The Generate HTML
Dialog Box

This dialog box displays the HTML you have to insert in your web page to embed the Imagemap you have created.

After having finished your Imagemap and by choosing "Generate HTML" from the Map menu the application pops up this dialog box. Then you can either copy the text to the clipboard and paste it in your HTML page, or save it to disk as an HTML file.

You are not finished yet: After saving the HTML you have to create a subdirectory in the same directory your HTML page resides. The name of the subdirectory should be "imagemap" and you should copy into it all the images and sounds you used to create your Imagemap. In addition you should copy into the same subdirectory the following two files:

  • aia.class
  • HtSpt.class
that can be found in the Advanced Imagemap Designer directory under the "applet" subdirectory.

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Advanced Imagemap Designer - © AlterSoft - 1997 put_your_title_here