Hans Christophersen - Buchautor und Programmierer aus Dänemark |- BEGINN EXT -| !@! WIN-Backup von WIN.INI $$$ temporäre Datei, Arbeitsdatei 1st in der Verbindung readme.1st: Info-Datei, die es sich empfiehlt zuerst zu lesen 2GR GRabber (DOS/Windows-Datenaustausch im Standard- Modus) 386 Treiber für 386-Modus (enhanced mode) 3GR GRabber (DOS/Windows-Datenaustausch im 386-Modus) ADA Quellcode der Programmiersprache ADA ADD Adapter Device Driver ADF Adapter Description File (IBM); Application Data File; Winworks Ad DeFinition ADI Exportformat von u.a. AutoCAD ADN ADd iN utility (Lotus) AFM Adobe Font Metrics AI Adobe Illustrator Graphikformat (PostScript; auch bei Arts & Letters benutzt) AIF Audio Interchange (od.: Information) File format (Apple) ANN ANNotations (IBM) ANS ANSI-Textdatei APD Aldus Printer Description API Aldus Persuasion Interchange APL Aldus Persuasion APP Omnis 7 App, APPlication file APT Aldus Persuasion Template ARC ARChive (gepackte Datei von PKARC) ARJ gepackte Datei, Archivdatei des ARJ-Packungsprogramms (Jung) ART PFS:First Publisher Bilddatei ASC ASCII-Textdatei; ALGOL SourCe file; ALGOL Source Conversion ASM AsSeMbly language source file ASP ASPECT script file ATT AT&T-Bitmap-Fax-Format AU AUdio file AUX AUXiliary file AVI Audio Video Interleaved (ein »Videofilm«) BAC BASIC Compiled program file BAK BAcKup file BAS BASIC source file BAT BATch file BCK BaCKup file BGI Borland Graphics Interface device driver (Gerätetreiber, 16 bit real mode) BGX Borland Graphics interface eXtended device driver (Gerätetreiber, 16 bit protected mode) BIB BIBliography BIF Binary Initialization (od.: Information) File (Windows) BIN BINary file (Code Page-Übersetzung, ausführbare Datei) BIT Lotus Bit (Graphikdatei) BK! BacKup (WordPerfect) BLD BASIC BLoaD graphics BLF Bubble-Lattice File BMK Book MarKer (»Lesezeichen« von Winhelp) BMP BitMap Picture (Windows, OS/2) BSC Boyan SCript file (Boyan Communications) BSV BASIC BSaVe graphics C Quellcode der C-Sprache CAL CALS bitmap; Kalenderdatendatei; SuperCalc Tabellenkalkulationsdatei CAP CAPture file CAT CATalogue file CBK Backup von WIN.INI CBL COBOL Quellcode CDF Comma Delimited Format CDR CorelDRaw-Datei (Graphik) CDX Compound inDeX file (Fox Pro) CE Computer Eyes Graphikformat CED Vektorgraphik von Arts & Letters CEL Animationsdateiformat CFG ConFiGuration file CGA Color Graphics Adapter device driver CGM Computer Graphics Metafile (Vektorgraphikdatei) CHK CHKDSK file (DOS) CHR CHaRacter font (Schriftart) CHT CHarT graphics file CIF Central Index File; Compiler Information File CIT CCITT group 4 graphics CLF Cutter Location File CLP CLiPboard file (Windows) CMD ComManD file (batch, u.a. bei OS/2) CMF ComMand File; Customer Master File CML Quellcode der COMAL-Sprache CNF CoNFiguration file CNV CoNVerter module COB COBOL source file COD CODe list COM COre iMage file format (DOS, ausführbare Datei); COMmand file (DEC, entspricht DOS-BAT-Datei) COR CORAL-Quellcode COT COntinuous Tone color graphics CPI Code Page Information (DOS) CPL Control PaneL (Windows) CPP Quellcode von C++ CRD CaRDfile data CRF Cross Reference File (DOS) CRL