object MenuForm: TMenuForm Left = 180 Top = 233 Width = 696 Height = 480 Caption = 'MenuForm' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Menu = MainMenu Position = poDefaultPosOnly ShowHint = True Visible = True PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object DisplayPanel: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 688 Height = 434 Align = alClient BevelInner = bvLowered BevelOuter = bvLowered PopupMenu = PopupMenu TabOrder = 0 OnResize = DisplayPanelResize object DemoShape: TShape Left = 120 Top = 8 Width = 193 Height = 217 Shape = stCircle end end object MainMenu: TMainMenu Left = 16 Top = 56 object Application1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Application' Hint = 'Simple command menu item' object Exit1: TMenuItem Caption = 'E&xit' Hint = 'Close the application' OnClick = Exit1Click end end object Color1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Color' Hint = 'Submenus' object Outline1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Outline' Hint = 'Adjust shape outline color' object Randomize1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Randomize' Hint = 'Set shape outline to a random color' OnClick = Randomize1Click end object Select1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Select...' Hint = 'Select shape outline color' OnClick = Select1Click end end object Inside1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Inside' Hint = 'Adjust shape inside color' object Randomize2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Randomize' Hint = 'Set shape inside to a random color' OnClick = Randomize2Click end object Select2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Select...' Hint = 'Select a color for the shape filling' OnClick = Select2Click end end end object Shape1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Shape' GroupIndex = 1 Hint = 'Mutually-exclusive toggle group' object Circle1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Circle' Checked = True GroupIndex = 1 Hint = 'Make the shape a circle' RadioItem = True OnClick = Circle1Click end object Ellipse1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Ellipse' GroupIndex = 1 Hint = 'Make the shape an ellipse' RadioItem = True OnClick = Ellipse1Click end object Rectangle1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Rectangle' GroupIndex = 1 Hint = 'Make the shape a rectangle' RadioItem = True OnClick = Rectangle1Click end object Square1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Square' GroupIndex = 1 Hint = 'Make the shape a square' RadioItem = True OnClick = Square1Click end end object Misc1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Misc' GroupIndex = 1 Hint = 'Simple checkable menu items with a superfluous bar break in betw' + 'een' object ThickOutline1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Thick Outline' Hint = 'Controls whether or not the outline is thick' OnClick = ThickOutline1Click end object RoundedShape1: TMenuItem Break = mbBarBreak Caption = '&Rounded Shape' Hint = 'Makes rectangle or square have rounded corners' OnClick = RoundedShape1Click end end object Help1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Help' GroupIndex = 1 Hint = 'Simple command menu item' object About1: TMenuItem Caption = '&About...' Hint = 'Summons an About box' OnClick = About1Click end end end object SolidColorDialog: TColorDialog Ctl3D = True Options = [cdSolidColor] Left = 48 Top = 56 end object AnyColorDialog: TColorDialog Ctl3D = True Options = [cdAnyColor] Left = 80 Top = 56 end object PopupMenu: TPopupMenu Left = 16 Top = 88 object Random1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Randomize &Shape' OnClick = Random1Click end object RandomizeColors1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Randomize &Colors' OnClick = RandomizeColors1Click end object InvertColors1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Invert Inside Color' OnClick = InvertColors1Click end end end