $10.00. For those of you who will be needing lodging we have made arrangements with the Burbank Hilton. Regular rates are $119.00 per night but if you mention ATARI you will get a room for $65.00 per night, single or double occupancy. Executive suites are also available for a per night charge of $95.00. Reservations may be made by calling the Hilton at 800-643- 7400(in California), 800-468-3576(inside the USA) or at 818-843-600 (outside the USA). The guaranteed reservation cut-off date is August 20th. If you are quoted another rate ask for Roy Butler, Sales Manger. This year The Glendale Show will be holding Desk Top Publishing Classes. There will be a $25.00(US) fee for these hands-on classes. DMC (ISD) will be holding Beginning and Advanced classes for owners and prospective owners of Calamus SL. Classes will be held on Saturday and Sunday. Classroom size is limited. A number of people have pre- registered. Additional registrations can be made the day of the show by going to booth #19 by 12 noon each day. The Beginning class will be on Saturday at 1 pm and the Advanced class will be on Sunday at 1 pm. If you have any questions send mail to H.A.C.K.S., 249 N. Brand Bl. #321, Glendale, CA 91203 or leave GEmail to John.King.T or call John King Tarpinian at 818-246-7276. List of the exhibitors and demonstrators for the THE GLENDALE SHOW ATARI CORPORATION THE COMPUTER NETWORK COMPUTER SAFARI OREGON RESEARCH ASSOCIATES CLEAR THINKING D.A. BRUMLEVE SUDDEN INC FAIR DINKUM TECHNOLOGIES MICRO CREATIONS BRANCH ALWAYS MID-CITIES COMP-SOFT F DRIED SOFTWARE McDONALD & ASSOCIATES WINTERTREE SOFTWARE BEST ELECTRONICS JMG COMPO ICD S.D.S. CODEHEAD FAST TECHNOLOGIES LEXICOR MIGRAPH DRAGONWARE GENIE DMC (ISD) BECKEMEYER BIO ILLUSTRATIONS GRIBNIF GADGETS BY SMALL ZUBAIR INTERFACES ST INFORMER MAGAZINE ATARI EXPLORER Z*NET ATARIUSER MAGAZINE Plus demonstrations by: BAREFOOT SOFTWARE STEINBERG/JONES DIGITAL F/X GOLDLEAF SOFT-LOGIK AND OTHERS... USER GROUP BOOTHS: A.C.A.O.C. SOUTH BAY A.C.E. NOCCC-ST SIG R.A.M. L.O.C.H. ACE H.A.C.K.S. | | | POWER TO THE PROCESSOR | | | BY John Minson | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- This article is reprinted from the leading quality UK newspaper, The Guardian. May NOT be re-printed without the written permission of Atari Corporation. The Guardian is now published in London and Manchester and enjoys national UK circulation. John Minson says Atari's new home computer has been worth the seven year wait. Atari launched it's new Falcon030 at the Dusseldorf Atari Messe last Friday with claims that the long awaited machine is not so much an evolution as a revolution-and with both journalists and dealers agreeing that for once, the enthusiasm is richly deserved. On the outside, the Falcon030 looks like an ordinary ST. The strangely numerical name refers to the machine's 32-bit Motorola 68030 processors, running at 16Mhz. This is supported by an ST-compatible blitter for graphics and -like the NeXT workstation - a 32Mhz Motorola real-time 56K DSP (Digital Signal Processor). Atari says this gives the machine a capability of 25 mips (millions of instructions per second) compared with the standard ST's two to three mips. There's also a socket for a math co-processor, if required. In terms of audio, the Falcon offers 16-bit, 8-channle stereo DMA (direct memory access) sound for recording and playback, with sampling at up to 50KHz. Video is equally impressive, with the "true-color" mode of 65,536 colors available at resolutions of up to 768x480 pixels via interlacing. Overscan ensures that the screen is filled rather than leaving a black boundary. Specifications like these should find a a home along side the ST in the music business. It's also likely to prove attractive to video makers, from advanced amateur to corporate and even broadcast levels, because of the high-resolution "true-colour" mode and built in genlock. Atari is already promoting the Falcon's games potential, encouraging programmers to exploit it's sound and visuals. A British publisher, Mirage, has already announced Space Junk, an adventure which uses digitised animated models. Atari is also promoting hi-tech home applications, such as using the Falcon as an intelligent telephone answering machine, with a digitised outgoing message that directs callers to individual "mailboxes". Then there's the possibility (or threat?) of home karaoke... Just because a computer is technically impressive doesn't mean it will succeed, but the Falcon has the advantage of being downwardly compatible with the ST and TT range. This means there's a large body of software already available. It's GEM-based graphical user interface will be instantly recognisable to owners of these machines, though it adds many enhancements from the TT, such as animated, colour icons, and 3D windows. To help the Falcon integrate even further, it includes an impressive array of interfaces. Apart from parallel, fast serial and MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) connectors there's a LAN (local area network) socket and a SCSI-DMA socket, allowing the Falcon to communicate with industry standard peripherals from CD ROM's to hard drives. This will be particularly important for data intensive applications such as video and audio. The built-in hard drive uses standard PC-type IDE controller, while the 1.4M 3.5in floppy can read PC-compatible disks. There's even a coprocessor slot for an Intel 386SX compatible chip, so that the Falcon can run PC software. An IBM PC compatible VGA displays can be used instead of a television or other specialist monitor. Atari appears to have done everything it can to help ease the Falcon into a world where PC clones are the established standard for home and office. The Falcon is already in production in the Far East and should be available from September, though volume quantities will not arrive until 1993. Two versions will be available, offering one and four megabytes of memory- the larger model also having 65 megabyte hard disc installed- for 499 pounds and 899 pounds (including VAT) respectively. | | | ATARI ST IN AN IBM CASE | | | By Jon Clarke, Z*Net Pacific | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- A Lion in Sheeps Clothing, An Atari ST in an IBM housing I have over the last few months seen many references to whether or not you can put a 520 or a 1040ST in an IBM housing, and to say the least some of the mail I have been reading is down right comical. The best saying on this subject was quoted to me by a friend of mine who was given an IBM AT, and when I visted him last he had all his Atari ST equipment neatly installed and for all I knew it was an IBM until desktop arrived. He said to me very seriously "IBM makes one heck of a housing, a bit of a shame about the mother-board, so I upgraded it to an Atari ST!" Well what could I say, I had done the same thing several months before, so I knew the headaches he had been through. In his case he had it configured as a Tower unit, hmm that was even more work than normally required. I would like to set the record straight right here and now. 'YES', you can put a 520ST and 1040ST and just about any type of computer including your 8 bit Atari's in another type of housing. While in some cases it is not an easy job, I hope to outline what you need to do in this article. The most important thing to do is a little planning, and to fully understand what you wish to do with this project, for instance.. * Do you want a second or third disk drive, 3 1/2" or 5 1/4" or both? * Do you want to include a harddisk drive, controller, and host adaptor? * Do you want to upgrade your on-board RAM at all? * Do you want to upgrade your TOS version at the same time, or do you want to keep your old TOS as well and make them switchable? * Do you want to install a "ROM" drive, in your Cart port? * Do you want to delay the ST from booting so it may auto-boot your HD? * Do you want to switch the power on and off from the front panel? * Do you want a reset button on the front panel? * Do you want to switch Monitors from your Housing or just plug them in and out each time? * Do you want to be able to select which floppy drive is in drive A & B configuration, and be able to select what side to write to? * Do you want to be able to Write Protect your Hard disks with Hardware? * Do you want to use your cart port for things like Spectre, Replay? * Do you want to mount your modem inside the housing? * Do you want to run all the equipment from an IBM power supply? * Do you want to use Midi? * Do you want to use your centronics port? * Do you want to use an IBM or 101 type keyboard, with your joystick and mouse ports? * How big do you want the housing to be, and will it sit flat or vertical? * How much money do you want to spend? Planning is the answer, if I had taken a few minutes to decide what I wanted to do and made a "shopping list", I would not have spent all the extra time repositioning all the drives to fit something else into the case, each time I decided to change my mind on some little thing. So first things first, make a "shopping list" of "wants", by this I mean if you want to do something you have to go out and get it for the RIGHT price. To complete this project it cost me about $200, by the time I got a housing, 150watt power supply, a 5 1/4" disk drive, 2 NEC 3 1/4" disk drives, new 25 pin ribbon connectors, new 9 pin ribbon connectors, 120 megs of hard disks, a controller, and Host adaptor, ROM card for the Cart port, and connecting wire. The secret to all of this is, when you have made your "shopping list" you then know what you want to do, now all you have to find out is what will do what you want (how's that for double talk), and when you find that out, you can go fore-armed to your dealer/computer repairman, or computer auction/junk sale and ask for what you want at YOUR price. If you are prepared to wait, you will get the right price. I found the best source for hard disks is from your repairman, from most Systems Managers. They have them lying around in a so called "dead" state. Did you know that of all the dead drives I have ever received only 2 of them have been dead! So offer to take them off their hands with a small donation to their staff social fund ie $10, or go buy your service man a beer or two, it works! Last but not least, Computer auctions are an amazingly cheap source of everything, the last one I was at, I spent about $300 and got 14 40 meg Hard disks, 3 NEC 1036 3 1/4" drives, a Teac FD-55GFV 5 1/4", 2 IBM 150 watt supplies, a colour TV and heaps more, so remember to look in the newspaper for sources for your "shopping list". Now that you have decided you want to continue with transplanting your ST into an IBM case what will do what, for me? I hope this little list will help you in your search... Disk Drives Floppy: 3 1/2" * You can use your Atari drive if you want. * NEC 1036 a double sided 720k drive. * Matsushita model JU-253. NB: These I have found the best, as no extra buffering or the likes is required. 