a:\ndis2\readme.txt 15-NOV-1996 This README file is for the NDIS2 DOS and NDIS2 OS/2 device drivers for the DEC FDDIcontroller/PCI adapters. Supported adapters: DEFPA Device drivers: DEFPA.DOS and DEFPA.OS2 These device drivers comply with the NDIS 2.0.1 specification. The DEFPA adapter and the NDIS2 drivers meet the networking needs of most Network Operation Systems (NOS) which adhere to the NDIS 2.0.1 specification. This file contains information on the following topics: 1. PROTOCOL.INI parameters 2. Installing multiple adapters 3. PATHWORKS V4.1 installation 4. PATHWORKS V5.0 installation 5. IBM OS/2 2.1 + LAN Server 3.X installation For Windows for Workgroups 3.11 installations, follow the standard method for installation of NDIS 2 drivers under WFW. *************************** * PROTOCOL.INI PARAMETERS * *************************** Mandatory Parameters: DRIVERNAME (range = DEFPA$, DEFPA_1$-DEFPA_3$; no default) This parameter is required of all NDIS drivers. The driver uses the name DEFPA_n$ where n is a number from 1-3 based on the number of drivers installed. For more information on multiple adapter support, see the section titled 'Installing multiple adapters' below. For single adapter setups, the syntax is as follows: DRIVERNAME=DEFPA$ Optional Parameters: PCI_CARD (range = 1 - 4; default = 1) This parameter specifies which instance of the DEFPA adapter to use. For example, setting to 3 will cause the driver to use the 3rd DEFPA card that the BIOS finds independant of which PCI Bus it is on. NETADDRESS (default = n/a) This parameter overrides the address stored in the on-board Address ROM. For example: NetAddress = "08-00-2b-E1-07-8D" BURST_LENGTH (range 0, 1, 2; default = 1) This parameter limits the adapter DMA burst size to the specified longwords. A value of 0 limits the DMA burst size to 4 longwords. A value of 1 limits the DMA burst size to 8 longwords. A value of 2 limits the DMA burst size to 16 longwords. MEDIA (range FDX, HDX; default = HDX) Enables/Disables Full-Duplex (FDX) operation. Digital FDDI adapters are in Full-Duplex mode when FDX has been enabled and the adapter is connected point-point with another similarly enabled FDDI adapter or the Digital GIGAswitch FDDI switch. FDX mode takes advantage of the point-point connection by removing the FDDI token and allowing simultaneous receive and transmit of packets. FDX mode will help reduce latency and may increase network throughput if the system is nearing the standard FDDI maximum throughput. TREQ (range 4 - 165; default = 8) The desired MACTReq value in milliseconds. FDDI selects the target token rotation time during the claim process (eg. when an FDDI node has entered or left the ring). During this time, each FDDI node offers its requested TTRT (MACTReq MIB object) and the lowest bidder wins. Normally this parameter does NOT need to be modified from the default of 8ms. However, some installations may set this value arbitrarily high on end node stations so that the requested TTRT can be more easily managed from an FDDI concentrator or switch. For this reason, the range of 4-165ms is supported with a default of 8. This parameter should only be modified by experienced FDDI network managers. ******************************** * INSTALLING MULTIPLE ADAPTERS * ******************************** When using multiple adapters in a single system, it is necessary to identify them uniquely in terms of both the driver name, and the location of the card. In some Network OS installations, the second installation does not specify the PROTOCOL.INI parameters as the NDIS2 driver requires. The resulting PROTOCOL.INI should be reviewed and modified as in the example below: [NETBEUI] DRIVERNAME=DEFPA$ PCI_CARD=1 [DECNET] DRIVERNAME=DEFPA_1$ PCI_CARD=2 [TCPIP] DRIVERNAME=DEFPA_2$ PCI_CARD=3 This PROTOCOL.INI stub is for a system with three DEFPA adapters. The adapter that is logically called 'NETBEUI' is bound to the first adapter in PCI space, and has the DRIVERNAME DEFPA$. The adapter that is logically called 'DECNET' is the second PCI adapter, and has the DRIVERNAME DEFPA_1$. The adapter that is logically called 'TCPIP' is third PCI adapter. It is called DEFPA_2$. Up to 4 adapters are supported. ****************************** * PATHWORKS 4.1 INSTALLATION * ****************************** Manual Installation: If PATHWORKS is already installed and configured and you do not wish to use the PATHWORKS installation program, perform the following steps manually to install the NDIS2 driver: 1. Copy the DEFPA.DOS file from the driver installation diskette (A:\NDIS2\DOS\DEFPA.DOS) to the C:\DECNET directory. 