------- PSA Cards 3.0 for Windows 95 and NT 4.0 ------ VERSION 3.0 WILL READ FILES WRITTEN BY EARLIER VERSIONS. VERSIONS OLDER THAN 3.0 WILL NOT READ VERSION 3.0 FILES. DESCRIPTION PSA Cards is an easy to use address program. It looks like a card file and it works like a card file. Just click on a divider tab or card to open or close it. PSA Cards is also an OLE 2.0 container application. This means that you can link or imbed objects (pictures, maps, documents, sound and video clips) created in other programs in your PSA Cards entries. For a list of new features and bug fixes, see the readme.txt file after completing the installation. ********************** INSTALLATION ********************** INSTALLING FROM A FLOPPY DISK Run the setup program, setup.exe, from the Program Manager, Start menu, or Explorer. LOCKED FILES If the setup program cannot replace an earlier version of a file because it is already in use, restart (reboot) you computer after the installation. When a file can't be replaced because it is locked by another application, the setup program writes a file called wininit.ini in the Windows directory. This file contains information on how to replace files as the system is started. Windows looks for this file on system startup. IF SETUP.EXE WON'T LOAD Occasionally, setup.exe will not load. This usually occurs when a previous InstallSHIELD installation has failed and left junk in your C:\TEMP directory. If this happens to you, use the Explorer to clean out your C:\TEMP directory. Then try the installation again. This is a problem with the Stirling Technology InstallSHIELD system. Hopefully they will provide a fix for this soon. The install program can also be prevented from loading by some virus protection programs. Of course the solution to this problem to turn off your virus protection program while you run the installation. INSTALLING IN AN EXISTING DIRECTORY When installling in an existing directory and running Windows NT 4.0, you may get a "General file transfer error". If this happens, try deleting the directory and then installing. Be sure to save any data files that you may in the directory before deleting it. UNINSTALL PROGRAM The install program implements an uninstall feature that will remove PSA Cards from your system. To access this program, click on Settings command in the Start Menu, then the Control Panel, and finally double click the Add/Remove Program icon. In Windows NT, double click the Uninstall icon in the PSA Cards program group. Be sure you want to uninstall PSA Cards before doing this. Once started in Windows NT, the program immediately proceeds to uninstall PSA Cards. If you have added files to the PSA Cards directory, Uninstall will not delete the directory. Nor will it delete data files (other than sample.car) that you have created in the PSA Cards directory. IF YOU ARE CONVERTING FROM PSA CARDS FOR WINDOWS 3.1, READ THIS: When you install PSA Cards for Windows 3.1 on a computer running Windows 95, or when you install Windows 95 over Windows 3.1 with PSA Cards already installed, there will be a "PSA Cards" program folder on the Windows 95 Start menu. When you install PSA Cards for Windows 95/NT 4.0 on a computer running Windows 95, a program icon named "PSA Cards Win 32" will appear on the Start menu. Since the InstallSHIELD Windows 95 installation routine does not check for the presence of the old PSA Cards program folder from the Windows 3.1 version, you will need to remove it from the Start menu manually. To do this, right click on the Start menu, open the Programs folder, find the old PSA Cards program folder, and drag it to the Recycle Bin. INSTALLATION ASSISTANCE PSA Software can be contacted at billr@PSA-Cards.com You can also get the PSA Cards news and download the most recent ZIP file from the PSA Software web page: http://www.PSA-Cards.com