The Hotspot Properties
Dialog Box

Since you have difined a hotspot on your imagemap the next step is to define its properties. To do so you have to use the Hotspot Properties Dialog Box shown above.

In this dialog box you define

  • the URL: this is the page you want your browser to show when the user clicks on the hotspot. You must enter the absolute address (ie the full address,
  • the Target Frame: this is the name of the frame in which the page will be displayed (in case you use frames). If you don't want the page to be displayed in a specific frame, just leave it blank.
  • the Status Bar Text: this is the text to be displayed in the browser's status bar when the user moves its mouse over the Hotspot.

In addition you can define three images and three sounds to be shown and played when the user moves his mouse over the hotspot, when he clicks on the hotspot and when he releases the mouse button. To define an image and a sound you press the "Browse" button and you locate it in your disk. After choosing such a popup image, it will be dispalyed on your imagemap. Then you can define its position by entering the coordinates in the Image Pos fields. To do the same for "Mouse Down" (ie when the user clicks on the hotspot) and for "Mouse Up" (ie when the user releases the mouse button), just click on the appropriate Tab control.

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