Color Run Length encoded graphics CSC COBOL Source Converter CSV Comma Separated Value file CUR CURsor file (Windows) CUT Digital Research Halo graphics file CVF Compressed Volume File CVG Graphikdatei des Calamus-Zeichnenprogramms CWD Claris Works Database CWG Claris Works Graphics CWP Claris Works wordProcessing CWS Claris Works Spreadsheet CXX Quellcode von C++ DAT DATa file; Datenbank des Registrierungseditors bei Windows DB DataBase file (z.B. Paradox-Tabelle) DB2 DataBase file (dBase II) DB4 DataBase file (dBase IV) DBF DataBase File (z.B. von dBase III u. dBase III+, FoxPro, FoxBase) DBS printer driver, Druckergerätetreiber DCA Document Content Architecture DCF Document Control File DCS Desktop Color Separation (Fa. Quark) DCT DiCTionary file DEF DEFinition file; DEFaults file DEM DEMonstration file DES DEScription file DFL Omnis 7 data DFV DruckFormatVorlage DFX CAD object format DGN Intergraph data set raster DHP DR Halo PICture DIB Device-Independent Bitmap (Windows pixel format) DIC Dynamics DICtionary DIF Data Interchange Format DLG DiaLoG file (Windows) DLL Dynamic Link Library (Windows, ausführbare Datei) DMP DuMP file DMS (gepackte Datei, Amiga) DOC DOCument file (Text, Dokumentation) DOT DOcument Template DOX Multimate file DP Common Ground Digital Paper DRS Driver ReSource file (WordPerfect) DRV DRiVer (Windows-Treiber) DRW DRaWing (Vektorgraphik von Micrografx Designer u.a.) DTA DaTA file DV DESQView script file DVI Digital Video Interactive file DVR device DriVeR DWG DraWinG (AutoCAD) DX DEC-WPS-Plus-Textdatei DXB Data eXchange Binary file (AutoCAD) DXF Data eXchange File (Vektorgraphik von AutoCAD) EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter device driver EML Electronic MaiL ENC ENCoded file ENV ENVironment file EPS Encapsulated PostScript ERR ERRor log file EXE EXEcutable file (ausführbare Datei) F Fortran Quellcode FAX Pixelgraphikformat (z.B. FAX Type) FCS FirstClass Settings file FH FreeHand-Vektorformat (Fa. Aldus) FI File Information FLC Animation von AutoDesk Animator FLI Animation von AutoDesk Animator FLM internes Dateiformat der Screen Machine Digitizer-Steckkarte FLT FiLTer (zum Import von Graphikformaten) FM FileMaker Pro FNT FoNT (Schriftart) FON FONt (Schriftart); phone [directory] FOR FORTRAN-Quellcode FOT FOnT (True Type) FRM FoRMs (Schirmbild) FRS (WordPerfect graphics driver) FRX FoRm (Liste von FoxPro) FSC FORTRAN Source Converter FTN FORTRAN-Quellcode FWn FrameWork file no. n GCS Graphic Character Set (DOS) GDF Graphics Data File GEM Graphics Environment Manager file format (Digital Research's GEM Desktop & Ventura Publisher) GFX Graphics (phþf, csþx) GIF Graphics Interchange Format (CompuServe Graphics bitmap u.a., color image) GLY GLossarY (Windows, Microsoft Word) GPM Graphics Printing Management GR2 GRabber (DOS/Windows-Datenaustausch im Standardmodus) GRF GRaphics File (Vektorgraphik, Micrografx Charisma, Graph Plus) GRP GRouP (Windows program manager) GSF Graphics Stream File GZ gepackte Datei (packen mit GZIP, entpacken mit GUNZIP; GNU-ZIP; UNIX) H Header-Datei der Sprache C HDF Hierarchical Data Format file HEX