This is the upgrade form for Test Writer for Windows. You must already be a registered user of the program to use this form. See the Readme.txt file for more information. To upgrade, fill out the form below using Notepad, print the form, and mail it, along with your check or money order for 5 U.S. dollars ($5), drawn off a U.S. bank, to the following address: Robbin Merritt 5906 Butterfly Circle Pasadena, TX 77505 Make the check out to Robbin Merritt. After receiving the check, I will send you the new registration number using the method you selected. Besure to include your current registration number below. I will not upgrade your license without this number. NAME: ___________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________ CURRENT REGISTRATION NUMBER: _________ (REQUIRED) CHECK HOW YOU WANT YOUR REGISTRATION NUMBER SEND TO YOU. THE ON-LINE METHODS ARE FASTER THAN USING THE MAIL. INCLUDE A USERID AS NECESSARY. ___ U.S. Mail, sent to the address above ___ CompuServe - Indicate your id: ___________________ ___ America On-line - Indicate your id: ________________ FROM WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR COPY OF TEST WRITER FOR WINDOWS: ___________________________________________________________