============================================================================= XTREME GAMES LLC ORDER SHEET ============================================================================= For more up to date ordering information and to see specials not listed in this file, please visit our web site at http://www.xgames3d.com. Please send me Astro3D for $19.95 plus shipping and handling. Name (please print)________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ City _______________________ St./Prov. _________________ ZIP/Code _________ Country (if not USA) ____________________ Phone/Fax _______________________ Email _____________________________________________________________________ SHIPPING [ ] USA: Add $3.00 CHARGES: [ ] Canada & Mexico: Add $6.00 [ ] All other countries: Add $10.00 Total payment: $______________ Payment: [ ] Check [ ] Money Order [ ] Cash (for credit card orders please log onto our web site @ www.xgames3d.com) Mail to: Xtreme Games LLC P.O. Box 641744 San Jose, CA 95164-1744 Thank you for your order! Make checks payable to "Xtreme Games LLC" Allow up to two weeks for delivery. All prices subject to change without notice. All items subject to availability. ============================================================================= VOLUNTARY QUESTIONAIRE ============================================================================= Where did you find our games at? [ ] The Xtreme Games LLC web site at http://www.xgames3d.com [ ] CompuServe [ ] America Online [ ] Dial-Up BBS -- Please write name: [ ] Shareware catalog -- Please write name: [ ] Work, a friend or a relative [ ] Retail store, off a rack, in a box or other simple packaging [ ] CD-ROM disk [ ] Other:_______________________________________________________________ What could we do better? Or are there specific types of games you would like? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Thank you!