5 1/4" * The commercial one you may already have. * TEAC FD-55GFV * TEAC FD-55G NB: These I have found the best, as no extra buffering or the likes is required. ROM Drives: These are avalible in many forms, all you need to do is get a cart board and blow your own eproms with your favorate programs in there, and map it to a drive. Cost anywhere from $12 to $36 not including the eproms. Hard Disks/Controllers/Host Adaptors: This is an 100 page article in itself. You can use your existing hard drive/controller/host adaptor, or look in most mags for adverts on kit sets for these like the Supra or Triangle Kits, and the list goes on. In my case a group of us down here are using an other type of Host adaptor, which will emulate the "IBM Motherboard Slot" and is real cheap to build or buy, along with this we can use most IBM 1/2 card/ controllers but I prefer the Omiti 5520 or 5527 for it's speed, this means you can get controller cards from as little as $15 in the local repair shops "Junk Bin". Hard disks, well this is up to you, what size, how many etc, what brand. Remember in the IBM housing you have lots of room to play with, and the limit is that of your pocket book and piece of mind. Types of IBM Housings/power supplies: Look around in many cases you can buy an IBM/clone housing for about $70 with a 150 watt power supply already installed, wow that is like being 1/2 way there. Make sure you have a control panel on the front of the housing for, say switching the reset button, turning the computer on and off, switching between TOS's, turning your ROM drive on and off, for drive select A&B, or what ever you have decided to do. Now if you have a 150 watt supply you can feed the following with the supply and you will no longer need the Atari supplies.. a. Your ST b. Your disk drive(s) c. Your modem (in most cases) d. Your Hard disk(s) and controller(s)/host adaptor(s) Last but not least make sure you can fit your ST mother-board into the housing with a little room to spare. How do you do this? Simple, flop your ST over so the keyboard is face down on a towel and measure the 4 sides of your ST, that is the smallest your case can be, ie an IBM PS2 model 30 sized case. I have not given any measurements here because strangely enough the sizes vary from model to model. If you wish to use your cart port, measure how long your longest cart is and add about 1 1/2" and make sure the housing is at least that high. Upgrade your RAM/TOS: Again this is up to you how you go about it, if you are into D.I.Y (DO IT YOURSELF), look in "Computer Shopper" for cheap ram chips, it costs about $150 to upgrade my 520 to 2.5 megs. Again you can look in most mags for companies who will either sell you a kit to do it or they may do it for you. If you get a company to do it, wait until the guarantee has expired before doing this mod, so you have piece of mind. Remember if you have TOS 1.1 and you do, do a 2.5 meg upgrade do not "PANIC" if the computer appears dead for about a minute when you boot it up, it is merely clearing ram and appears to take forever to compare the 512k or 1024k ram you had before. It was at this stage I bought "Rainbow TOS". Another source of amusement to me has been the comments re-switching TOS, on Fnet I received last week, one fellow was so sure it could not be done, well again to set the record straight it CAN be done. However, you will be required to re-burn your existing TOS sets into an eprom, and switch between the banks on these eproms, thus you will need a switch on the front panel to do this. The only real advantages of this are.. * If you want to play games, not all games work with TOS 1.4/Rainbow. * Are programing, and want to be compatible with all ST's (like the 8 bit TRANSLATOR disk) * Faster boot up, with larger memory. * MS-DOS compatable disk formats. * Just want to be trendy! Please note this will void any warranty given by the "Atari" for your TOS, and will breach a copyright if sold!!! Monitor Switching: If you are lucky enough to have 2 monitors a colour and monochrome monitor, you can do a few things and here the choice again is yours. a. Use a montior switch box ie "Monitor Master", and mount it either on the back panel of the IBM housing or feed to the outside of the case and use it as you already do. b. Buy a Sony/Atari 13 pin monitor plug (male) and make a cable to run from the monitor to the rear of the IBM housing about 10 " long. Now make a desicion! Do you want to remain Atari standard or do your own thing with attaching your monitor(s) to the housing? If you wish to remain standard you will have to source 2 female 13 pin Sony/Atari 13 pin sockets and mount them on the rear panel, or get 2 D9 female plugs and mount them on the rear panel, either way it doesn't matter. Now one is for colour and the other is for mono. Take a line from pin 4 on the ST end of your cable and take it to a SPST switch, connect it though this to pin 4 onto the female plug you have called "Mono Monitor". Other than this line take all the other connections BAR pin 2 to your female connectors. Connect 2 "RCA" female sockets on the rear of the housing calling one of them "AUDIO" and the other "VIDEO". Now take pin 1 from the ST end of your cable to the center of the female RCA socket marked "AUDIO" and pin 2 from the ST end of the cable to the female RCA socket marked "VIDEO". Strap both of the earth connectors to either pin 13 or a common EARTH you have already set up. (please note on some early versions of the ST pins 2 and 8 were reversed, my 520ST is a 1985 vintage and pin 2 is video). This has now given you an outlet to feed to your VCR and your Stereo/Music center. To select your Mono monitor simply switch pin 4 on and off, that is the pin that goes to the SPST switch, it switchs the mono detect line, and will reboot your ST. NB:- I have not done any diagrams as pin selection is mentioned in Your Atari Handbook. Also if you do not have a modulator on ST you can simply go and get one from Radio Shack that only requires Video/Audio in and 12volt and there you have one, or you can connect up a video transmitter and send the ST to any TV in your house. The CARTRIDGE PORT: This part is somewhat difficult, all you have to do is one of three things. 1. Do not use your cart port 2. Make a right angle adaptor so you may plug in any cart, and mount it on the side of the Housing. (The easiest to do!) 3. Remount the cart port from horizontal to vertical, this sounds easy but it is harder than it looks. Now all the carts merely connect by pluging straight in "snap". Mounting the ST Mother Board: I found the easiest way to do this is to make up two alloy plates, one mounted under the mother board, and one over the top of the mother board. I used HEX standoff bolts to mount the plates and the mother board on so there was enough of an air gap, between all of them. I painted the Alloy plates Black so they would also assorb the heat. Use the mount holes on your ST to mark out the Alloy plates, this makes a template of where to drill the IMB case and the alloy plates, so they marry up with your ST mother-board.. Now a few tips.. * Leave the Joy stick/Mouse ports on your ST mother board. * Drill a hole over the GLUE chip, for those of you with the old problem with the "Glue chip" this will save you stripping your case to re-seat this little beasty. With a hole over it you can use a pencil to do the same thing. (Drill the hole in the TOP Alloy Plate) * Mount your Floppy drives,Hard disks,etc on top of the top Alloy plate thus allowing for a good mounting surface for all the other equipment you wish to install. (Floppy and Hard drives should line up with the holes in the front of the IBM housing) * Take the look at where your keyboard plugs into your mother board (this is the Hard bit :-) you only need to take 5 of these to your keyboard, if you choose to mount your joystick/mouse ports on your new keyboard. This can be done by getting a 5 pin din socket and mounting it on the rear of your IBM case. Take the 5 wires to here and on the other end have a male 5 pin Din plug going to either.. 1. Your old ST housing 2. Your new 101 type keyboard. If you are going to use a 101 type keyboard remember this.. 1. You will have to remount the Keboard processor. 2. You will have to re-matrix the keyboard. If you are going to use your old ST case (the easiest way of doing it), you will have to put in 2 D9 male sockets, one for the Mouse and the other for the joystick. It becomes a birds nest of wiring so do not do this "Like a bull in a china shop." Well now you have done most of transplant you are ready to boot it up and have a full blown IBM/CLONE look alike but with the RIGHT MOTOR, an ATARI ST. This project is an on going thing, as you will find that you will want to add bits and pieces here and there, and make it a little more friendly with bells & whistles, for instances LEDs on all the Hardisks, leds that indicate Formating, a Track indicator for the floppies and the list goes on, now you have the room to play in, and the Lion is no longer in Sheeps Clothing! YOU SHOULD NOT ATTEMPT ANY OF THE ABOVE UNLESS YOU FELL YOU HAVE THE TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE TO COMPLETE THE TASK, AND THIS WILL SURELY VOID ALL WARRANTIES ON ALL EQUIPMENT USED. The Bottom Line:- Nothing is impossible, it just takes a little longer! | | | GENIE FLOW CONTROL | | | Compiled by Ed Krimen | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- Some messages may have been edited for correct spelling, grammar, and irrelevant material. ST ETHERNET ----------- -=> In the "Hardware" category (4) -=> from the "DragonWare's AtariTalk2 AppleTalk LAN" topic (18) Message 86 Sun Aug 30, 1992 DRAGONWARE [Chris] at 17:58 EDT In January, DragonWare Software Inc. will release SCSI EtherNet and Direct Ethernet. This means that with these hardware adaptors you will be able to add 300 MBits-per-second network compatibility to ANY TOS computer! EtherNet is the standard IBM protocol for LAN, and now DragonWare makes this protocol available to you! We hope to sell this network solution for less than $200 each! PowerNet users will NOT need to change their current setups! EtherPower is fully compatible with PowerNet! For AppleTalk network Users: AtariTalk2 and our new SCSI AppleTalk board will let current MIDI network users to upgrade to the 20 Kbyte-per- second LAN that MSTE/TT and Falcon users of PowerNet enjoy! All of these options and more (NetMail, NetSpool) are coming before the end of the first month in 1993! Christopher W. Roberts DragonWare Software Inc. ===================================== GET YOUR FALCON HERE! --------------------- -=> In the "Welcome to the Atari ST Roundtable" category (1) -=> from the "Important Messages from Atari" topic (2) Message 1 Thu Aug 27, 1992 DARLAH [RT~SYSOP] at 13:12 EDT Place Your Atari Falcon030 Developer Machine Order Now ------------------------------------------------------ Atari is now taking commercial-level developer orders for the production-level Atari Falcon030. These developer machines will be shipped with 14MB of RAM and a 65MB harddisk. Delivery is expected to be sometime during the month of September. This offer is open only to Commercial-Tier Developers. Please contact Gail Bacani at 408-745-2022 or myself at 408-745-2082 for pricing and shipping details. Please try to have your order in by September 4th. Fall Comdex Exhibition Space Available -------------------------------------- Developers interested in exhibiting at Fall Comdex in Las Vegas (November 16th - 29th) should contact me via e-mail or fax (408-745- 2083) before September 4th. Atari will be exhibiting in the Sands Convention Center. Developers will be required to set up their stations on Sunday, November 15th begining at 11:00AM. There are approximately 30 stations available. Please be sure to include: 1) Complete company name. 2) A description of what you intend to show. 3) Your equipment requirements. 4) Current company phone and fax numbers. 5) Evening phone number where you may be reached. -Bill Rehbock, Director of Application Software ===================================== AN UNUSUAL CALAMUS APPLICATION ------------------------------ -=> In the "ISD Product Support" category (16) -=> from the "Calamus S/SL" topic (20) Message 48 Sun Aug 30, 1992 AD-VANTAGE at 21:35 EDT Nathan, What is a "sign cutter" and what is it used for? -- Ron ---------- Message 50 Sun Aug 30, 1992 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 22:22 EDT Ron, you know those vinyl banners that look so neat at shows, like the one over the CodeHead booth? Those were made with a sign-cutting program. It's a publishing program that, instead of driving a printer, drives a sign-cutter, a saw, if you will, that cuts the vinyl letters which are (this is _one_ way it's done) then mounted on a solid-color background. It's a neat process, I watched them make a sign for my booth at the AtariMesse last year. It's also a neat way to make money with one's computer. The fellow who made my sign had a sizable investment in his IBM, software, and plotter/cutter, but he also _charged_ a good chunk! And the result was very professional, to say the least. ---------- Message 53 Mon Aug 31, 1992 AD-VANTAGE at 00:06 EDT Thank's Dorothy! I was thinking of something closer to an engraving machine but this sounds like a different critter. Do you know how thin/ thick the vinyl is and how big/small the output product can be? -- Ron ---------- Message 55 Mon Aug 31, 1992 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 00:13 EDT I dunno, Ron, there may be limitations on certain cutters. The banner I bought is 4' long (they charged per foot, and I'm cheap); the CodeHead's banner spans the length of a booth and is about 3' tall. They have more than one color in the printing and a thicker vinyl than mine; shows what money can buy if you are willing to pay. Look in your phone book under signs and go visit a shop. It's neat. You choose your fonts or bring in or have made custom images, etc. ---------- Message 56 Mon Aug 31, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 04:30 EDT