%% @texfile{ %% filename="joyerr.tex", %% version="2.1", %% date="8-MAY-1991", %% filetype="AMS-TeX: user documentation", %% copyright="Copyright (C) American Mathematical Society, %% all rights reserved. Copying of this file is %% authorized only if either: %% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy %% including name; OR %% (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it to some %% other name.", %% author="American Mathematical Society", %% address="American Mathematical Society, %% Technical Support Department, %% P. O. Box 6248, %% Providence, RI 02940, %% USA", %% telephone="401-455-4080 or (in the USA) 800-321-4AMS", %% email="Internet: Tech-Support@Math.AMS.org", %% codetable="ISO/ASCII", %% checksumtype="line count", %% checksum="512", %% keywords="amstex, ams-tex, tex", %% abstract="This file contains errata to The Joy of TeX, %% 1986 edition. It must be run with AMSTEX and AMSPPT %% 2.0+; it is incompatible with previous versions. %% It also requires the file AMSSYM.TEX and the fonts %% MSAM10 and MSBM10." %% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \input amstex \documentstyle{amsppt} \define\lastupdate{15 October 89} \pagewidth{29pc} \raggedbottom \tenpoint \def\JoT{{\sl The Joy of \TeX}} % Support verbatim listing of TeX source, as defined in TeXbook, p. 421; % lifted from MANMAC.TEX, and modified slightly for narrower columns. \catcode`\@=11 \chardef\other=12 \def\ttverbatim{\begingroup \catcode`\\=\other \catcode`\{=\other \catcode`\}=\other \catcode`\$=\other \catcode`\&=\other \catcode`\#=\other \catcode`\%=\other \catcode`\~=\other \catcode`\_=\other \catcode`\^=\other \catcode`\"=\other \obeyspaces \obeylines \hyphenpenalty=10000 \tt} \newskip\ttglue {\tenpoint\tt \global\ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em} % this should be installed in each font % From David Eppstein's ``Trees'' paper (TUGboat 6#1), preserve initial % spaces. {\obeyspaces\gdef {\ifvmode\indent\fi\space}} % Permissible overhang beyond right margin. \newdimen\ttrightskip \ttrightskip=5pc % Although | is ordinarily an escape character within verbatim mode, % provide a method for letting it instead be the character itself % within a display verbatim listing, as needed; this is based on % a technique developed by Michael Ferguson. Note that within one % \begintt...\endtt block, | can be only one of: % the printing | character, or % active (the escape character) % It cannot perform both functions at the same time. \newif\ifttVertChar \ttVertCharfalse {\catcode`\|=\active \gdef\VertChar{\def|{\char"7C }}} % Other non-tt elements that may be embedded within \begintt...\endtt . \def\MTH{$} \def\sb{_} \def\sp{^} \def\SP{{\tt\char"20 }} % "visible" space \chardef\bs=`\\ \def\vrt{{\tt\char`\|}} \catcode`\|=\active {\obeylines \gdef\activatettbar{\global\catcode`\|=\active % \gdef|{\ttverbatim \spaceskip\ttglue \xspaceskip\ttglue % \let^^M=\ \let|=\endgroup}}} \activatettbar \catcode`\@=13 \def\ttindent{\noindent\kern3\parindent\hangindent3\parindent} % This definition is stolen from the file of TeXbook errata. \def\bugonpage#1(#2) \par{\bigbreak\tenpoint \hrule width\hsize \line{\lower3.5pt\vbox to13pt{}Page #1\hfil(#2)}\hrule width\hsize \nobreak\medskip} % Some definitions for setting particular Joy notation. \def\CR{$\langle$carriage-return$\rangle$} \def\tab{{\smc