Test Writer for Windows Version 1.5 Copyright 1993-1994 by R. R. Merritt. All rights reserved. VT-Speller Copyright 1994 by Visual Tools, Inc. All rights reserved INTRODUCTION Thank you for downloading or ordering a copy of Test Writer for Windows. I believe you will find this program to be one of the best shareware products for test creation/maintenance available today. I created the program based on the input I received from a number of teachers, some of whom have been using the DOS version of my program for years. As a result, this program has a lot of good, solid, teacher common sense built into it. One thing made VERY clear to me by most of the teachers I know is the kind of budget pressure (at school and home) a teacher is under. That's why I have kept my shareware fee (see below) so very affordable. A tool is only good if you can afford to use it. ENJOY! NEW FEATURES FOR VERSION 1.5 - Spelling Checker - Ability to print bold, italic, underline, subscripts, and superscripts. - Number all questions consecutively. - GET QUESTIONS will check for duplicate questions - Ability to edit the right side header (name/student no/date). - In Essay and Identification, you can insert a NEW LINE code to allow blank lines within the question. - Sizeable tool bar buttons for users with SVGA screens - Generate one or more randomly created tests from a "master" test - Prevents Multiple choices questions from being split across two pages. - Allows group select in the Get Questions Dialog and shows a total of the selected questions so far. LICENSE TO USE THE PROGRAM Test Writer for Windows is shareware. You may use the program for up to 90 days free of charge. If you continue to use the program after 90 days, you MUST register the program and pay the registration fee of $20. The registration number I will send entitles you to use Test Writer for Windows on your personal computer only. If you have a machine at home and at work, you may load the program on both computers, provided that the number of PC's you load the program on DOES NOT exceed two (2). Your registration number MAY NOT be shared with others. Special site licenses are available for entire schools, departments, or school districts. If you do not register the program, IT WILL STOP WORKING after the 90 day evaluation period is over. To register, fill out the order form and send it, along with a check or money order for $20 dollars, to the author. I will send you a registration number which will permit you to use the program beyond the 90 day evaluation period. Finally, if you use the program, you agree to this licensing agreement and the DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY below. Test Writer for Windows is for private, non-commercial use only. Any Re-selling or commercial use of the program without the author's approval is forbidden. SYSOPS: The program may be distributed freely on BBSs and on-line services, provided the original, un-modified archive is used. The archive may not be re-compressed into a different format. No messages or BBS notices may be added to the archive. UPGRADING Registered users of version 1.0 may upgrade to this new version for only $5.00. See the UPGRADE.TXT form for more details. INSTALLATION To install this program on your hard disk, run the SETUP.EXE program provided with the archive. Setup will copy the testwrit.exe, readme.txt, and orderfrm.txt to the hard disk you specify (directory of TESTWRIT). The setup program will also create a menu in Program Manager called Test Writer for Windows and add the three file icons to that menu. This process is optional. You can run Test Writer for Windows from any directory (or floppy disk) if you so choose. However, the *.hlp file must be in the same directory and the *.exe file. SUPPORT I will answer questions and provide program support via CompuServe and America On-line E-mail. Support will be provided to registered users only. My CompuServe id is 73747,3361. My America On-line id is RobbinM. Internet users can reach me by sending E-mail to RobbinM@AOL.COM. I do not handle support via telephone. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE IS SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANT ABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. BECAUSE OF THE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENTS INTO WHICH THIS PROGRAM MAY BE PUT, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. GOOD DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURE DICTATES THAT ANY PROGRAM BE THOROUGHLY TESTED WITH NON-CRITICAL DATA BEFORE RELYING ON IT. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE PROGRAM. ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE. Robbin R. Merritt 7/28/94 CompuServe: 73747,3361 America On-line: RobbinM