Ron, Roland makes a desktop cutter/plotter called CAMM1. I believe it uses standard HPGL language calls. I know it's supported by DynaCADD. I think Dataformer outputs a HPGL file also, although I'm not sure how you would print it. I've seen it sell for around $1750. It cuts/plots using rolls between 17-3/4" to 19-2/3" wide. If you want some more info drop me some E-Mail. I've got a sheet of specs on the CAMM1, CAMM2, CAMM3 machines. CAMM 2 is an engraver and CAMM 3 is a 3D milling machine. ---------- Message 57 Mon Aug 31, 1992 POTECHIN [ Nathan] at 07:13 EDT Expanding on Joey's comment, basically there are D- and E-size cutting plotters as well. Visualize something about 4' across and unlimited length as a possibility. Vinyl comes in all colors and easily cut and pasted. This is a profession in itself. By the way Joey, if you have an HPGL file, you could then bring it, for example, to anyone that has a sign cutter or plotter for output! Nathan @ DMC Publishing ===================================== MESSE NEWS ---------- -=> In the "User Group and Shows" category (11) -=> from the "Duesseldorf AtariMesse" topic (17) Message 24 Sat Aug 29, 1992 POTECHIN [ Nathan] at 20:48 EDT I'm back. Let's see what I can recall off the top of my head. :-) The layout was approximately the same as last year. However, in almost all cases, the size of the actual booths were reduced. Atari had their identical centre floor layout as they've had for years already BUT, this year is was definitely NOT as busy as previous years, in this area. The largest "DRAW" at the show, was this huge monitor bank. It was one of those setups with about 60 or so, 19" monitors all stacked together, each showing a part of the screen. There was an amazing video shown throughout the shown on this wall of vision. It really was excellent. It could even be used as a commercial without a doubt and certainly it is a must for all Atari dealers. Germany produced it for something like 40K apparently but I made a point of noticing that the German Sound Track was separate and that visually, any language could be used! Everyone that came in the door saw this video. Close to it was the double row of Atari Falcon 030's. They were used to display games for the most part. I admit that personally I do not have much interest in the 030 model as I use the TT for the meantime until the new higher end units make their appearance DDT had this neo-Egyptian setup that featured standing Pharoahs at each end. :-) Their dance routine was mostly an "over 18" version of that Michael Jackson tape, complete with half-naked women dancers and a fire-breathing man. I was a bit surprised to see this at a family event but without a doubt, it was the second-biggest draw of the show! :-) Oh yes, they were selling Papyrus, which was about how they were perceived. Papyrus, oh them, the booth with the dancers! :-) DMC has a few thousand square feet, including an outdoor cafe-style setup, surrounded by workstations on all 4 sides. As Calamus was bundled with every ST that Atari Germany shipped for years, don't be surprised when I tell you that they truly dominated this year's show. In Germany, ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE owns Calamus, either legitimately or pirated. :-) A few new modules were shown for the first time, including an incredible MASKING module which will be a huge hit with our serious color clients. Matrix had their usual booth, right near the front door, showing the entire lineup. Same for Bio Data, (which has thousands of installed networks). All the usual German Developers were represented. 3K, which had a huge booth last year, was in pieces this year. 3K exhibited, 3H (the Programmers that used to be at 3K) also exhibited and I understand legal papers were actually served one upon the other, at the show itself over who has the right to sell what. Perhaps Lauren, who was also at the show, can expand on this. Regardless, the 3K presence was much reduced over last year. No question that the majority of attendees at this year's show, came for the applications. As unbelievable as this may sound to you, although the games area was adequately filled, the action remained in the application areas. Someone mentioned a 68040 board shown by a 3rd party at the show. I was told that this board was a modified Apple board, that could do a few things but was so far away from really running Atari applications that it could not be taken seriously at this time. This was not an Atari product. Tom from ICD appeared to have done real well with his new The Link. I imagine he'll drop by here and say a few words when he gets a chance. Toad and B.E.S.T. also exhibited side by each right beside an empty Double-Click booth. I wondered what that was all about. I brought back the show guide. There were over 100 exhibiters. I did not get a chance to check out even a small fraction of them but only had time to go from meeting to meeting of my own with people that I have known for years or people that I wanted to know now. :-) I could go on and on about the DMC booth :-) but figured I'd save it for the Calamus area. But I will say, whether you've ever owned or used Calamus in your life, you would have been proud to own an Atari seeing the DMC exhibit at this show! First Class!! Ask me specific questions and probably many other things will come back to me generally speaking about the show. Nathan @ DMC Publishing Hmmmm, I should mention that overall, officially, the attendance at this years show was up 10% according to Mr. Stumpf. I asked. ---------- Message 25 Sat Aug 29, 1992 BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp.] at 21:06 EDT Nathan, Thanks for the report. Sam Tramiel tells me that the attendance this year was 50,000. We had over 170 developers from all over the world showcasing their products at the Messe. No pics of the Papyrus booth, eh? :) Welcome back, Bob ---------- Message 53 Tue Sep 01, 1992 B.REHBOCK [Bill@Atari] at 02:44 EDT There were many new applications that were geared-up for Falcon. Among them were new color versions of the products from Trade-It (Avant Vector and Repro Studio) and Shift (Arabesque & Convector). I certainly hope to see these products in the U.S. from their respective representatives. InShape from Roald Christesen also made its debut. It is a very slick 3D modeler that can import .3D2 files. InShape also does Keyframe rendering with ray tracing. It supports a wide variety of texture mapping, too. It saves out animations as a series of 24-bit proprietary -format files, but it comes with a utility to convert them into .TIF's. The software is in English and they are looking for distribution. (There are a few drawbacks to the program, such as poor direct-to-screen drawing that makes it unusable under MultiTOS.) Let's see, what else... Compo was showing a color version of That's Write, and the new modules for Calamus SL look fantastic. The Calamus Multimedia Publishing system (complete with SCSI Frame grabber) was shown and wowing the crowd. Many people attended the Motorola 56K DSP seminars that were held. Yes, the Falcon030's official colors are lighter grey with dark grey keys with white legends. One of the more interesting booths is always the VHF Computer booth. They have a product called Platon which is a complete multi-layer printer circuit board design system. It handles schematic input, auto routing, and creation of Gerber and Drilldata files. They had their prototyping system creating prototype boards with a XYZ drilling machine. (there/their) (This product is also available in English. :-) I'm sure that I'll recall more as the week goes on. ---------- Message 55 Tue Sep 01, 1992 POTECHIN [ Nathan] at 22:08 EDT I was hoping to read some more posts from other attendees from North America. Let's see what I can add without boring anyone. I spent almost all of my time in the incredible DMC booth and I do not say that because I am DMC. :-) It really was a Comdex-level booth, including a sidewalk cafe setting surrounded by real serious workstations. I enjoyed a coffee there with such notables as P.D. Patel of Mid-Cities Computer from the Los Angeles area, an excellent Atari Dealer; Ron Smith, the person currently employed to advise the Tramiels at the highest levels; a M. Laurent from Epigraf in France who was proudly displaying Redacteur 4 (real serious stuff); the Atari Reps in such interesting places as Hungary and Croatia, who also represent products such as Calamus and DynaCADD, etc... I drank a great deal of coffee in fact. :-) Alvin Stumpf was his usual charming self. We exchanged a few jokes over the entertainment to be found at a German Atari Show. (You had to be there to really appreciate that comment and no, I didn't bring back pictures.) :-) I also spent time with most everyone exhibiting within the DMC booth. I have brought back a few new products, all high-end, and we will play with them in-house for a bit before we make any firm decisions. One workstation was using an Ultre Setter. Another had a Shinko 300 dpi continuous tone dye-sublimation printer. A third had the HCS printer that really is excellent. A fourth used the Spectrastar 300 dpi thermal transfer printer. A fifth used a D-size plotter and output these incredibly sophisticated images, cut out of vinyl etc... You get the idea. Right across from DMC was TMS showing off their Cranach Studio and wondering when we'd finish the English manual for them. It is real overdue and needs to be completed. (Sigh) CRP showed off DynaCADD and their Digitizer Tablet and actually sold thousands of dollars worth of product, which isn't so tough when DynaCADD is involved. DMC also actually sold product at a show for the very first time and sold serious tonnage. Their new Mask module, not yet in English, sells for 800 DM. They sold 50 packages at the show! I saw this full sized VAN in one booth, with a real elaborate painting on it. It was the backdrop for an outfit using their Atari to create silk screens for T-Shirts which they did and offered for sale at the show. I had a nice visit with Manfred from Makro CDE, Jim Allen's German representatives for the Tiny Turbo, T25's and TURBO 030. He appeared to be doing a great deal of business as well. As I mentioned previously, I perceived a great deal more interest in the higher end applications this year, at this show, compared to last year at the same show. If anyone would care to ask a specific question, please ask. It will most probably prompt a recollection I've forgotten. :-) Nathan @ DMC Publishing ---------- Message 29 Sun Aug 30, 1992 B.REHBOCK [Bill@Atari] at 02:01 EDT We also showed "D2D", an excellent direct-to-disk recording system that uses only the built-in Falcon hardware to do Stereo 16-bit, 50kHz recording and editing. We also showed a DSP demo that allowed us to apply flange, echo, reverb, and delay to audio from a microphone connected to the F030's input. Digital Arts (the programming team that brought us Retouche CD) also previewed a new true-color image editing application. HiSoft showed a wonderful true-color paint package. Eurosoft was around on the Falcon stand showing a Falcon version of their paint package, Studio Effects. The main demo started with a light show and smoke coming from an 18-foot -tall pyramid/volcano, controlled by a MegaSTE via MIDI and sequencing software. The MegaSTE was responsible for all show control, including the digital-control spots. As the 1st phase of the light show ended, the tape kicked in with some historic Atari footage describing the technological innovations that Atari computers have had since '85. It ends with the Falcon030 and a real Falcon displayed flying down. Several high-tech shots panning across the ports on the back come next, then inside as the voice-over continues talking about the machine and its uses. After the video tape, there was a series of Falcon030 video and audio demos showing the true-color overscan capabilities, the direct-to-disk recording, and the NewDesk desktop features such as color animated icons, and 3D buttons and gadgets. At one point in time, there were representatives of every European hacker/demo group around the stage; it was _really_ crowded. Many questions were asked and answered. I think we'll be seeing some very awesome stuff in quite a short time. The video was intentionally designed so that it will be easily localized for word-wide usage. People here in North America will definitely have a chance to see it. All-in-all a good time was had by all. It was a very successful roll-out for us and we intend to keep up the