hexadecimal (sedezimales Dateiformat); generische ASCII-Datei HGD Hercules Graphics Device HLP HeLP file HP Hewlett Packard graphics language file HPC Hewlett Packard LaserJet graphics HPG Hewlett Packard Graphics language file HPJ Help ProJect HPP Header-Datei von C++ HQX binary hexed file (Macintosh) HST HiSTory; HoST HTM HyperText Markup language source file HXX Header-Datei von C++ HYC HYphenation Control file (WordPerfect-Silbentrennung) HYP HYPer-text file; HYPhenation file (MS-Word-Silbentrennung) ICN ICoN file ICO ICOn file (Windows) IDX InDeX file IFF Interchange File Format (Deluxe Paint/Amiga) IGF Inset Graphics Format (fa. Inset Systems) IMG IMaGe file format (Digital Research/GEM Desktop & Ventura Publisher) INC text file INF INFormation file INI INItialization file INP INterdePendance description file JFI image/graphics format JNK JuNK JPE Joint Photographic Expert Group's graphics format JPG Joint Photographic Expert Group's graphics format KEY key file (Schlüssel-/Indexdatei) KFX KoFaX group 4 (S/W Pixelgraphik) LBM Deluxe Paint/Amiga bitmap graphics file format LBR LiBRary LET LETter LEX LEXicon file (z.B. für Silbentrennung od. Rechtschreibprüfung) LGO LoGO (Windows) LHA LHarc compressed file LHA .LHA-Variante LIB LIBrary file LIN LINe definition file (Linientypen bei AutoCAD) LIS LISt file (Textdatei, DEC) LOG log file (Protokolldatei) LRD Left/Right Data graphics LRS Language ReSource file (WordPerfect) LSP Quellcode von AutoLISP LST LiSTing file LUP LayUP printer definition file (DEC) LZH gepackte Datei vom LHA-Programm (früher LHarc) (Kompressionsalgorithmus von Abraham Lempel, Jacob Ziv und Haruyasu) MAC MACintosh MacPaint graphics; MACro MAI MAIl MAP MAPping file (des Linkers) MCS Vektorgraphik von MathCAD MCW MaCintosh Word file MDB Microsoft Access for Windows DataBase file MDF Master Data File; Menu Definition File MDX Multi-inDeX file (dBase IV) ME in der Verbindung read.me: Info-Datei, die zuerst gelesen werden sollte MEN MENu MES MESsage MET METafile MID MIDI-driver (musical instrument digital interface); MapInfoþ Data file MIF Management Information File; Multimedia Interchange File; MapInfoþ graphics File MNU MeNU MOD MODification module (DOS/Windows-Datenaustausch) MOV Apple QuickTime MP MultiPlan file MPN Apple Macintosh MacPaiNT file MPP Microsoft Project MPV Microsoft Project View MRS Macro ReSource file (WordPerfect) MSG MesSaGe file MSP MicroSoft Paint/Picture (Windows 2.0 bitmap) MST MaSTer file MVB Multimedia View Basis file (auch: Hypermedia) MVP Multimedia View Project file NBS National Bureau of Standards NCF Netware Command File (Novell) NDX iNDeX (u.a. dBase) NEO NEOchrome bitmap graphics (Atari) NET NETwork management file NEW NEW information OBJ OBJect file OLD Backup-Datei (»alt«) OPT OPTions file ORI ORIginal file OSL Operation Specification Language (Ingres 4GL/ QUEL) OSQ Operation Specification language with SQL (Ingres 4GL/SQL) OUT OUTlines; OUTput OVn OVerlay no. n OVL OVerLay file (ausführbare Datei) OVR OVeRlay file PAK PAcKed file (PAK program; NoGate Consulting) PAS PAScal source file PAT PATch file PBM Portable BitMap file PCD