2. Add the following line to CONFIG.SYS to load the driver: DEVICE = C:\DECNET\DEFPA.DOS 3. ADD the PROTOCOL.INI stub from the driver installation disk to the end of the existing PROTOCOL.INI file located in the DECNET directory. The stub appears as follows: [DEFPA] DRIVERNAME=DEFPA$ 4. Modify the [DATALINK] and [IPX4MAC] sections in the PROTOCOL.INI file to change the value of the keyword BINDINGS = driverlabel to BINDINGS = DEFPA.DOS Automatic Installation Using the PATHWORKS Client Setup Diskettes: Insert the PATHWORKS Client Setup diskette 1 of 2 in the floppy disk drive. Run NETSETUP from that drive and follow the instructions until you reach the window labeled: Select the network adapter type: o Select "Ethernet" and press ENTER key. Select the Ethernet adapter: o Select "Other NDIS" and press ENTER key. Enter full DRIVE:\PATH\FILENAME for NDIS driver: o Type A:\NDIS2\DOS\DEFPA.DOS and press ENTER. Enter full DRIVE:\PATH\ for the PROTOCOL.INI stub: o Type A:\NDIS2\DOS\ and press ENTER. After you have performed these steps, PATHWORKS will copy the corresponding files from the installation diskette to the directory. Example of CONFIG.SYS and PROTOCOL.INI for PATHWORKS 4.1 ---------------------------------------------------------- ----- CONFIG.SYS ----- DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE 3072 RAM FRAME=E000 DOS=HIGH,UMB DEVICE=C:\DECNET\laddrv.sys /D:4 DEVICE=C:\DECNET\PROTMAN.SYS /I:C:\DECNET DEVICE=C:\DECNET\DEFPA.DOS FILES=30 Buffers=40 STACKS=9,256 SHELL = C:\COMMAND.com /P /E:1024 lastdrive=z ----- PROTOCOL.INI ----- [protocol manager] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ BINDINGS = DEFPA_NIF [DEFPA_NIF] DriverName = DEFPA$ [DATALINK] DRIVERNAME = DLL$MAC LG_BUFFERS = 16 SM_BUFFERS = 6 OUTSTANDING = 32 HEURISTICS = 0 BINDINGS = DEFPA_NIF ******************************* * PATHWORKS V5.1 INSTALLATION * ******************************* Automatic Installation Using the PATHWORKS Client Setup: Insert the PATHWORKS Client Setup diskette 17 in your floppy drive. Run SETUP from that drive and follow the instructions 1. From "Select Drive" screen Select Alt_N for Network Select Decnet_Transport 2. Select "Other Adapter" Example: "Other Adapter" Screen Adapter Name: [Digital DEFPA] NDIS Driver Path: [a:\ndis2\dos] NDIS Driver File: [DEFPA.dos] NDIS Driver Name: [DEFPA] Other File: [ ] Enter ALT_O 3. Please insert the disk which contains file: A:\NDIS2\DOS\DEFPA.DOS Insert Diskette Re-insert SETUP diskette when prompted 4. Is the adapter a token ring adapter? [NO] 5. "Verify Network Information" Screen Example: Your Node Name:[LAB004] Your Node Address: [4.711] Lan Manager Username:[ADMIN] Lan Manager Username:[********] (enter twice for verification) Server Name:[LAB001] Server Node Address: [4.700] Service:[PWV51] Enter password for service: [ ] ( if none) 6. "Edit Protocol.ini" Screen ALT_S to save. 7. The SETUP utility will auto connect you to your desired PATHWORKS client setup service. Continue with the instructions to complete the installation. ********************************************** * IBM OS/2 2.1 + LAN SERVER 3.X INSTALLATION * ********************************************** Installation using IBM LAN Adapter and Protocol Support (LAPS) -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. In OS/2 open the OS/2 System window, the System Setup window and the LAPS window. If you are installing LAN Server for the first time, LAPS is automatically started. 2. Use arrow keys or mouse to select from the main menu. 3. Insert the Driver Distribution Diskette in the drive. Enter for the source directory. 4. LAPS will copy the network drivers onto the system drive and display a message saying . Click on 5. Select from the LAPS main window. 