tab}} \NoBlackBoxes \topmatter \title Errata to \JoT{} prior to \AmSTeX{} 2.0\endtitle \endtopmatter \document \noindent This list of corrections to \JoT, 1986 edition, includes all known corrections that preceded the release of \AmSTeX{} Version 2.0. Reprints with corrections may already incorporate some or all of these changes. The printing date of each copy of \JoT\ is identified on the reverse of the title page. The list below will permit you to determine which corrections have not already been incorporated in your copy of \JoT. \smallskip \halign{\kern 30pt #\hfil\qquad&#\hfil\cr First printing, 1986 & all changes\cr Second printing with corrections, 1986 & changes after 11/25/86\cr Third printing with corrections, 1987 & changes after 5/12/87\cr} \smallskip For differences between earlier versions of \AmSTeX{} and Version 2.0, see the {\bf User's Guide to \AmSTeX{} 2.0}. The second edition of \JoT{}, 1990, contains all changes in this list as well as new material for \AmSTeX{} 2.0. (This errata list was last updated \lastupdate.) \bugonpage 12, line 12 (11/11/86) \noindent What output is produced by |\$\|\SP|\|\SP|1.00| and by |\$|\SP|\|\SP|1.00|? \bugonpage 22, line 28 (11/24/86) \line{will be some surprises in it---so you should go pick it up as soon as possible.\hfil} \bugonpage 26, line 9 (10/15/89) \line{uptight when you encounter an error message, because \TeX\ can always be coaxed} \bugonpage 39, line 4 (10/15/89) \line{words as evenly as possible. But everyone knows that such bland perfection isn't} \bugonpage 39, line $-4$ (12/12/89) \line{allowed here also, to accommodate threesomes, foursomes, and even more perverse} \bugonpage 44, line $-10$ (12/12/89) \line{their own papers might prefer to leave these details to someone else, and even} \bugonpage 81, line 13 (10/25/89) \line{But don't use |\,| before an expression like $\dsize \frac{dy}{dx}$ or before the $dx$ in $dy/dx$.} \bugonpage 88, line $-5$ (5/11/87) \centerline{\indent We derive the quadratic formula by ``completing the square'':} \bugonpage 90, line $-4$ (10/15/89) \line{to the old style that they may be discomforted by the ``improvements''.\hfil} \bugonpage 99, lines 15--16 (8/6/86) {\baselineskip 18pt \ttindent |$\varinjlim$ |$\varinjlim$\newline |$\varprojlim$ |$\varprojlim$\endgraf }% end extra \baselineskip \bugonpage 108, line 11 (11/11/86) \ttindent | &=(a+b)(a+b)^n=(a+b)| \bugonpage 109, line 6 (12/12/89) \line{when tags are set on the right. What input do you think you should use?\hfill} \bugonpage 109, line $-14$ (10/15/89) \line{so that the |=\bigl[| is aligned with the invisible |\qquad|. Notice, again, that such} \bugonpage 113, line 1 (4/10/86) \line{And there's |\bmatrix...\endbmatrix| to get brackets |\left[...\right]| around} \bugonpage 127, line 11 (7/13/87) \line{\indent If you're an experienced mathematical typist you've probably already begun to} \bugonpage 129, lines 14--15 (10/15/89) \def\vector#1#2{(#1_1,\dots,#1_{#2})} \begingroup \hyphenpenalty=10000 \noindent with things like $\vector xm$, $\vector y{n+1}$ as well. Explain how to define |\vector| so that we can type these as |$\vector xm$| and |$\vector y{n+1}$|. \endgroup \bugonpage 129, last 3 lines (10/15/89) \noindent In Exercise 19.20 we defined |\vector| so that |$\vector xn$| produces $\vector xn$, etc. But perhaps you don't like this, perhaps you'd prefer to type |$\vector nx$|, with the `|n|' first, and the `|x|' second. How can you arrange this? \bugonpage 131, lines 10--11 (10/15/89) \begingroup \noindent How would you |\define| the control sequence |\vector| so that you type |$\vector x,n.