pace. -Bill Rehbock, Director of Application S/W ===================================== FINANCIAL REPORTS ----------------- Message 196 Mon Aug 31, 1992 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 19:49 EDT You should read the report more closely. If you do, you will see that Atari has lost 39 Million Dollars, but over 36 Million of that was a write-off against existing inventory. This should be considered as "wiping the slate clean" for incoming products. If you look at the whole picture (I did), I think you will see a company whose sales have dropped, they have cut operating costs substantially, have new competitive products on the horizon, very little outstanding debt, and 60 million in the bank! From that information, I think the stock is undervalued and ripe to buy. (I know that if I had any spare cash lying around, I would!) But, that's just my opinion. You will see what you want to see from the quarterly reports and that's the way it is! By the way, the above is my personal opinion. This should not be considered a recommendation to buy ANYTHING and you should make up your own mind before purchasing any stock. -- John Townsend, Atari Corp. ---------- DSP APPLICATIONS ---------------- -=> In the "Flaming - Debating - Discussions - Rumors" category (18) -=> from the "Atari systems vs Other systems" topic (22) Message 188 Mon Aug 31, 1992 AD-VANTAGE at 00:07 EDT An interesting local commercial DSP application I am familiar with involves using the technology to "listen" to radio stations. The DSP hardware/software can "recognize" what song is being played, and the computer credits the author for payment. The device constantly scans the broadcast frequencies and can track an entire listening area. One of my favorites is the SETI (Search for Extraterrestial Intelligence) folks who use a similar DSP-based technology when scanning the galaxies, listening for radio waves that have "intelligent" patterns. If it works, perhaps it could be used to find intelligence on this planet. :-) An exciting application in work at a local university uses DSP to monitor alpha waves of a disabled (quadriplegic) person. The DSP hardware performs FFT operations on the alpha wave data, and can "interpret" specific thoughts. The person is trained to think in a particular way, thus generating a set of alpha patterns that are then detected and used to achieve a specific function or set of functions. I understand the technology to perform such a function is easier than recognizing speech -- neat stuff. The technology started several years back with the defense department in developing a "thought helmet" for pilots. The cockpit of an aircraft is too noisy for speech recognition. The advent of DSP has been compared by many of the technologists to be as significant as the invention of the transistor or integrated circuit. I believe the Falcon will provide an inexpensive platform to help move DSP into areas not yet imagined or reasonably attainable. -- Ron ===================================== | | | Z*NET NEW PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENTS | | | Press Releases | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- CARDFILE 4 Gribnif Software is proud to announce the immediate release of the newest version of their very popular Personal Information Manager software for the Atari ST/TT, CardFile 4. This latest version of this program features a new look, many new features and enhancements, and a re-written 60+ page manual. Most of the new features and enhancements came directly from customer suggestions. Highlights of CardFile 4 include: /// Address Book Enter and store all your names, addresses, and phone numbers on easy to use, Rolodex style, Address Cards. /// Personal Notes Each Address Card can have entire set of "Extended Notes", where you can write down any information about that person. /// Phone Dialer Each Address Card can also have up to four different phone numbers, which CardFile 4 can then dial automatically for you (modem required). /// Mailing Labels CardFile 4 can print on all kinds of mailing labels, Rolodex cards, and address labels, thanks to its powerful printer drivers. /// Daily Agenda & Appointments CardFile 4 also keeps track of all your appointments in a daily agenda, and can even remind you when they are coming up. Each appointment can also have a complete set of "Extended Notes", just like the Address Cards. /// Monthly Calendar There's also a monthly calendar, where you can get a fast overview of your appointments and plan ahead. You can even enlarge it to cover the entire screen size. /// Printing Thanks to its brand new printing system, CardFile 4 can print Address Books, Phone Lists, Mailing Labels, and can even Address Envelopes (including the Return Address). CardFile can also send its Address Card data directly to an Atari Portfolio or to the Atari Clipboard. /// Data Exchange CardFile can exchange Address Cards with most popular address book programs, including Tracker ST, Partner ST, and DeskCart. The included "Data Conversion" utility can even be modified to handle any kind of data file, from just about any program there is! /// Easy Operation Not only is CardFile 4 very easy to use, you can run it as a resident Desk Accessory or as a stand alone program, so that you always access your data. /// Documentation CardFile 4 includes a completely re-written, illustrated, instructional manual. It covers everything you need to know in order to start using CardFile 4 in only a matter of minutes. /// $39.95 - Low Cost CardFile 4 still carries the same low price as CardFile 3! Other programs do much less or cost substantially more. Compare and see that CardFile 4 is the best deal around! HOW TO GET IT (choose one): A. Call 1-800-284-4742 and one of our friendly employees will assist you in placing an order. Outside North America, call (413) 247-5620 B. Send a U.S. Check for $42.95 US (that includes $3.00 for shipping and handling) to: Gribnif Software, P.O. Box 779, Northampton, MA 01061. Be sure to include a note with your name, address, and daytime telephone number (in case we have any questions about your order). C. Ask your local dealer to order it today! HOW TO UPGRADE: A. If you have CardFile 2 (or previous), you need to send us both the manual cover (tear it off) and the original disk, along with $23 for the upgrade (that's $20 for the upgrade, and $3 for S&H). B. If you have CardFile 3 (any version), you need to send us both the inside page of the manual (with the serial number on it, just tear it off) and the original disk, along with $18 (that's $15 for the upgrade, and $3 for S&H). C. Be sure to include a note with your name, address, and a daytime phone number (in case we have any questions about your order). D. You can pay by check (issued by a US bank), US funds money order, postal money order, or credit card (MasterCard or Visa). We recommend that you do not send cash. E. If paying by credit card (MasterCard or Visa), please include the following: The Credit Card Number, The Expiration Date printed on the Credit Card, Your printed name, as it is written on the Credit Card, The name of the bank that issued the card (this is the same as the name of the bank that is written on the front of it), Your signature, matching the name that is written on the Card. F. Any questions, just give us a call at (413) 247-5620! QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, or INQUIRIES: Call or write: Gribnif Software P.O. Box 779 Northampton, MA 01061 Tel: (413) 247-5620 Fax: (413) 247-5622 # # # # # # GEMVELOPE Synergy Resources is proud to announce the release of a new version of GEMvelope! the envelope printer. Finally, quick and easy printing of envelopes on your printer! GEMvelope allows you to print envelopes on almost any printer. Laser (and most other) printers will not feed an envelope so that you may print across it. GEMvelope solves this problem allowing you to print even legal size envelopes on virtually all laser printers and dot matrix printers, including the HP DeskJet. GEMvelope was developed to work hand in hand with most word processors and data bases to provide a complete solution. This latest version (2.9) continues to expand and refine a product which has been continuously upgraded and supported over the past two years. GEMvelope Features: /// Import allows extracting an address from a letter in almost any word processor format (or from the GEM/Atari clipboard). /// Mail merge/browse allows printing one or many envelopes with an address imported from a database file such as Cardfile or Tracker/ST. (Database import is fully user-definable.) /// ** NEW! ** Special HP DeskJet support! /// Adjustable positioning for different size envelopes. /// Load-able and save-able addresses and configuration. /// POSTNET bar code printing for speeding your mail. (Will also save two cents per letter in the future according to the US Post Office!) /// ** NEW! ** A new text line is available and is placed at the bottom left of an envelope. This is for adding messages like "Attention: John Doe" or "Personal & Confidential". /// ** NEW! ** The program version runs in a window and supports a menu bar. /// A desk accessory version ideal for using from within programs like Tracker/ST! /// GEMvelope uses and includes GDOS and drivers for the following printers: Atari SLM804/605, HP LaserJet compatible, HP DeskJet, Epson FX80/LX compatible 9 pin, Epson/Panasonic compatible 24 pin, Star NX1000, Okimate 20. /// Includes Swiss, Dutch and Typewriter fonts. Fully compatible with FSM and bitmapped GDOS fonts. /// Compatible with all Atari ST and TT computers with 1 meg RAM. Atari SLM laser printers require 2 megs of RAM. ** Tracker/ST owners: Watch your mail for a special offer of 33% off on GEMvelope. GEMvelope is designed to be used hand in hand with Tracker/ST as a complete solution. List price of GEMvelope is only $30 and is available directly from Synergy Resources or your Atari dealer. (Dealer distribution is by Pacific Software) Upgrades from version 2.0-2.1 is $6. Upgrades from version 2.7 or greater is $3. Send original disk to Synergy Resources for upgrades. Synergy Resources 754 N. Bolton Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46219-5902 (317) 356-6946 GEnie Address: R.RICHARDS2 # # # # # # OREGON RESEARCH Oregon Research Associates is proud to announce the addition of two new programs to our line of quality Atari ST software: Diamond Edge and The Ultimate Virus Killer Diamond Edge Under continual development for two years, Diamond Edge represents our unwavering commitment to provide the Atari ST community with the highest quality software and product support available for any computer. Diamond Edge provides the most advanced set of Disk Management tools available for the Atari ST: /// Disk Diagnostics Analyzes your disks for critical errors that could lead to data loss. Complete reporting of all errors found and the affected files. Assess media integrity and map bad sectors. Assess the integrity of data on your disk with CRC and checksum validations. /// Optimization Improves disk access. Defragments files and directories, consolidates free space and optimizes data locations to improve disk performance. FAST disk disk optimization for reading or writing. Analyzes disk fragmentation level to assess disk performance. /// Repair Repairs damaged disk structure, damaged files, and maps bad sectors. Save, restore, edit critical disk information to restore even very badly damaged disks or recover crashed disks. Assesment and validation of the integrity of the recovered information. /// Data Recovery The Complete Undelete. The Diamond Mirror system automatically saves critical disk information that allows you to recover deleted files. Even undelete fragmented files and subdirectories. Validate the integrity of the undeleted file. Identifies and recovers data from lost clusters and unzero's disks. /// General Disk Management A wide variety of powerful disk management and information tools are available, including hard disk partitioning, copying, zeroing, wiping, etc. Diamond Edge defines the new state of the art in disk management, diagnostics, repair, optimization, and data recovery software for the Atari ST and is accompanied by a comprehensive spiral bound manual. A full featured demo is available on GEnie in file #25511. Ultimate Virus Killer There are nearly 70 types of virus prevalent on the Atari ST. With this package you can detect, destroy, and protect yourself from virus infection by all known and even unknown viruses. Scans disks and memory for suspicious system activity. Detects even unknown viruses and calculates a viral contamination probability. Immunizes your disks against future virus attacks. 