WizCat/PRO 4.2 Disk and CDROM Catalog
Copyright 1992-1996 by Mart Heubel. All rights reserved.

Contents of this file :

	* Overview of WizCat/PRO features
	* System Requirements
	* How to install WizCat/PRO

* WizCat/PRO is easy to use
* WizCat/PRO is fast ! (developed with Turbo Pascal for Windows)
* WizCat/PRO uses state-of-the-art graphics to display data from
  its catalog. You can choose from a variety of display modes.       
* Multi-language support : choose from English, French, German and Dutch
* Full Drag-and-Drop support
* The ‘Work with file’ function shows icons of your favorite applications ;
  with a simple double-click on an icon you can start a program, which then
  opens the selected file. This makes it easy to extract archive files, edit
  textfiles, display graphics etc.
* Supports Windows 95 Long Filenames
* For each file you can enter a description of up to 500 characters.
* Reads subdirectories up to 8 levels deep
* Supports various disktypes (floppydisk, CD-ROM, harddisk, networkdisk etc.)
* Extensive file-search capabilities (you can use multiple arguments with
  and/or/not operators) and the View filter ensure that you’ll quickly find
  what you’re looking for. 
* ClipBoard interface for easy editing file-descriptions
* Includes an import/conversion tool that extracts file-descriptions from BBS
  Allfiles-listings, CompuServe CAT listings or listings from other disk catalog
* Automatically copies file-descriptions from (4DOS) descript.ion files to its
* User-definable reports : Volume Summary, Volume Contents, Files sorted by
  Filename, Files sorted by Class, Duplicate Files and Archive Contents
* Allows you to create easy-to-work-with groups of volumes
* Expensive looking '3D metallic' windows
* Ability to catalog the contents of ARJ, ZIP, LZH, ZOO, PAK and ARC archives
* Ability to export the catalog to a dBase compatible databasefile.
* WizCat/PRO can automatically label your floppy-disks

Free utilities included :

*  WOODLE, a graphic disklabel print utility with WYSIWYG layout editor
*  WizCat/UnZIP, a utility which unpacks ZIP and ARJ archive files
*  WizCat/DIZ, a utility which extracts FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions from
   archive files 
*  WizCat/MC, a utility to search for files in multiple catalogs. 

In order to run properly, WizCat/PRO requires
 * MicroSoft Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11 or Windows 95
 * at least 4 MB memory
 * at least 2 MB space on your harddisk
 * at least 1 diskdrive, harddisk or CD-ROM drive

Recommended :
 * Mouse or other pointing device
 * WinZip ((c) Nico Mak Computing, Inc.) for extracting archive files

Optional :
 * if you want to print disklabels : a printer capable of printing graphics

The easiest (and recommended) way to install WizCat/PRO is to use the
INSTALL program.

If you don't want to use the automatic installation procedure, you
can install WizCat/PRO this way. Refer to WIZCAT.HLP for more information.

1) create directory C:\WIZCAT
2) create directories C:\WIZCAT\ARCHIVES and C:\WIZCAT\CATALOGS
3) copy the files to the C:\WIZCAT directory
4) Rename file INSTALL.BIN to INSTALL.ZIP 
5) extract INSTALL.ZIP into C:\WIZCAT (using PKUNZIP or WinZip)
6) move file CTL3DV2.DLL to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory
7) move file SAMPLE.CAT to the \WIZCAT\CATALOGS directory
8) add WIZCAT.EXE, WIZCATMC.EXE and WOODLE.EXE to a Windows program group
   (specify C:\WIZCAT as 'working directory') 
9) GO!