$| to get $\vector xn$, and |$\vector y,m+1.$| to get $\vector y{m+1}$, etc. \endgroup \bugonpage 144, line 16 (10/15/89) \line{\indent This command is ``global''---it affects everything that follows, even if it is in-} \bugonpage 162, line $-6$ (5/11/87) \line{if you typed |\footnote""{...}| then you would get no marker at all, just a note} \bugonpage 171, line $-7$ (10/15/89) \line{too much, and only |\linebreak| will force \TeX\ to overcome its reluctance.\hfil} \bugonpage 176, line 4 (12/12/89) \line{about it, and an |&| is tolerated only in special situations. So you should remember} % This feature has been reinstated in AMS-TeX 2.0. %\bugonpage 178, PAGE NUMBERS (11/14/86) %Warning: |\nopagenumbers| does not at present work as advertised %with the |amsppt| style. Consequently, this paragraph has been %deleted. %\bugonpage 178, between lines $-5$ and $-6$ (10/15/89) %\line{\bf PAGE NUMBERS\hfil} %\vskip 2pt %\noindent If you are using the |amsppt| style and you type %|\nopagenumbers| at the beginning of the document (after the %|\documentstyle| line), the page numbers at the bottom of the page %will disappear. Other styles probably will ignore |\nopagenumbers|. \bugonpage 179, line 4 (10/15/89) \line{change its position on the 8$\frac12$ by 11 sheet of paper. Typing\hfil} \bugonpage 180, lines 5--6 (10/15/89) \ttindent | &=f'(x) = \frac1{2\sqrt x}\qquad|\newline | \foldedtext\foldedwidth{2in}{for some $x$ in $(k, k+1)$,| \bugonpage 181, line $-$4 (10/15/89) \line{should be included at the end of that displayed formula.\hfil} \bugonpage 182, line $-2$ (12/12/89) \line{argument'' feature of |\roster| (again compare with {\bf footnote}). If you type} \bugonpage 186, line 13 (10/15/89) \line{commands are ``global''---they affect everything that follows even if used in a group} \bugonpage 189, line 21 (12/12/89) \line{will first be divided into lines of a certain length (3 inches less than the width} \bugonpage 195, lines 4, 11 (7/13/87) Change\qquad ``In addition to''\qquad to\qquad ``First we have''. \bugonpage 195, line $-1$ (12/12/89) \ttindent |... in a bibliography''.| \bugonpage 202, line $-6$ (12/12/89) \line{If `|etc.|' were typed instead of `|etc\.|' there would be a larger space after the} \bugonpage 208, line 12 (12/12/89) \line{it does in ordinary text.\hfil} \bugonpage 210, line 4 (12/12/89) \line{you'll get the two equations $a+b=c$ and $A+B=C$ displayed separately.} \bugonpage 212, line 6 (12/12/89) \line{If you press \CR, \TeX\ will continue merrily, and you will get $a^b{}^c$} \bugonpage 218, line $-6$ (7/13/87) \line{Of course, you weren't supposed to anticipate such after-the-fact corrections.\hfil} \bugonpage 222, answer to {\bf 14.11}, line 1 (10/15/89) \ttindent |We derive the quadratic formula by| \bugonpage 229, answer to {\bf 15.19}, lines 2--3 (10/15/89) \ttindent |$\operatorname{\text{\sl SO}}(n)$ |% $\operatorname{\text{\sl SO}}(n)$\newline |$\operatorname{\text{\bf SO}}(n)$ |% $\operatorname{\text{\bf SO}}(n)$ \bugonpage 230, answer to {\bf 16.3}, lines 6--9 (10/25/89) \noindent to suppress any extra space that \TeX\ might put in. (Actually, |...