67 Viruses recognized, immunized, and destroyed. Including the dreaded "link viruses" that attach themselves to every program that runs and can destroy all your data. Over 1000 executable boot sectors explicitly recognized and nearly 500 repairable. Regularly update to guarentee the best possible virus protection possible. The Ultimate Virus Killer is the ULTIMATE tool to protect your Atari ST from virus infection and is accompanied by a comprehensive printed manual.. Diamond Edge is available for the introductory price of only $69.95 and will be released at the Glendale show on September 12, 1992. Existing Diamond Back II owners should contact us for a special limited time offer. The Ultimate Virus Killer is available for the introductory price of only $29.95 and will be released at the Glendale show on September 12, 1992. Backup, Diagnostics, Optimization, Repair, Recovery, Virus Prevention: Total disk protection from Oregon Research Associates. On the cutting Edge of Computer Technology. Additional information can be obtained by contacting us at: Oregon Research Associates 16200 S.W. Pacific Hwy., Suite 162 Tigard, OR 97224 Phone: (503) 620-4919 FAX: (503) 639-6182 Genie mail: ORA.TECH Check, Money Order, COD, or VISA/MasterCard accepted. When ordering, please be sure to include $5 for shipping and handling. # # # # # # THE STORM Double Click Software proudly presents... Storm by Alan Page Many of you will recognize the name Alan Page as the author of the _best_ selling, most popular terminal software ever written for the Atari computer, the original Flash! Alan's innovative, solid programming made the original Flash the #1 selling telecommunications software for the Atari computer, bar none. Now Alan has devised and produced the next-generation of telecommunications for you, Storm. If you are like us, you have been frustrated with telecommunications software released since the original Flash was introduced. Our hopes, anxiety and anticipation of promising terminal programs has often been turned into a big let-down when we finally saw that none could match the power, ease and solidity of the original Flash. In fact, most terminal software is still measured in usefullness comparative to the original Flash. That is until now. Storm is the next step for telecommunications as only Alan Page can produce. His expertise and mastery of programming is sure to set a new standard by which all other terminal software will be measured. And only Double Click Software can bring this delight to you. Here are some of the features of STORM: /// Works on all versions of TOS in all resolutions except LOW. Including the TT and the new Falcon. /// BASIC script language. That's right! No new programmer's idea of a script language that is sort of like some programming language. This one _is_ BASIC, with powerful extensions for telecommunications. We'll describe it a bit more later, with a brief example. /// 100% MultiTOS compatible. /// Everything is in a window: terminal screen, capture buffers, editors, BASICs, download/upload status, dialing status. /// Unlimited editor and capture buffers, and BASICs (under MultiTOS) /// Simple, yet powerful editor with full mouse control, cut and paste, full word wrap, Atari clipboard support, and more. /// Capture buffer keeps capturing even if you are not in the terminal window. This means you can start your capture, and view it at your leisure without losing anything, without being in the terminal window. Heck, you can even close the terminal window! /// Freeze the current capture buffer and start a new one at any time. /// Multitasking - be online downloading, editing and running a BASIC program all at the same time. In fact, you can start a new copy of BASIC at any time (without MultiTOS, with MultiTOS it's better yet!). /// Powerful macro keys let you interpret the macro instructions as BASIC commands. You can even chain function keys, which can start a new copy of BASIC. You can even define the cursor keys! /// Full type ahead support, with special prefix and suffix extensions, and control character pass through. /// Simple layered Windows (tm) style menus which greatly simplify keystroke memorization for quick, easy, expert command execution. /// Pop-up menus (with a pop-up menu command in BASIC so you can define your own as well). /// Loadable background file transfers in X, Y, Zmodem and Compuserve's B+. /// Background round-robin dialing with auto-logon BASIC scripts. And the size of your dial directory is completely unlimited! /// Precise terminal emulations including Vidtex and VT100. And now for a brief description of Storm BASIC (in Alan's own words): The BASIC interpreter is a fairly complete BASIC with special extensions for telecommunications. It was originally based on Atari 8-bit BASIC, but has been redesigned and enhanced considerably. Summary of Features: /// String and integer variable types, plus string and integer arrays. /// Arrays can have a maximum of two dimensions. /// Integers are 32 bit integers. /// Full set of string functions, including string search. /// Runs in its own window. /// Event handling for timer, clipboard, and carrier detect events. /// Chain command to run programs in a separate interpreter. Chain level limited only be memory. /// Allocates all memory as needed. BASIC runs cooperatively with the rest of the program. So you can access the editor, capture buffer, terminal screen, or whatever, while a program is running. You can even switch away in the middle of a BASIC "INPUT" statement which is waiting for input. BASIC is very sparing of memory. All the memory it needs is allocated as needed. e.g. each line or string is allocated separately, so it is not a memory hog. Each string can (in theory) be up to 32K in size. Here are a few examples of the more interesting BASIC commands: String functions These are all "Microsoft" style string functions as can be found in GW- Basic or QBASIC. "string" in the examples below can be a string, or string variable, or string function. You can nest functions quite deeply. e.g. PRINT MID$(LEFT$("ALANPAGE",2)+CHR$(ASC("A"))+RIGHT$("NNN",1),1,4) Prints "ALAN" The typical string addition and comparision functions are supported, e.g. '+', '=', '<>', '>=', '<=','<' and '>' . UCASE$("string") LCASE$("string") These two functions return the string converted to all uppercase / lowercase respectively. SPACE$(n) Returns a string of n spaces. INSTR([start,]"string","key") This is a string search function. It searches "string" for substring "key" and returns the starting index of "key" in "string", or 0 for failure. 'start' is optional and is the location in the string to start at. N.B. The first location in a string is location 1. Also, no matter where you start searching in the string, INSTR always returns an index relative to the start of the string. Example: INSTR("12345","3") and INSTR(3,"12345","3") both return 3. SCREEN$(linenumber) This returns a line of text from terminal screen line 'linenumber'. The first line of the screen is 1. Trailing spaces are stripped from the line, so a blank line is returned as "". LTRIM$ can be used to strip leading spaces. SCREEN$ and INSTR should let you write very powerful scripts where you can read information off the screen and take context-sensitive actions. Telecommunication-specific functions ==================================== I have made some attempt to be compatible with Flash for some commands. CAPTURE ON Turns capture on. CAPTURE OFF Turns capture off. CAPTURE CLEAR Clears the capture buffer. Serial Port Functions BAUD nn Sets baud rate to nn. PARITY EVEN or PARITY ODD or PARITY NONE Sets serial port parity. SBITS 1 or SBITS 2 or SBITS 3 Sets stop bits to 1, 2, or 1.5 respectively. STRIP ON or STRIP OFF Sets high-bit strip feature on or off. DTR ON DTR OFF These commands turn the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal on or off at the serial port. CSRLIN returns what line terminal screen cursor is on. POS(n) returns cursor x position, (starts at 1). 'n' is a dummy argument. SAVE CAPTURE "filename" Saves the capture buffer to "filename". FSEL$("path","filename") Pops up the GEM file selector and returns the full filename you selected, including the full path. ALERT(1,"[1][alert][OK]") Lets you display a standard GEM alert box. WAIT nn,"string"[,"string",...] This is the most important command for automated operation. You can wait for multiple strings with a timeout value (in seconds). Basic will match characters coming in the serial port with the strings and continue with the next statement when either the string is matched, or a timeout occurs. Naturally, all program functions are enabled while the wait is in progress. A timeout value of -1 waits forever (actually, about 60 days). Once the WAIT statment has executed, use the WAIT(0) function to determine the result. WAIT(0) returns 0 if there was a timeout, otherwise it returns the string number that was matched, starting at 1 for the first string. So you could use ON WAIT (0) GOSUB 100,200,300,etc. Example: 10 wait 20,"Password" 20 if wait(0) then type "password" TERM ON TERM OFF Turn terminal operation on and off. KEYINPUT A$ This statement waits for a keypress in the Terminal screen window and then puts the keypress in the specified string variable (A$ or whatever you choose). While it's waiting for a keypress, terminal operation continues. PROMPT$(n) This function takes up to n characters from before the current terminal screen cursor position and returns it as a string. Doesn't go past the beginning of the current line. Useful for getting the current prompt when automating operations. A sample program MACRO.BAS shows how all these functions and commands work together. MACRO.BAS is a recorder program that will record what you type in and the associated prompt. It will write out a BASIC program that will play back the series of actions. CLIPTEST.BAS ============ 10 CLIP ON 20 ON CLIP(1) GOSUB 60:REM setup clip event 30 PAUSE -1:REM wait forever, or until UNDO key hit 40 END 50 REM Every time you select a filename, following subroutine is called 60 a$= RTRIM$( CLIP$):REM trash end of line 70 REM Truncate filename at "/" in case it was accidentally included. 80 x= INSTR(a$,"/"):IF x>0 THEN a$= LEFT$(a$,x-1) 90 IF a$="" THEN RETURN :' Nothing to do! 100 TYPE "Dow ";a$;" PROTO:B" 110 WAIT 20,"computer:" 120 IF WAIT(0)=1 THEN TYPE a$ 130 RETURN CIS.BAS ======= 10 REM CIS logon script 20 REM start by sending control-c 30 TYPE CHR$(3); 40 WAIT 20,"Name","ID","Password" 50 ON WAIT(0) GOSUB 100,200,300 60 IF WAIT(0) THEN 40 ELSE 30 100 TYPE "CIS":RETURN 200 TYPE "70000,0000":RETURN 300 TYPE "my.password":POP :REM "POP" pops return stack 400 PRINT "Done!" Well, that's enough for now. You can catch a glimpse of STORM at the Glendale Atarifest by dropping by the GEnie booth. Darlah Potechin will be using STORM to demonstrate GEnie. STORM will make landfall on December 7, 1992 and will have a special introductory price of $59.95 until December 31, 1992. You can order your copy today, and get it before it hits the stores! On January 1, 1993 the price goes up to $74.95. We accept cash, checks, money orders, MasterCard and VISA. Outside the US orders: NO PERSONAL CHECKS. Include $3 for shipping anywhere in the world (special offer only). Include $10 for overnight shipping in North America (special offer only). Double Click Software PO Box 741206 Houston, Texas 77274-1206 Phone: (713) 977-6520 # # # # # # POWERDOS DragonWare Software Releases PowerDOS as Freeware. DragonWare Software is proud to announce the freeware release of Chris Latham's PowerDOS - a powerful multitasking operating system that runs on the TOS series of computers from Atari Corp. PowerDOS represents over four years of intense study and development efforts to create a powerful, fast, and yet a compatible multitasking replacement of Atari's GEMDOS level system software. PowerDOS redefines what your Atari ST, Mega ST, Stacy, STe, Mega STe, TT and Falcon computer can do. WHAT POWERDOS DOES PowerDOS handles every application call made to GEMDOS (GEMDOS is the high-level part of TOS that deals with disk input/output; parallel, serial and MIDI communication; program execution; memory allocation) with routines written in 100% assembly language. Call-for-call, PowerDOS is many times faster than GEMDOS in reading and writing data to devices. If faster device i/o were all that