Kodak Photo-CD PCL Printer Command Language file (Laserjet, Hewlett Packard) PCT PiCTure format file (Apple Macintosh) PCW PCWrite-Textdatei PCX PiCture eXchange file (PC Paintbrush mitmap graphics file, Fa. ZSoft) PDF Printer Description File (Borland, Lotus); Portable Document Format (Adobe) PDX ParaDoX (Borland); Printer Description eXtension PFB Adobe type 1 font PFM Printer Font Metrics (Windows) PGL Plotter Graphics Language (Hewlett Packard) PGM Portable Grayscale Map format PGP ProGram Parameter (AutoCAD) PHO PHOne list PIC PICture file (von u.a. PC Paint, PIXAR u. Lotus) PIF Program Information File (Windows) PIX PIXel file (Fa. Inset Systems) PKG PacKaGe PLI PL/I-Quellcode PLL PreLinked Library (Clipper) PLT PLotTer file (Hewlett-Packard) PM4 PageMaker version 4 PM5 PageMaker version 5 PNG Portable Network Graphics PNM Portable aNy Map file PNT PaiNTing (MacPaint-Graphik) PPD PostScript Printer Description PPM Portable Pixel Map file PPT Power Point (Microsoft) PRD PRinter Driver (MS-Word) PRF PReFerences (Grammatik IV) PRG PRoGram code (dBase) PRJ PRoJect file PRN PRiNter file (Textdatei mit Druckersteuerzeichen) PRO PROfile; PROLOG source file PRS printer driver (WordPerfect) PS PostScript PS2 eine Windows-386-enhanced-mode-Programmdatei PSD Adobe PhotoShop psz compressed PostScript file (UNIX) PT4 PageMaker Table/Template editor (version 4) PT5 PageMaker Table/Template editor (version 5) PUB PUBlication file (Ventura); PUBlisher (Microsoft Publisher) PX ParadoX (Borland); Primary indeX QA embedded QUEL in ADA (Ingres) QB embedded QUEL in BASIC (Ingres) QC embedded QUEL in C (Ingres) QCB embedded QUEL in COBOL (Ingres) QDI Quicken DIctionary file (Quicken) QDT Quicken DaTa file (Quicken) QF embedded QUEL in FORTRAN (Ingres) QIF Quicken Interchange Format (Quicken) QMT Quicken Memorized Text (Quicken) QNX Quicken iNdeX file to data (Quicken) QP embedded QUEL in Pascal (Ingres) QPL embedded QUEL in PL/I (Ingres) QXD QuarkXPress RAS RASter picture file (Fa. Sun) RC ResourCe script RDF Request Definition File REC RECorder file REF cross REFerence (DOS) REG REGistration editor data (Windows) REL RELocatable object file (DOS) RES RESource file RG4 Raw Group 4 (dasselbe wie .CIT) RGB Red Green Blue 24 bit color graphics (Silicon Graphics) RIF Raster Image File o. Resource Interchange File Format RIX Pixelformat von u.a. Fa. Colorix RLA raster image file (Wavefront) RLE Run Length Encoded graphics, compressed Windows 3 bitmap file (Utah) RMI RIFF MIDI Interchange file format RPB Raw Portable BitMap file RPG Raw Portable Grayscale Map file RPL Farallon RePLica RPN Raw Portable aNy Map file RPP Raw Portable Pixel Map file RSA text file RSC ReSourCe file RTF Rich Text Format (Microsoft) SA embedded SQL in ADA (Ingres) SAM Dokument von Ami Pro od. Samna SAV SAVed file SB embedded SQL in BASIC (Ingres) SC SCript; embedded SQL in C (Ingres); Paradox-Quellcode SCB embedded SQL in COBOL (Ingres) SCR SCReen management; SCReen picture; SCReen saver; SCRipt SDF Standard Data Format SEA Self Extracting Archive (Macintosh) SET driver SET (Lotus, DLC); image SETtings (Paradox) SF embedded