\tag{$**$}$$| happens to work correctly, but |...\tag{$***$}$$| would give the tag ($***$); rather than worrying about why this happens, just type |...\tag{${*}{*}$}$$|\linebreak and |...\tag{${*}{*}{*}$}$$| to be on the safe side.) \bugonpage 230, answer to {\bf 16.4}, line 3 (7/13/87) \ttindent |Q^l&=Q_1\biggl\{\sum_k(-1)^k(PQ_1-I)^k\biggr\}| \bugonpage 230, answer to {\bf 16.4}, line 6 (10/25/89) \ttindent | Q_1\tag 1{${}_r$}| \bugonpage 231, answer to {\bf 16.6} (10/25/89) \noindent Line 2: \ttindent |\align \alpha_4&=\sqrt{\dfrac12}\\| \noindent Line 6: \ttindent |\text{etc.}| \bugonpage 233, answer to {\bf 17.4}, line 6 (5/13/86) \ttindent | \dots, $b_{3k}$.}\endmultline| \bugonpage 234, answer to {\bf 18.4} (5/13/86) \noindent Line 6: \ttindent |\pmatrix \format\r&\quad\r\\| \noindent Line 10: \ttindent |=\pmatrix \format\r&\quad\r\\| \bugonpage 239, answer to {\bf 19.13} (10/15/89) \gdef\vector#1{(#1_1,\dots,#1_n)}% \ttindent |\define\vector#1{(#1_1,\dots,#1_n)}| \medskip \noindent and then use |$\vector x| to get $\vector x$ and |$\vector y$| to get $\vector y$, etc. \bugonpage 240, answer to {\bf 19.14} (10/15/89) \ttindent |$\vector\alpha$| and |$\vector{x'}$|. \bugonpage 240, answer to {\bf 19.15} (10/15/89) \noindent{\bf 19.15.} You can get $\vector{{x'}}$ by typing |$\vector{{x'}}$|; now the argument is |{x'}| and |{x'}_1| gives ${x'}_1$, etc. On the other hand, you can't get the formula $(x_1{}',\dots,x_n{}')$ using |\vector|---you'd just have to type it out in full. \bugonpage 240, answer to {\bf 19.20} (10/15/89) \ttindent |\define\vector#1#2{(#1_1,\dots,#1_{#2})}| \bugonpage 242, answer to {\bf 19.23} (10/15/89) \ttindent |\define\vector#1#2{(#2_1,\dots,#2_{#1})}| \medskip \noindent Although |#1| and |#2| must appear in that order after the |\define\vector|, they can appear in any order within the definition itself. \bugonpage 242, answer to {\bf 19.24} (10/15/89) \ttindent |\define\vector#1,#2.{(#1_1,\dots,#1_{#2})}| \bugonpage 242, answer to {\bf 19.27}, line 1 (7/13/87) % Francis O. McGuinness \line{{\bf 19.27.} This is a perfectly acceptable |\define|, but you are {\sl not\/} defining a new} \bugonpage 251, line 1 (10/25/89) \line{is supplied as a synonym for |\thickspace|. In |plain|, the thick space |\;| can} \bugonpage 252, line 6 (11/11/86) \ttindent |$f''^2$| \bugonpage 261, after line 12 (6/22/87) Add\qquad $\eqsim$\quad|\eqsim| \bugonpage 261, line 15 (6/22/87) Change\qquad $\ncong$\quad|\napprox|\qquad to\qquad $\ncong$\quad|\ncong| \bugonpage 262, line 15 (11/14/86) Change\qquad $\eth$\quad|\thorn|\qquad to\qquad $\eth$\quad|\eth| \bugonpage 264, line 1 (11/11/86) \centerline{\bf Appendix G: $\{$\TeX\ Users$\}$} \bugonpage 265, line 6 (11/11/86) \line{you might want to look back at Appendix G\null. Perhaps someone in TUG has} \bugonpage 275, column 1 (11/14/86) Add entry\newline |\eth| ($\eth$),\quad 262 \bugonpage 279, column 1 (12/12/89) \noindent |\lesssim| ($\lesssim$),\quad 260 \bugonpage 281, column 1 (6/22/86) Remove entry for\quad |\napprox| Add entry\newline |\ncong| ($\ncong$),\quad 261 \bugonpage 284, column 1 (12/12/89) \noindent |\Psi| ($\Psi$),\quad 255 \bugonpage 288, column 2 (11/14/86) Delete entry for\quad |\thorn| \enddocument