PowerDOS offered, PowerDOS would represent a significant breakthrough in system software - but PowerDOS means more.... A SINGLE-MINDED GEMDOS Because TOS was not originally written with true multitasking in mind, GEMDOS cannot task-switch. That is, GEMDOS can only run _one_ program at a time. An application must terminate (quit) before another application can be launched (ran). While tasks running under GEMDOS may launch other tasks (as in the case of a telecommunications program launching a file transfer program, or a programming shell launching a compiler), the launching task stops running, waiting for the launched task to terminate. Imagine though, the possibilities of running more than one task at the same time! Suddenly, the concept of your computer being limited to handling a step-by-step linear series of tasks is shattered. PowerDOS provides the ability to switch between tasks hundreds of times per second. Up to 256 tasks can run at once. PowerDOS manages the distribution of time via priority levels for individual tasks that can be set and changed so that more important tasks get a bigger slice of the pie. WHAT POWERDOS ISN'T PowerDOS isn't a magical multiple-GEM window multitasker. Why? PowerDOS places compatibility over bells-and-whistles. To maintain the fullest possible compatibility with the existing base of TOS platform applications, PowerDOS adheres strongly to the GEMDOS set of rules. What that means is that programs that aren't written to take advantage of PowerDOS multitasking (or interprocess communication or memory management) won't multitask easily. These programs aren't aware of the advantages of PowerDOS - but if made aware, they can easily multitask, and significantly increase user productivity. All legal TOS programs _will_run_ under PowerDOS - and will enjoy PowerDOS's lightning fast device I/O - but unless programs are written with PowerDOS's extensions in mind, the ability to multitask will be limited. PowerDOS was designed with the future of TOS based machines in mind - while ensuring that the previous generation of TOS software will continue to work. MAKING POWERDOS WORK FOR YOU PROGRAMMERS: PowerDOS adds dozens of system calls to the GEMDOS series. These calls allow programmers to _easily_ set up interprocess communication (Subscribe-and-Publish!), to restrict and manage memory use, to monitor the status of any task running under PowerDOS, to spawn off child processes, and most importantly to add new device drivers and commands to PowerDOS - making PowerDOS infinitely expandable. To make your programs work with PowerDOS, contact Christopher Roberts at DragonWare Software, and ask for a PowerDOS Developers Kit. NON-PROGRAMMERS: The real beauty of PowerDOS is that it is totally transparent to the user. A user simply installs PowerDOS in the AUTO folder and realizes a tremendous increase in device I/O speed. Life is better. More advanced users can take advantage of setting up alias drives, adding pipes, naming serial ports, and using any of the number of PowerDOS utilities now available and those still under development. POWERDOS - A BASE TO BUILD ON Currently, DragonWare Software has two series of applications under development which rely on the Power of PowerDOS. The first series, Powernet, is a Local Area Network for the Atari TOS series of computers. Powernet has been shipping for several months, and is an unqualified hit among users! (Powernet is the LAN of choice in Sunnyvale!) AtariTalk-2 is a still-under-development series of drivers for Powernet that will allow Atari TOS computers to communicate with AppleTalk and Ethernet LANs. WHY IS POWERDOS FREEWARE? With the advent of Atari's new Falcon computer, the market for TOS based hardware and software is ready to grow. We at DragonWare are ready to help supply TOS users with the tools to properly utilize their machines, and we can think of no other tool that could revolutionize the way that owners use their machines than PowerDOS. Hence, we have decided to make PowerDOS a freeware product. While all copyrights to PowerDOS are retained by PowerPoint Software, PowerDOS itself may be freely distributed. There are plans for more PowerDOS goodies to be released in the near future - stand by for some exciting announcements. DragonWare Software welcomes any inquiry, and stands ready to support any developer or user who wishes to take advantage of the Power of PowerDOS. For inquiries: DragonWare Software P.O. Box 1719 Havre, MT 59501-1719 (408) 265-9609 GEnie: DRAGONWARE DragonWare Software is a member of the IAAD - the Independent Association of Atari Developers - and fully supports development of hardware and software to unleash the full power of the entire series of TOS based computers from Atari. PowerDOS and Powernet are copyright = 1992, PowerPoint Software, manufactured and distributed under license by DragonWare Software Inc. AtariTalk-2 is copyright = 1992, DragonWare Software Inc. | | | INTERNET/USENET FLOW CONTROL | | | Compiled by Ed Krimen | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- Some messages may have been edited for correct spelling, grammar, and irrelevant material. HARD-CORE FALCON SPECS ---------------------- -=> In the COMP.SYS.ATARI.ST newsgroup -=> from Piet Van Oostrum I found this file on the local ATARI Company's BBS : (original in Dutch) This article is written by Wilfred Kilwinger (Support Manager) for Atari Briefing, the newsletter by Atari (Benelux) B.V. for the Atari user groups. It was specifically stated that it could be reproduced. I have translated it in English with the assumption that an English translation would be considered the same as the original. The original also contained a description of all the features of the Falcon which have been reproduced here a zillion of times so I did not include these. Atari custom chips VIDEL The VIDEL takes care of the video functions of the system including overscan, overlay mode and true color graphics. COMBEL The COMBEL is the system manager of the Atari Falcon030. This chip controls all system functions. Also the BLITTER is built-in in this chip. SDMA The SDMA is the Sound DMA and controls the sound part. We have built in a unique matrix switch function in this chip (more details in the second part). KEYBOARD PROCESSOR The keyboard processor has been improved and is now also suitable for high resolution mice. Besides the above custom chips the Atari Falcon030 has a number of standard chips like the Motorola 68030 and 56001 DSP. Another important chip is the CODEC in which the 16 bit AD and DA converters are located. Video modi As you can see in the survey of Operating System calls the video hardware is complete sotware controllable. The following combinations can a.o. be chosen: Mode Resolution Bit planes Colors Palette ST LOW 320x200 4 16 4096 ST MED 640x200 2 4 4096 ST HIGH 640x400 1 2 4096 True Color 640x480 8 256 262144 320x200 15bpp 32768 N/A The last mode asks for some explanation. Here there is no color palette but 15 bits per pixel to describe the pixel itself. The format is RRRRRGGGGGXBBBBB. VDI supports this mode, thus programs that have not been written for this mode specifically can use it nevertheless. X is the overlay bit and can be used for video titling and special effects. 320x200 16bpp 65 N/A This mode is called the slideshow mode, is not supported by the VDI, you are on you own. X is an extra green bit. True Color in 640x480 is not possible because of the bandwidth of VGA monitors. Mode Resolution Bit planes Colors Palette VGA 320 of 640 1,4,8 2,16,256 262144 (Overscan Video 200 of 400 With Video we mean the Atari SC-monitors, the TV modulator and/or the composite video output. All modes can be gegenlocked. With adaptors we convert the 15-pole video bus to thee standard Atari or VGA connections. |----| - - / \ / \ / \ | | -|--------|- Matrix coupling To make the system performance in the audio part as good as possible Atari designed a miniature 'telephone exchange' that can easily connect the source devices to the receiving devices. Also it is possible to make more than one connection at a time. Source devices EXT INPUT ---*-------*------*------* CHANNEL | | | | | | | | DSP ---*-------*------*------* TRANSMIT | | | | | | | | ADC ---*-------*------*------* | | | | | | | | DMA ---*-------*------*------* PLAYBACK | | | | DMA DAC DSP EXT OUTPUT RECORD RECEIVE CHANNEL Receiving Devices Ports and interfacing DSP CONNECTOR (DB26 Female) Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 GP0 14 GND 2 GP1 15 SRD 3 GP2 16 GND 4 P_DATA 17 +12V 5 P_CLK 18 GND 6 P_SYNC 19 R_DATA 7 n/c 20 R_CLK 8 GND 21 R_SYNC 9 +12V 22 EXT_INT 10 GND 23 STD 11 SC0 24 SCK 12 SC1 25 GND 13 SC2 26 EXCLK SCSI CONNECTOR (flat 50 pins SCSI II Female) Pin Signal Pin Signal 1-10 GND 37 Not Connected 11 +5V 38 +5V 12-14 Not Connected 39 Not Connected 15-25 GND 40 GND 26 SCSI 0 41 ATN 27 SCSI 1 42 GND 28 SCSI 2 43 BSY 29 SCSI 3 44 ACK 30 SCSI 4 45 RST 31 SCSI 5 46 MSG 32 SCSI 6 47 SEL 33 SCSI 7 48 C/D 34 Parity 49 REQ 35-36 GND 50 I/O SERIAL PORT (DB9 MALE) Pin Signal 1 Carrier Detect 5 GND 2 Receive 6 Data set ready 3 Transmit 7 Request to Send 4 Data Terminal Ready 8 Clear to Send 9 Ring Indicator PARALLEL PORT (DB25 Female) The parallel port has extra signal to ease the connection of scanners. Pin Signal 1 Strobe 8 Data 6 2 Data 0 9 Data 7 3 Data 1 10 Acknowledge 4 Data 2 11 Busy 5 Data 3 12-16 Not Connected 6 Data 4 17 Select 7 Data 5 18-25 GND MONITOR CONNECTOR (DB19 Male) Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 Red 11 GND 2 Green 12 Composite Sync/Video 3 Blue 13 Horizontal Sync 4 Mono/Overlay 14 Vertical Sync 5 GND 15 External Clock Input 6 Red GND 16 External SYNC Enable 7 Green GND 17 +12V 8 Blue GND 18 M1 9 Audio out 19 M0 10 GND SCC LAN-port CONNECTOR (8-pin Mini DIN Female RS-422) Pin Signal 1 Handshake Output (DTR RS 423) 5 - Received Data 2 Handshake Input or External Clock 6 + Transmitted Data 3 - Transmit Data 7 General-purpose Input 4 GND 8 + Receive ENHANCED JOYSTICK (DB15 Male) Port A Port B Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 UP 0 1 UP 1 2 DOWN 0 2 DOWN 1 3 LT 0 3 LT 1 4 RT 0 4 RT 1 5 PAD0Y 5 PAD1Y 6 FIRE 0 / LIGHT GUN 6 FIRE 1 7 VCC (+5 VDC) 7 VCC 8 Not Connected 8 Not Connected 9 GND 9 GND 10 FIRE 2 10 FIRE 3 11 UP 2 11 UP 3 12 DOWN 2 12 DOWN 3 13 LT 2 13 LT 3 14 RT 2 14 RT 3 15 PAD0X 15 PAD1X MIDI PORT (DIN 5 Female) MIDI OUT MIDI IN Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 Thru Transmit 1 Not Connected 2 GND 2 Not Connected 3 Thru Loop Return 3 Not Connected 4 Out Transmit 4 In Receive 5 Out Loop Return 5 In Loop Return New Operating System calls This information is not complete, maybe subject to change and is certainly not meant as documentation for programmers DSP-calls Dsp_DoBlock(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(500,a,b,c,d) Dsp_BlkHandShake(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(501,a,b,c,d) Dsp_BlkUnpacked(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(502,a,b,c,d) Dsp_InStream(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(503,a,b,c,d) Dsp_OutStream(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(504,a,b,c,d) Dsp_IOStream(a,b,c,d,e,f) (void) xbios(505,a,b,c,d,e,f) Dsp_RemoveInterrupts(a) (void) xbios(506,a) Dsp_GetWordSize() (int) xbios(507) Dsp_Lock() (int) xbios(508) Dsp_Unlock() (void) xbios(509) Dsp_Available(a,b) (void) xbios(510,a,b) Dsp_Reserve(a,b) (int) xbios(511,a,b) Dsp_LoadProg(a,b,c) (int) xbios(512,a,b,c) Dsp_ExecProg(a,b,c) (void) xbios(513,a,b,c) Dsp_ExecBoot(a,b,c) (void) xbios(514,a,b,c) Dsp_LodToBinary(a,b) (long) xbios(515,a,b) Dsp_TriggerHC(a) (void) xbios(516,a) Dsp_RequestUniqueAbility() (int) xbios(517) Dsp_GetProgAbility() (int) xbios(518) Dsp_FlushSubroutines() (void) xbios(519) Dsp_LoadSubroutine(a,b,c) (int) xbios(520,a,b,c) Dsp_InqSubrAbility(a) (int) xbios(521,a) Dsp_RunSubroutine(a) (int) xbios(522,a) Dsp_Hf0(a) (int) xbios(523,a) Dsp_Hf1(a) (int) xbios(524,a) Dsp_Hf2() (int) xbios(525) Dsp_Hf3() (int) xbios(526) Dsp_BlkWords(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(527,a,b,c,d) Dsp_BlkBytes(a,b,c,d) (void) xbios(528,a,b,c,d) Dsp_HStat() (char) xbios(529) Dsp_SetVectors(a,b) (void) xbios(530,a,b) De volledige beschrijving van bovenstaande functie's staat in de Falcon030 Developers Documentation. VIDEO SETMODE int setmode( int modecode ); The setmode( int modecode ) call is used to place the Falcon/030 SHIFTER into a specific mode. A bit-encoded value (called a "modecode") is passed to setmode() to set the mode. setmode() returns the previous mode that was set. To help make