128 Norton Duplicates Cleanup 129 Demo - Norton Duplicates Cleanup 135 File 136 Help 138 Edit 140 View 141 Could not open the file database. Please close the application, and try again. 142 New Search Category 143 There was an unknown error. Please restart the program and try again. 144 Delete of files in Duplicates Cleanup 1000 Duplicate Types 1001 File\Location 1002 Size 1003 Type 1004 Modified 1005 Accessed 1006 Duplicate Files 1007 Loading Database... 1008 Closing Database... 1009 Searching... 1010 Created 1011 Links For %s 1012 Filename 1013 Path 1014 Copy 1015 Move 1016 Moving File: %s 1017 Copying File: %s 1018 Custom Duplicate Category 1019 Page %u 1020 %d Object(s) 1021 %d Object(s) Selected 1022 You have selected all occurrences of the file "%s" for delete. It is strongly recommend that you do not delete all occurences of a file. Would you like to continue? 1023 Error getting access to SafetyScan database for Undo. Undo not performed. 1024 The file %s already exists. Would you like to overwrite this file? 1025 Cleaning up... 1026 Scanning Links... 1027 Loading Database... 1028 Saving Database... 1029 Norton Duplicates Cleanup Error 1030 Create Folder 1031 The destination folder that you have selected does not exist. Would you like to create it? Pressing No will allow you to select another folder 1032 The file %s is read-only. Do you want to delete it? 2000 Deleting the file: %s 2001 The file %s will not be deleted because it is a protected file." 2002 The file %s is considered a standard or integral part of Windows. Do you want to delete it? 2003 The file %s will not be deleted because it is part of Norton Uninstall Deluxe. 2004 Norton Uninstall Deluxe will not operate unless SafetyScan is completed. Norton Uninstall Deluxe will now close. 32771 Quick View the selected file\nQuickView 32772 Move the selected file(s)\nMove to... 32773 Copy the selected file(s)\nCopy to... 32775 Delete the selected file(s)\nDelete 32776 Delete the selected file(s) with no backup\nDelete w/o Backup 32777 View links for the selected file\nFile Links 32781 Print the selected file\nPrint File 32783 Display properties for the selected file\nProperties 32784 Deselect the entire list\nDeselect All 32785 Invert the current selection\nInvert Selection 32786 Displays items in a list\nList 32788 Displays information about each item in the window\nDetails 32789 Sort Found Items by Type\nSort by Type 32790 Modify options\nOptions 32792 Display Help Topics\nHelp Topics 32799 Sort Found Items By Name\nSort by Name 32804 Create a custom category\nCreate Custom Category 32805 Edit the selected Custom Category\nEdit Custom Category 32806 Delete the selected Custom Category\Delete Custom Category 32807 Refresh the given list\nRefresh 57344 Norton Duplicates Cleanup 57345 Ready. 57600 Create a new document\nNew 57601 Open the selected file\nOpen 57602 Close the active document\nClose 57603 Save the active document\nSave 57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As 57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup 57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup 57607 Print the file list\nPrint 57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview 57616 Open this document 57617 Open this document 57618 Open this document 57619 Open this document 57620 Open this document 57621 Open this document 57622 Open this document 57623 Open this document 57624 Open this document 57625 Open this document 57626 Open this document 57627 Open this document 57628 Open this document 57629 Open this document 57630 Open this document 57631 Open this document 57632 Erase the selection\nErase 57633 Erase everything\nErase All 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut 57636 Find the specified text\nFind 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace 57642 Select the entire list\nSelect All 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar 59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List