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Ctrl+F2 history N&ew Page Ctrl+N newpage &Help &Contents F1 contents Status &Bar F12 statusbar 06&.&.& utils.sbk svMsgWC addSysBooks to handle enterBook after setupErrorFlags enterBook before to handle addSysBooks itemInList after Eelse manageException addSysBooks ,%H.% to get ItemInList Eelse manageException replaceAll ItemInList Eargrx Eelse to get replaceAll manageException EnoFnd replaceAll svBreak svMsg to handle setupErrorFlags Eelse manageException setupErrorFlags ,%H.% 1, #> Eargrx buildMessage svMsgWC svError svErrorName wMeffectiveErrorFlags EcfObj manageDialog get my p vBreak fBreakFlag vOldSuspend svMsgWC Eundef vHSpec vMsgStrg EcfObj vArgList vMsgTpl svError vEFlags Eelse fExcptName vExpArgsNum vStmt svErrorName fMsgFlag Eargrx fObjID to handle manageException Eelse manageException Eundef charTotal manageException EwrgEFlag fBreakFlag svBreak to get effectiveErrorFlags Eelse svMsg svBreak 0 or 1 manageException svMsg null or 0 or 1 EwrgVal fMsgFlag effectiveErrorFlags Eargrx svMsgWC Eelse manageException to get buildMessage buildMessage 1, #> 1, #> 1, #> to handle manageDialog Where: Eelse vHNname vBreak System action: manageException vHSpec manageDialog Eargrx lhname Eelse manageException EnoFnd to get charTotal charTotal to get pathFromBook pathFromBook vBreak vError fTopic fAppl vErrorNumber fBreak Eelse vStmt vHSpec fRetry application topic Eelse manageException to get DDEFunction Failed DDEFunction -- Copyright 1995,1996 FernUniversit t - Gesamthochschule Hagen 4svMsgWC ,vBreak,vHSpec ; = " addSysBooks ,"utils.sbk" setupErrorFlags 5fLoc ZvOKSysBooks,vMode b--(1)-- p>= 2 manageException y,Eelse,1, b--(1)-- itemInList( b--(2)-- <> 0 b--(2)-- b--(3)-- b--(3)-- b--(4)-- b--(5)-- "," & b--(5)-- b--(4)-- ItemInList fItem,fList ZvLimit,vItem,vList vlimit ANSIToChar(1) replaceAll(",", t & "," & b--(1)-- b--(1)-- b--(2)-- b--(2)-- fSearchStrg,fReplacer,fSourceStrg ZvFindNum,vReplNum,v1stChar,vRes,vStart,vEnd b--(1)-- p<> 3 y,Eargrx, fsearchStrg y,EnoFnd,vhSpec, b--(2)-- = 1 = -1 <> 1 <> -1 b--(2)-- b--(3)-- b--(3)-- b--(1)-- ,svBreak b--(1)-- b--(1)-- b--(2)-- b--(2)-- fMsgFlag,fBreakFlag,fObjID,fExcptName 8 ,svErrorName, H OldSuspend,vArgList,vStmt,vMsgTpl,vExpArgsNum,vEFlags,vMsgStrg vOldSuspend op" & b--(1)-- y,Eundef, b--(1)-- charTotal( b--(2)-- b--(2)-- effectiveErrorFlags( b--(3)-- = 1 y,EcfObj, = 0 b--(3)-- buildMessage( b--(4)-- = 1 -- a message be issued manageDialog p-1), b--(4)-- b--(5)-- y-- conventional error treatment {oriented B provided vstmt " && && " " && b--(5)-- b--(6)-- = 1 -- a >requested b--(6)-- CopySVMsg,vCopySVBreak,vEMsgFlag,vEBreakFlag vCopySVMsg b--(1)-- = 0 <> 0 <> 1 y,EwrgEFlag, ","0 b--(1)-- b--(2)-- = 0 <> 0 <> 1 ","0 b--(2)-- b--(3)-- = 0 <> 0 <> 1 y,EwrgVal, b--(3)-- b--(4)-- = 0 <> 0 <> 1 b--(3)-- & "," & fTpl,fFills ndIDX vHndIDX b--(1)-- p<> 2 b--(1)-- fOccObj,fOccHSpec, ,f1stParm, ,fTreatObj b--(1)-- ) <> 3 y,Edlg, ),vHNname, ) = 3 b--(1)-- vreq "Why:" & CRLF & "Where:" & b--(2)-- V"System action:" & b--(2)-- Count,vLength, vCount b--(1)-- lhname, b--(1)-- pathFromBook fBookName O = "\" DDEFunction ,fCom,fStr,fAppl,fTopic,fRetry ,vErrorNumber i && b--(1)-- && " " && --(1)-- b--(2)-- && " M" && --(2)-- sysErrorNumber = "OK" b--(3)-- = "OK" <> "OK" "Failed" --(3)-- b--(4)-- & ":" && --(4)-- b--(5)-- --(5)-- pEnoDoc pEnoDLL pEwrgEFlag There is no object to send exception message ' ' to.,,'EnoEObj' in ' ' in ' pEnoEObj There is no exception message for object ' '.,,'EnoEMsg' in ' ' in ' pEnoEMsg Linking DLL ' ' failed with sysErrorNumber: ' ' and sysError: ' '.,,'EnoDLL' in ' ' in ' in ' ' in ' in pEcfObjHnd ' is no exception template.,,'EnoExcpt' in ' ' in ' in ' in in ' ' in pEcfObj Function ' ' or exception ' ' was unknown.,,'EnoDoc' in pEwrgVal pEbutState pEret pEprop pEelse Begin value not specified for page ' '.,,'EbeginOrder' in ject was ignored.,'EcfObj' in ' ' in ' in Attempt to retrieve the handle of the memory block pointed to by failed.,,'EnoHndMem' in pEnoProp Invalid value ' ' for ' is/are expected.,,'EwrgVal' in ' ' in pEstrgMax pEdlg A search string cannot be empty.,,'EnoFnd' in ' ' in pEnoFnd ' is no exception template.,,'EnoExcpt' in ' ' in A pointer to items of type ' ' coud not be created.,,'EnoPtr' in pEnoPtr Exception ' ' is undefined.,,'Eundef' in ' ' in Begin value not specified for page ' '.,,'EbeginOrder' in pEbeginOrd .,'EcfObj' in ' ' in pEnoExcpt Exception ' ' is undefined.,,'Eundef' in ' ' in pEundef pEargrx pEargm Invalid value ' ' for ' is/are expected., has been set to ' '.,'EwrgEFlag' in ' ' in ' in .,,'Eret' in ' ' in prevOrder pEnoMem There is no object to send exception message ' ' to.,,'EnoEObj' in ' ' in ' ed.,'EcfObj' in ' ' in ' in A break has been requested with an error treating object defined.,The object was ignored.,'EcfObj' in ' ' in Property ' ' has not been returned by the dialog.,,'Eret' in ' ' in ' in g' in ' ' in The window handled by has no class name.,,'EnoClass' in ject was ignored.,'EcfObj' in ' ' in There is no exception message for object ' '.,,'EnoEMsg' in ' ' in ' as ignored.,'EcfObj' in ' ' in ' in Page ' ' not found in DBASE-File ' '.,,'EpageOrder' in pEpageOrder ed.,'EcfObj' in ' ' in ' in Handler called with argument(s); are expected.,,'Eargrx' in ' ' in ' in in ' ' in pEnoHndMem The window handled by has no class name.,,'EnoClass' in pEnoClass ' is no user-defined property.,,'EnoProp' in ' ' in '.,'EwrgEFlag' in ' ' in A break was requested with an error treating object or handler defined.,The object or handler was ignored.,'EcfObjHnd' in ' ' in Attempt to unlock the memory block handled by failed.,,'EnoULock' in pEnoULock ' in l in ' ' in Function ' ' or exception ' ' was unknown.,,'EnoDoc' in ' is no exception template.,,'EnoExcpt' in ' ' in ' in Invalid value ' ' for ' is/are expected.,,'EwrgVal' in ' ' in in ' ' in ' in Exception ' ' is undefined.,,'Eundef' in ' ' in x' in ' ' in ' in in ' ' in String ' ' is too long; only up to characters are allowed.,,'EstrgMax' in ' ' in g' in ' ' in Attempt to free memory block handled by failed.,,'EnoFreeMem' in pEnoFreeMem ' is no exception template.,,'EnoExcpt' in ' ' in pEbeginOrder Invalid value ' ' for ' is/are expected.,,'EwrgVal' in ' ' in ' is no user-defined property.,,'EnoProp' in ' ' in '.,'EwrgEFlag' in ' ' in ' in ' in Errormessage ' ' has components; reason and location and system action are expected.,,'Edlg' in ' ' in UserProperty ' ' of already exists.,,'EProp' in ' ' in rgMax' in ' ' in g' in ' ' in ' in ' in bytes of memory for items of type ' ' could not be allocated.,,'EnoMem' in ' is no user-defined property.,,'EnoProp' in ' ' in '.,'EwrgEFlag' in ' ' in ' in A break has been requested with an error treating object defined.,The object was ignored.,'EcfObj' in ' ' in A search string cannot be empty.,,'EnoFnd' in ' ' in ' in ' in in ' ' in ' in Enabled: ' '; Pressed: ' ' is not a valid state for button ' '.,,'EbutState' in ' ' in ' in Val' in ' ' in in ' ' in Handler called with argument(s); or more arguments are expected.,,'Eargm' in ' ' in in ' ' in Unexpected else in conditions clause.,,'Eelse' in condition in ' ' in ' in in ' ' in