the building of modecode values easier, here is a table of defines: #define VERTFLAG 0x100 #define STMODES 0x80 #define OVERSCAN 0x40 #define PAL 0x20 #define VGA 0x10 #define TV 0x0 #define COL80 0x08 #define COL40 0x0 #define NUMCOLS 7 #define BPS16 4 #define BPS8 3 #define BPS4 2 #define BPS2 1 #define BPS1 0 Using these defines, you can build a modecode for any possible mode. For example: For True Color Overscan: modecode = OVERSCAN|COL40|BPS16; For ST Medium Compatibility mode on a Color Monitor/TV: modecode = STMODES|COL80|BPS2; For ST Low Compatibility mode in PAL on a Color Monitor/TV: modecode = STMODES|PAL|COL80|BPS2; For 256 color, 80 column mode on a VGA monitor: modecode = VGA|COL80|BPS8; If you have a modecode and wish to know how many bits per pixel it has, use the following: if( modecode & NUMCOLS ) == BPS16 ) do_something_cool(); /* You have true color mode */ The setmode() call will return the previous modecode set. You must use this value to get back to whatever mode you were in before you made your setmode call. int mon_type(void) The mon_type() function will return the kind of monitor that is currently in use. Here are the possible return values: 0 = ST monochrome monitor 1 = ST color monitor 2 = VGA monitor 3 = Television. void ext_sync( int flag ) This function sets or clears external sync. If flag is set, external sync is enabled. If flag is clear, then internal sync is used. SOUND-calls locksnd(); Used as a semiphore to lock the sound system. From other applications. unlocksnd(); Used to release the sound system for other applications to use. soundcmd(mode,data); This command is used to get or set the following sound parameters. If a negative number is used as the input then the current setting us returned. MODE OPERATION MEANING O LTATTEN Sets the current left channel output 1 RTATTEN Sets the current right channel output 2 LTGAIN Sets the current left channel input gain. 3 RTGAIN Sets the current right channel input gain. 4 ADDERIN Set the output of the 16 bit signed adder to receive it's input from the ADC, Matrix or both. 5 ADCINPUT Set the input the the ADC. The input can either be the left and right channel of the PSG or the left and right channel of the microphone. 6 SETPRESCALE Used for compatability. This prescale value is used when the DEVCONNECT() internal prescale value is set to zero. setbuffer(reg,begaddr,endaddr); This function is used to set the play or record buffers. REG selects playback or record, while begaddr and endaddr are the buffers beginning and ending locations. (int) reg - (0) Sets playback registers. - (1) Sets record registers. (long) begaddr - Sets the beginning address of the buffer. (long) endaddr - Sets the ending address of the buffer. setmode(mode); This function is used to set record or playback mode. The modes are as follows: MODE OPERATION (int) 0 8 Bit Stereo (int) 1 16 Bit Stereo (int) 2 8 Bit Mono settracks(playtracks,rectracks); This function is used to sets the number of record or playback tracks. setmontracks(montrack); This function is used to set the output of the internal speaker to one of the four tracks currently playing. The internal speaker is only capable of outputing ONE track at a time. setinterrupt(src_inter,cause); This function is used to set which interrupt that will occur at the end of a frame. If the frame repeat bit is on, this interrupt is used to allow for double buffering the playing or recording of sound. Interrupts can come from TimerA or the MFP i7. buffoper(mode); This function is used to control the operation of the play or record buffers in the sound system. The input to this function is a bitmap. If mode is set t0 -1 then the current status of the buffer operation bits is returned. NOTE: The sound system contains a 32 byte FIFO. When transferring data to the record buffer, software MUST check to see if the record enable (RE) bit was cleared by the hardware. If the bit was cleared then the FIFO is flushed, if not then software must flush the FIFO by clearing the record enable (RE) bit. dsptristate(dspxmit,dsprec); This function is used to tristate the DSP from the data matrix. gpio(mode,data); This is used to communicate over the General Purpose I/O on the DSP connector. Only the low order three bits are used. The rest are reserved. This call, depending on the mode, can be used to set the direction of the I/O bits, read the bits, or write the bits. devconnect(src,dst,srcclk,prescale,protocol); This function is used to attach a source device to any of the destination devices in the matrix. Given a source device, this call will attach that one source device to one or all of the destination devices. This call also sets up the source clock and prescaler, protocol and protocol source if used. sndstatus(reset); This function gets the current status of the codec. buffptr(pointer); This function returns the current position of the play and record data buffer pointers. These pointers indicate where the data is being read/ written within the buffers themselves. This function is also used to determine how much data has been written to the record buffer. See buffoper(). The above is not yet complete. Atari has also routines for JPEG and andio conversion. -- Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University, Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands. Telephone: +31 30 531806 Uucp: uunet!mcsun!ruuinf!piet Telefax: +31 30 513791 Internet: (*`Pete') ===================================== DSP EXPLAINED ------------- -=> In the COMP.SYS.ATARI.ST.TECH newsgroup -=> from Russell Ochocki and Tim Coslet In , Russell Ochocki writes: >There has been several threads discussing how great it is to have DSP >in the Falcon. I have read all these articles, but don't have a clue >what DSP is or what it does? >Can someone enlighten me? I received an excellent answer in the mail from It follows below. If you don't have a clue what DSP is, this article is for you! Read on... -8<----------- cut here ------------8<- writes: DSP stands for Digital Signal Processing or Digital Signal Processor. Originally DSP was developed arround "sampling theory" (which was developed in part by a guy named Nyquist sometime in the '40s thru '50s, if I remember right) as a means of performing the same Signal Processing operations (e.g. filtering, spectrum analysis, mixing, signal corelation, etc.) as had been used in conventional Analog based systems. Because Digital methods are used, one gets "exact mathematical" results instead of the often noisy and distorted results common in analog signal processing systems. Of course DSP techniques have their own limitations, and introduce their own characteristic distortions. However these problems are much more well behaved than the problems in analog systems, and one can be reasonably sure that each increment of added investment and cost in a DSP system will produce a corresponding increment in performance and reduction in these distortions; one can NOT be sure that an increase in investment and cost in analog systems will produce ANY increase in performance and reduction in their noise and distortions. DSP being a "real time" technique (if you can't keep up with the REAL signal you can't expect to process it and produce a reasonable result) is very demanding of mathematical resources and throughput speed. This has pushed the development of custom Digital Signal Processor computer chips, with very high speed ALUs and often considerable internal parallelism. It turns out that many other areas of computing are also demanding of mathematical resources and throughput speed, but because they don't have the market "push" behind them of DSP users (e.g. telephone systems, modems, music, radar, sonar, instrumentation manufacturers, etc.) have not been able to fund as much development of custom high performance processor chips optomized for their uses. As demand has pushed the suppliers of DSP equipment to produce inexpensive DSP chips, these other areas of computing have found the power of the DSP chips relatively easy to adapt to many of their uses too, so although the chips were developed for use in signal processing functions and are still called DSP chips they are often used anywhere where very high speed arithmetic is needed in a computer. Does that make things any clearer? R. Tim Coslet Usenet: California could REALLY use 40 days and 40 nights of rain right now! ---------------------------------- Yes Tim, it certainly makes things crystal clear now. Thanks for your reply. ===================================== SUPRA ROM UPDATE INFO --------------------- -=> In the COMP.DCOM.MODEMS newsgroup -=> from Mohammad Al-Ansari The following is a new announcement that I found on the Supra BBS concerning the new ROMs and their features. It starts with a summary of the fixes/new features and later includes descriptions of each of them in more detail. It is very promising! I am looking forward to receiving the full upgrade (see below). You don't have to pay for the basic ROM that includes bug fixes, but a ROM that includes the additional features of "Silent Answer" (which eliminates the need for a fax/voice detector) and Caller ID will cost less than $30! Enjoy! :) ------------------------- Begin included text -------------------------- SUPRA TECHNICAL SUPPORT BULLETIN STATUS AND ENHANCEMENTS TO V32BIS ROM (1.2G) 8/29/92 Supra Corporation 7101 Supra Drive SW, Albany, OR 97321 General (503) 967-2400 / Sales (503) 967-2410 / Fax (503) 967-2401 Supra Tech Support (503) 967-2440 8:00am - 5:00pm PST, M-F Supra BBS........(503) 967-2444 24 Hours CompuServe.......76004,565 BIX..............SupraCorp America Online...SupraCorp2 GEnie............SupraTech AppleLink........D2456 UseNet EMail.....supra@supra.uucp Supra is doing the final beta testing on its latest rom for the SupraFaxModem V32 and V32bis. Provided that this testing is completed with no problems, Supra will be ready to ship this rom to its current customers in a few weeks. Many of the enhancements are unique to the Supra V32/V32bis modem and are not available from other manufactures who are using Rockwell's v32/v32bis chipset or other v32/v32bis modems/fax modems that are on the market. The new rom is currently reved as 1.2G and will include the following features: Enhances Busy Detection Fixes several Lock Display/Modem problems Improved Speed Renegotiation (Fall Back) upon bad line conditions Implements Fall Forward upon better line conditions Fixes Adaptive Answering (allows data/fax determination) Implements ECM (Error Correction Mode) Must be supported by fax soft Implements BFT mode (Binary File Transfer) Must be supported by software Fixes problem with DCD line turning off if modem configured with &C &Dx and &Cx settings are respected when in fax mode Fixes problem connecting with some fax machines Added S-Register S109 Added S-Register S110=3 Implements Silent Answer (allows voice/fax determination) Implements Caller ID Supra will be sending an upgrade offer to all registered owners. This offer will be for either a free ROM which has all of the above features, except silent answer and caller ID, or for a charge of less than $30, a rom which has all of the above features, including silent answer and caller ID. Oversees customers will be able to get the roms from the overseas dealer that sold it to them. If they purchased the modem from a US dealer or Supra, they will need to order the rom from Supra, but there will be a shipping and handling charge. You will be able to order either rom from Supra via its BBS. We are currently working on the software to allow this, plus to allow you to enter your warranty card or change your warranty card online. Once this is working, it will be activated and you can immediately enter your order. The quickest way to order the rom will be via the BBS. Until then, please do not contact Supra to order either rom. The above information is subject to change or modification. At this time, this is all that is known. As soon as costs and other information is known, we will let you know via the Supra BBS. UPCOMMING FEATURES AND NEW PRODUCTS: The following features and new products are being worked on. We do not have any information on dates, technical information, upgrade costs, or product cost. As soon as we have the information, we will post it on our BBS. Internal version Certifiable International version MNP10 V23 Voice digitization in modem Voice software DTMF encoding/decoding MORE INDEPTH INFORMATION ON 1.2G ENHANCEMENTS Enhances Busy Detection Some people had several different problems with busy detection. All