6. Select and . 7. Select DEC DEFPA Adapter and add the driver to the current configuration. 8. Select the protocols used on your network. See your network administrator if you do not know what protocols are used. 9. Select when completed. Select Exit at the main LAPS window and at the Update Drives window. Exit LAPS, shut down OS/2 and reboot the machine. Refer to the LAN Server installation guide for additional directions on using LAPS. ********************************************************* * MICROSOFT LAN MANAGER 2.X INSTALLATION (DOS AND OS/2) * ********************************************************* Automatic installation using the LAN Manager setup program ---------------------------------------------------------- (DOS and OS/2) 1. In the \LANMAN directory, start the SETUP program. 2. Select from the main menu. 3. Select from the configuration menu. 4. Remove any old adapter using . 5. Select . 6. Select and follow the directions. ********************************************* * ERROR MESSAGES FOR MS-DOS NDIS MAC DRIVER * ********************************************* The MS-DOS NDIS MAC driver may generate any of the following error messages during initialization: "MAC Initialization Error: PCI BIOS not found." Explanation: The driver was unable to detect the presence of a PCI BIOS in your workstation. User Action: Ensure that the proper BIOS is properly installed in your workstation. "MAC Initialization Error: DEFPA not found in PCI BIOS." Explanation: The driver was unable to detect the presence of a DEC FDDIcontroller/PCI adapter in the PCI BIOS in your workstation. User Action: Ensure that the FDDIcontroller/PCI is properly installed in your workstation. "MAC Initialization Error: DEFPA PCI slot not enabled." Explanation: The driver detected the presence of the DEC FDDIcontroller/PCI in the PCI BIOS in your workstation, but the PCI slot was not enabled. User Action: Ensure that the proper PCI slot is enabled. "MAC Initialization Error: Could not read PCI IOBase." Explanation: The driver was unable to read the IOBase address of the DEC FDDIcontroller/PCI in the PCI BIOS. User Action: Ensure that the proper BIOS is properly installed in your workstation. "MAC Initialization Error: Could not read Command Register." Explanation: The driver was unable to read the Command Register of the DEC FDDIcontroller/PCI in the PCI BIOS. User Action: Ensure that the proper BIOS is properly installed in your workstation. "MAC Initialization Error: Could not read PCI Interrupt Line Register." Explanation: The driver was unable to read the Interrupt Line Register of the DEC FDDIcontroller/PCI in the PCI BIOS. User Action: Ensure that the proper BIOS is properly installed in your workstation. "MAC Initialization Error: Interrupt line value is invalid." Explanation: The driver read an invalid interrupt value for the DEC FDDIcontroller/PCI from the PCI BIOS. User Action: Ensure that a valid interrupt level (IRQ) was configured for this PCI device. "MAC Initialization Error: Could not open Protocol Manager." Explanation: The PROTMAN.SYS file was not loaded successfully. User Action: Examine your CONFIG.SYS file. It should contain a statement similar to the following: device=c:\protman.sys /I:c:\ Ensure that the PROTMAN.SYS file is in the directory specified in the device= statement, and that the PROTOCOL.INI file is in the directory specified with the /I: switch. "MAC Initialization Error: Could not register driver with Protocol Manager." User Action: Make sure the file PROTOCOL.INI exists in the C:\ directory and that the following line exists in your CONFIG.SYS file: device=c:\protman.sys /I:c:\ Also make sure the PROTOCOL.INI file contains the following two lines: [DEFPA] DRIVERNAME = DEFPA$ If you have more than one adapter plugged into your system, make sure the PROTOCOL.INI file has the proper device sections. For example, a system with two adapters might have a PROTOCOL.INI as follows: [DEFPA] ; this is for the 1st instance DRIVERNAME = DEFPA$ PCI_CARD = 1 [DEFPA_1] ; this is for the 2nd instance DRIVERNAME = DEFPA_1$ PCI_CARD = 2