SQL in FORTRAN (Ingres) SHG Segmented HyperGraphics file SIK SIcherheitsKopie SIT Aladdin Stuffit (Macintosh) SLD SLiDe Vektorgraphikformat für Dateiexport (Auto- CAD) SLF System Library File SMF Standard MIDI File; Supplier Master File SMP SaMPle SND SouND file format (NeXTþ Computer) SOR SORt order information file SP embedded SQL in Pascal (Ingres) SPL SPeLl checker; SPooL file; embedded SQL in PL/I (Ingres) SRC SouRCe file STB STarBase file STF STructured File (Lotus Agenda) STS STatuS file STY STYle (Ventura, Word, WordPerfect) SUP SUPplemental dictionary (WordPerfect) SWP SWaP file SYM SYMbol table file SYN SYNonyms file SYS SYStem file/driver (z.B. von DOS od. OS/2, ausführbare Datei) TAR Tape ARchive (UNIX) TBK ToolBooK TBS Word-Makrodatei TDF Trace Definition File (OS/2); Typeface Definition File TFM Tagged Font Metrics TG4 Tiled Group 4 graphics TGA Truevision TarGA graphics bitmap file format TGZ Tape archive GNU ZIP (= .tar.gz; UNIX, LINUX) THD THreaD THS THeSaurus TIF Tagged Image File (Graphik) TLX TeLeX TMP TeMPorary file (temporäre Datei) TRM TeRMinal initialization file TSK TaSK image file, TaSK support module TST TeST TTF True Type Font TUT TUTorial TXT TeXT file (z.B. ASCII- od. ANSI-Format) TYP TYPeset UC2 UltraCompressor compressed file (UltraCompressor) UNX UNIX-file VAL VALidity checks (Paradox) VBT VBit raster data VBX Visual BASIC eXtensions (custom controls) VCB Voice Pilot VoCaBulary file VEW ViEW (relationelle Datenbank) VIF Visualization Image File Format (Khoros) VOC VOCal/VOiCe file format (Creative Labs. Inc.) für Soundkarten VRS (WordPerfect graphics driver) VUE relationelle Auszugsdatei von dBase VWn VieWer file no. n VXD virtual device driver (386-Modus, Windows) W31 Windows 3.1-Backup-Datei WAV (Microsoft's standard) WAVeform sound file format WDB Works DataBase file (fa. Microsoft) WFN CorelDRAW FoNt file WGC Windows Graphic Character set WK WorK file WKn WorK file no. n (Lotus Tabellenkalkulation) WKB WorKBook (WordPerfect) WKE Lotus 1-2-3 worksheet WKQ WorK file for Quatro Pro (Tabellenkalkulation) WKS WorK Spreadsheet (Works, Lotus, Symphony) WKZ Informix Wings file; compressed worksheet WMF Windows Metafile Format (Vektorgraphik) WP WordPerfect WPD Windows PostScript Driver; WordPerfect Data (text file) WPG WordPerfect Graphics WPK WordPerfect Keyboard file WPM WordPerfect Macro WPS Works for Windows Textdatei WQ1 compressed Quattro Pro-Tabellenkalkulationsdatei unter DOS (Borland) WRI Windows Write-Textdatei WRK WoRK file (Lotus Symphony spreadsheet) WS WordStar-Textdatei X X image file (Stardent AVS) XBM X11 BitMap file XLA ExceL 3 workbook XLC ExceL Chart graphics file XLM ExceL 3 Macro XLS Microsoft ExceL Spreadsheet file XLT transLation Table (Modem-Kommunikation); ExceL 3 Template XWD X Windows Dump image file XY3 XyWrite III Plus-Textdatei Z gepackte Datei (packen mit compress-, entpacken mit uncompress-Programm, BSD-compress, GNU-ZIP, SysV pack (Huffman compression)) ZGM ZenoGraphics Metafile ZIP gepackte Datei von PKZIP (zu entpacken mit [pk]unzip; PKWare) ZOO gepackte Datei des ZOO-Komprimierungsprogramms (Dhesi) |- END EXT -|