calls would return BUSY or only certain calls would return busy. All known problems have been fixed. This problem only happened to a small percentage of users. Fixes several Lock Display/Modem problems The Supra v32bis modem is running several different processors and tasks at one time. If the right timing sequence or events happen, the modem could lockup. The only way to fix the problem was to power cycle the modem. This problem only happened to a small percentage of users. Improved Speed Renegotiation (Fall Back) upon bad line conditions The 1.2C rom was our first rom to implement this feature. We have continued to improve our code to better handle bad line conditions, especially at connect time. Implements Fall Forward upon better line conditions Once the phone line conditions improve, the modem can initiate a step up in baud. Fixes Adaptive Answering (allows data/fax determination) A mode which allows the modem to connect with either a fax or a data modem. Once it makes the connection, it will return a result code indicating which one it connected with. It is then the software's responsibility to route the call to the proper program. Some "front door" software for BBSes and terminal programs have this ability. Implements ECM (Error Correction Mode) Allows the fax software to resend a block of information if it is not received correctly by the other modem. This feature MUST be supported by the fax software in order to be used. Implements BFT mode (Binary File Transfer) Allows the user to send a file to another fax modem as if it were a fax instead of a file. This feature MUST be supported by the fax software in order to be used. This allows the user to use the fax software to send the file instead of using a terminal program. Fixes problem with DCD line turning off if modem configured with &C If the modem was configured with the &C, especially during a disconnect, the modem would toggle DCD line. This problem only affected a small percentage of users, generally those running BBSes on the Apple II. &Dx and &Cx settings are respected when in fax mode The CCITT TR29.2 committee has not defined how the modem should react to the &D and &C settings when in class 2 fax mode. While the committee has not defined this, there is a strong sentiment for respecting the &D and &C settings as it is handled in class 1 and when the modem is in data mode. This also allows the modems to work better under fax mode in the Unix enviorment. Fixes problem connecting with some fax machines The 1.2C roms had a few problems making connections to some fax machines. The fax machine used a slightly different tone when answering. This resulted in the two machines toning back and forth, not making a connection and then eventually hang up. This problem only happened to a small percentage of users. Added S-Register S109 Controls speeds available for V.32bis carrier handshake, or the carrier rate to negotiate error correction, if S-Register S110=3. Decimal Value Explanation 1 reserved 2 4800 bps 4 7200 bps 8 9600 bps 16 12000 bps 32 14400 bps 64 reserved 128 reserved Added S-Register S110=3 V.32bis standard negotiates carrier speed at 4800 baud then jumps to the agreed carrier speed to negotiate error correction/data compression. On noisy lines this can cause various connection problems. Supra's solution is to set S-Register S110 to 3. This causes the modems to connect at the slowest possible V.32 or V.32bis speed. Once this is done, as long as the line is clean enough, the modems will up-shift to the next possible carrier rate. The slowest possible carrier speed can be limited by the use of S-register S109. NOTE: Some modems can only up-shift a few times and then they will lose the connection (especially Supra V.32 and V.32bis with ROMs < 1.2C). The solution is to change S-Register S109 so that it does not need to up-shift as many times. NOTE: This only works when the modem is originating the call. Implements Silent Answer (allows voice/fax determination) When the phone rings, the modem will start monitoring the telephone line after the 2nd ring. If it detects a fax tone, it will do one of two things: 1. If S-Register S0 - 0, the modem will immediately answer the phone and attempt a fax connection. 2. If S-Register S0 = 0, the modem will quickly issue up to 9 RINGS messages, expecting the fax software to issue an ATA. This eliminates the need for a $150 voice/fax black box. NOTE: DO NOT plug the answering machine into the telephone jack on the back of the modem. The modem should be plugged into the answering machine. This also also works if a telephone is in the circuit before the faxmodem. NOTE: This mode must be supported by the fax software. Implements Caller ID This is a feature is only available in some areas of the country. In between the 1st and the 2nd ring, the phone company will send information on who is calling you. If you ere in terminal mode and had told the modem to answer on the 3rd ring, you would see: RING DATE = 0321 TIME = 1405 NMBR = 5039672400 NAME = SUPRA CORPORATION RING CONNECT 19200 To enable CALLER ID: AT#CID=1 Enables Caller ID in formatted format AT#CID=2 Enables Caller ID in unformatted format (ASCII printable hex numbers) AT#CID=0 Disables Caller ID In addition to the enhancements and corrections noted above, Supra's new 1.2G ROM release also includes modifications that were implemented in the previous 1.2C ROM release. They are as follows: %G0 disables Rate Renegotiation on V.32bis %G1 enables Rate Renegotiation on V.32bis enables Rate Renegotiation and Retrain on V.32 %E has not changed, but if both %G1 and %E1 are set, then the modem will Rate Renegotiate during a Retrain. This is also the only way the V.32 modem can Rate Renegotiate. AT&F1 and AT&F2 defaults now include %G1 S-Register S110: 0 causes connect at V.32 only 1 enable V.32bis on V.32bis modems 2 enable V.32bis and automatic rate renegotiation. Fixed several problems on the fax side of the modem ===================================== | | | ATARIWATCH CALENDAR 1992 | | | Schedule of Shows and Events | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- /// September 12th-13th 1992's Southern California Atari Faire, also known as the GLENDALE SHOW. John King Tarpinian is president of The Hooked on ATARI Computer Knowledge Society (HACKS) and coordinator of the show. The Glendale Show has had the largest annual attendance of any continuing show series and is expected to keep that record this year. Admission is $6, or $10 for a two-day ticket. It will again be held at the Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1401 N. Verdugo Road in Glendale, across the street from Glendale College, about 10 miles Northeast of downtown Los Angeles. For more information about the Glendale Show, contact John King Tarpinian at 818-246-7286. /// September 18th-20th San Diego ACE is participating in a multi-platform Computer Fair, and has reserved a room for Atari vendors. The San Diego Computer Society in conjunction with a regional computer magazine (ComputerEdge) have obtained the San Diego Community Concourse for 3 full days of Show. Up to 10,000 attendees are expected for the show that has a $50K budget. Exhibitors get the booths for free, but there are only 140 booths. Contact SDACE via D.SMITHRN on GEnie for information. /// September 22nd-25th The Fall Seybold Show will be another top industry trade show specializing in high-end publishing. Atari made a major showing at Seybold last year and got extensive press attention. The show will be held in San Francisco, California and is not open to the general public. For more information, contact Atari Corporation. /// September 23rd The Atari presentation at the Boston Computer Society meeting, postponed from April, is now scheduled to occur on Wednesday, September 23, at 7:30 PM in the New England Life Hall in the Copley Square Building, 225 Clarendon Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Atari is to present the Falcon computer line to the club on the same site where the original ST was unveiled and where IBM and NeXT have made their product announcements. For more information, contact the Boston Computer Society at 617-252- 0600. /// October 4th The Washtenaw Atari Users Group (WAUG) will sponsor Atari ShowOFF '92 in Southfield, Michigan as part of a larger trade show, The Michigan Computer Festival, which will include IBM, Macintosh, Commodore, and Atari hardware & Software Items. Atari dealers and music stores have committed to attend the show, as have Atari users groups from Michigan, Ohio, and Ontario. They plan to make an impression on the other-brand visitors. Up to 3,000 people are expected Sunday, October 4 from 10 til 4 at the Southfield Civic Center, on Evergreen between 10 Mile Rd. and 11 Mile Rd., just off the I-696 exit in the Northwest suburban Detroit area. Contact WAUG at (313) 971-6035 or (313) 451-0524 (BBS). /// October 10th-11th The Washington Area Atari Computer Enthusiasts are currently planning the 1992 W.A.A.C.E Atarifest, which has traditionally been the largest East coast Atari show. The '92 event will be held on Columbus Day weekend, October 10th and 11th, once again at the Sheraton Reston hotel in Reston, Virginia. The show will feature shopping bargains, demonstrations, tutorials, seminars, and social events. The 1990 and 1991 editions of the show attracted 2,000 visitors. Charles Hoffmann is now Acting President of WAACE Inc., and can be contacted via GEnie at address S.HOFFMANN, by phone at 703-569-6734, or by US Mail at 5908 Bayshire Road, Springfield, VA 22152-1146. /// November 16th-20th Fall COMDEX, the biggest computer trade show in the USA. Atari will again have a major presence at the Las Vegas, Nevada show. The Falcon line of computer is expected to dominate the Atari booth, with outstanding demonstrations for the dealer and distributor attendees to consider. /// December 12th-13th The Northern California Atari Expo has been rescheduled from July, and will be held at the San Jose Exhibit Hall, 145 W. San Carlos, San Jose, CA. This will be the second major joint show and the first in two years from ABACUS, SLCC, and Sacramento ST Users clubs. Contact the Northern California Atari Expo c/o SLCC, P.O. Box 1506, San Leandro, Ca 94577, or call 510-352-8118. GEnie Address: M.WARNER8. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To sign up for GEnie service call (with modem) (800) 638-8369. Upon connection type HHH and hit . Wait for the U#= prompt and type XTX99436,GEnie and hit . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To sign up for CompuServe service call (with phone) (800) 848-8199. Ask for operator #198. You will be promptly sent a $15.00 free membership kit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can subscribe to the bi-monthly hard copy Atari Explorer Magazine for $14.95 for 6 issues, $39.95 for 18 issues. Canadian subscribers should add $5.00 per 6 issues,foreign subscribers should add $10.00 per 6 issues. Checks must be drawn in US funds on a US bank. Send orders to Atari Explorer, Post Office Box 6488, Duluth, MN 55806. VISA and MasterCard orders, call (218) 723-9202. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reprints from the GEnie ST Roundtable are Copyright (c)1992, Atari Corporation and the GEnie ST RT. Reprints from CompuServe's AtariArts, AtariPro, AtariVen, or Aportfolio Forums are Copyright (c)1992, CIS. Reprints from AtariUser Magazine are Copyright(c)1992, Quill Publishing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Atari Explorer Online Magazine is a weekly publication covering the Atari computer community. Material published in this edition may NOT be reprinted without written permission, unless otherwise noted in the article. Opinions presented herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff. Atari Explorer Online Magazine is Copyright (c)1992, Atari Corporation. The Z*Net Newswire is an independent column and organization not affiliated with Atari Corp. and is Copyright (c)1992,Z*Net News Service/Ron Kovacs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z*Net News Service - Post Office Box 59, Middlesex, New Jersey 08846- 0059. BBS - (908) 968-8148. Voice - (908) 968-2024. Fnet Node 593, AtariNet Node 51:1/13.0. You can contact Atari direct via Fnet Nodes - 706 or 319 or via AtariNet 51:1/10.0. Z*Net South Pacific - Fnet - 693. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Atari Explorer Online Magazine "The Official Atari Online Journal" Copyright (c)1992, Atari Computer Corporation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~